Your Questions About Fox News

Nancy asks…

Why do libs think that if you disagree with President Hussein that you watch Fox News?

Why can’t they recognize that I can render my own opinion about their messiah based on his actions? I choose not to watch Fox news and for some reason I can’t watch Keith Olbermann any more.

Michelle answers:

You’re right it’s just that Fox does everything they can to discredit Obama and the Dems that it seems a lot of the questions on here are Fox talking points

Sandra asks…

How fair and balanced is Fox News really?

Everytime I’ve tuned into it, I’ve seen mostly a conservative bias and a lot of misinformation. MSNBC seems to have a mostly liberal bias. Do you think that Fox News is fair and balanced/why? Do you think MSNBC has a liberal bias/why?

Michelle answers:

Fox is so biased, it isn’t even journalism. They are an advertisment for the extreme right. I haven’t seen news based on facts on Fox in years.

MSNBC seems pretty moderate.

Jenny asks…

How come liberals always complain about fox news?

they seem to always complain about the same thing either asking questions about fox news or making fun of sarah palin shouldn’t they come up with a new talking point?

Michelle answers:

Because they have nothing else they just repeat what they hear keith olberman say or Jon Stewart and repeat it on here thinking they sound intellectual when they are just ignorant.

Helen asks…

Is Fox News just a different division of the same machine that also controls MSNBC?

I’ve watched Fox News from the beginning. I’ve listened to Rush, Beck, Hannity and Levin for years, but it is becoming clearer that they are part of the same machine that controls all the mainstream media. Dividing ‘we the people’ is the ultimate goal of the central bankers that own both sides to keep our attention away from the man behind the curtain.

Is Fox News just a different flavor of the same poison that controls both sides?

Michelle answers:

In a way. The way I understand it Neocon Rupert Murdoch Owns and controls Fox. “listen to the documentary outfoxed” Http://

And MSNBC is 49% owned by GE which has connections to the Former CEO Jeffrey Immelt who is now CFO of the US Cabinet. So the Liberal Media is controlled by the current administration on this channel

Since I see little difference between Progressive MSNBC and Neo Conservative Fox they are definitely establishment and I wouldn’t consider either one credible

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Your Questions About Fedex

Carol asks…

Can anyone help with fedex shipment details?

I live in housing authority apartments and I’m awaiting a package that has been out for delivery since 9am today. I’ve seen one Fedex truck come in and pass through for delivery to apatments around me but I didnt receive my package. My question is, is it possible that there is another truck coming by since its barely 3pm?

Michelle answers:

It is likely. I’m a lette rcarrier and I may see 4 or 5 Fedex trucks during the day. They concentrate on next day delivery first. Then they may come back for regular Fedex deliveries. Finally, there are contract drivers delivering Fedex at home, or whatever their surface mail is.

Chris asks…

How do you get a FedEx package at an apartment?

I have a FedEx package coming in. It’s small. It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow morning. I have a super small P.O box, but sometimes they put a key in there to a bigger box the package could fit it. But those only seem to be in there from the mail person, never FedEx.

Michelle answers:

FedEx packages cannot be put in your mailbox. The package may be left at your apartment door, or the FedEx courier will leave a notice of attempted delivery.

David asks…

how long does it take for tracking number to show up on fedex?


I purchased a product from ebay and the seller sent me a message the product is shipped 7 days ago, He provided me a tracking number from FedEx which does not appear even now after a week on their website. Shipping is within the U.S., Is it possible that the tracking number has not been updated in a FedEx system yet? Or should I start worrying?

Thank you!

Michelle answers:

YES,,, something shaddy is going on ,, if its not an error..

Contact the sender definitely or report him on the commerce site
U did the transaction.

FEDEX employee.

Mark asks…

How long to wait until i can apply at fedex ground again after being fired?

I was working at fedex ground for 2 years up until recently and got fired for 3 violations, which is about the limit. How long do i have to wait before i can re-apply there and possibly get hired back if i choose to apply there again?

Michelle answers:

Time to look elsewhere.

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Your Questions About Food Network

George asks…

How long do you boil a can of evaporated milk to make toffee?

On FOOD NETWORK last night (Roker on the Road) they said if you boil a can of evaporated milk it will make toffee but I missed how long he said to boil it.

Michelle answers:

Did you mean dulce de leche? 1 cansweetened condensed milk

Remove the label from the can of condensed milk. Do not under any circumstances open the can yet. Take the can and stick it in a pot. Cover it with water. Put the pot on a stove and turn up the heat. Let the pot and can simmer gently for about one and a half to two hours for runny dulce de leche, or up to four hours for solid dulce de leche. Add more water, as necessary, when the level boils down too much.

When it’s done, let it cool for a while, and then carefully open up the can and eat directly (for the solid variety) or use as a dessert spread (for the liquid variety).

The resulting product should be colored tan or brown.

NOTE: You need to keep a close eye on the can. If it shows any signs of expansion, immediately remove it from the heat and let it cool. If you are concerned at all at the high-pressure nature of the recipe, you may poke a small hole in the top of the can, and lower the water level so that the can is not completely covered. This will allow the internal pressure of the can to be released, but it will also make the recipe take longer (since high pressure reduces cooking time).
You can also make it in a pie pan in the oven ,Oven method: Pour 1 can sweetened condensed milk into 9-inch pie plate. Cover with aluminum foil; place in a larger shallow pan. Fill larger pan with hot water. Bake at 425 for 1 hour or until thick and caramel-colored. Beat until smooth. That is what I did .Hope this helps:)

Maria asks…

What if a recipe calls for superfine sugar and you only have regular sugar?

I want to make chocolate merengue cookies by Ellie Kreiger from Food Network but I don’t have superfine sugar. Please answer as soon as possible. Thanks very much.

Michelle answers:

Do you have a coffee bean/spice grinder? I had a recipe that called for caster sugar (which I never buy) and I ran some sugar through my grinder until it was fine enough. It worked great. If you don’t have a spice grinder, you could probably do the same in a blender although it might take a little longer since there’d be more open space.

Richard asks…

who watches food network?

does anyone think that it is annoying that semi homemade – the woman, sandra matches her clothes with her kitchen? also who is your favorite food network star and why?
my fave is tyler florence

Michelle answers:

Sandra is an alchi lol ever seen her pour her cocktails during cocktail time lol – my fav is paula dean, followed by racheal ray and giotta

Paul asks…

Where can I find food trucks in Illinois?

After watching a bunch of shows on the food networks on the subject, I’d like to see if they’re anywhere near where I live. I know Chicago has a stranglehold on the operation of food trucks, but I’m wondering if there are ones operating in the Northwest Suburbs, or just anywhere in Illinois. Anybody know of such food trucks, or where I can try to find them?

Michelle answers:

Yes, there is one that operates in Chicago. It just started a few weeks ago but they are doing very well.

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Mary asks…

Do you know any websites that have games school related?

My teacher lets us go on websites, but only if they have school related games. We already have Coolmath and Funbrain, but those get boring really quickly.

Michelle answers:

Arcademicskillbuilders is pretty fun when I was in 4th grade and Edheads is really fun science games with interactive surgeries, create your own cell phone, car crash investigator are all really cool games to play.

Nancy asks…

What are some good free learning game sites for kindergartners?

I want to teach my five year old some things, and letting her go on the computer makes her really happy, I want to know what free games she can play that will help her learn things like math and reading, She doesn’t really like books that she has to turn the page on. Or books that are read to her.

Michelle answers:


John asks…

How do I go about teaching my 7 and 5 year old children mathematics?

So far I have been successful in teaching my children how to read and making them love reading on their own. Replicating this with mathematics has been challenging – I really do not know how to go about teaching them mathematics. In my day I loved maths and was excellent at it and I want my children to love it too. How do I go about it? Are there maths websites for kids (the same way as there is for learning to read? What is the best strategy? What resources are out there?

Michelle answers:

Here are a few websites. I like the first one the best.

Mandy asks…

what are some fun computer websites for my 8 year old sister?

My sister likes computer but she always goes on inapropriate websites… 🙁 help please!

Michelle answers:

Some good age appropriate websites are,

Just to name a few!

Have a great day!

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Charles asks…

Can I start now to fill out my FAFSA for my Senior year?

I want to start now for the FAFSA so I can get it back as early as possible, but the fafsa website is saying it is for 2013-2014. I need it for 2014-2015. Do I just need to wait? If so when can I start filling it out?

Michelle answers:

You are wise to start early, as it can be overwhelming. My advice is to print out the 2013-14 FAFSA application, and pencil in all the information. When the 2014-15 FAFSA is available on January 1 2014, you will be ready to submit early. You can use your 2012 taxes to estimate income. That is the preferred option as it allows you to submit your FAFSA early, before any deadlines for state or college aid, as some funds run out early.

The link to print the FAFSA is below.
Good luck.

Mandy asks…

What does it mean by exemptions on fafsa?

What does it mean when it asks for parents’ exemptions on fafsa? It is my first time filling it out and it is confusing.

Michelle answers:

Exemptions are what your parents list on their income tax forms. The FAFSA will list exactly where on your parents’ income tax form(s) the information can be found so that you can either input it on the FAFSA. Or transfer income tax information directly from your parents tax forms.You will need a parent’s help to do this.
Go to this website for more information and also talk to your high school counselor for help.

Helen asks…

How much fafsa will I qualify for being a foster kid?

I’m in foster care checking into college next week most likely, and I but I was wondering up to much financial aid will I recieve. I know there’s different grants out there. I filled out FAFSA , CHAFEE grant. I’m also bi-polar, wouldn’t I recieve grant for that to? I researched it and it said I can recieve money from the government for being diagnosed bipolar. I really need helpful information because I know that there is various answers.


Michelle answers:

No, you do not get extra financial aid for being bipolar. Bipolar is so overdiagnosed that the government would be another 20 trillion in debt if you just had to be diagnosed with bipolar to get money. Don’t be silly. You can’t fill out your FAFSA until after January since the application for 2014-2015 won’t even be available until January 1. There is no possible way to tell you what you will be eligible for at that time.

John asks…

How can I get a cash advance while I wait for my FAFSA ?

Because I am a first time borrower, my FAFSA does not kick in until 30 days after the school semester starts. Once it has kicked in, my school will deduct the temporary funding which they provided me to cover my educational expenses. They will then send me the remainder of my federal aid. Is there a way to get a cash advance until I receive my funds? If so, then what is the best way? I am not looking for a large cash advance. I just need enough to pay the remainder of my bills, and to eat something els besides rice and cabbage. Although I am very grateful to even have rice and cabbage to eat. 🙂 I appreciate any advice!

Michelle answers:

The best thing you could do is to ask your parents. I am sure they would not mind advancing you a loan, with repayment when you get your FAFSA money.

Most, if not all, parents would not have any issue with this kind of loan.

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Your Questions About Firefox

Paul asks…

How can I upload firefox unto my laptop?

I keep trying to upload “firefox” on my laptop and quit using internet explorer because frankly internet explorer is annoying and frustrating. The problem with this is that everytime I click “upload” on the firefox website Internet Explorer automatically closes the program down…what can I change to make it stop doing this and allow me to upload firefox?

Michelle answers:

You mean download Firefox, uploading means you’re submitting something to a website which obviously isn’t the case with wanting to get Firefox. If the main download page though is giving you problems, try using the full language and operating system download page and picking the correct version from there, otherwise it sounds like something else might be going on, such as a virus or malware as Internet Explorer shouldn’t be doing that.

David asks…

How do I remove the Ask toolbar from Firefox and get the web address bar to search normally again?

How do I remove the Ask toolbar from Firefox and get the web address bar to search normally again?

Michelle answers:

Removing the Ask toolbar:


To delete the Ask toolbar:

1. Go to tools-> add-ons

2. Then check extension and check the ASK toolbar

3. And click uninstall then restart the firefox


To get you firefox’s web browser function back to normal:

1. Type about:config into the web address bar

2. Press enter on your keyboard

3. In the filter search bar type Keyword.URL

4 double click on Keyword.URL

5. Copy and paste this address into the box

6. Close the Firefox tab

You’re done.

John asks…

How do I go back to an earlier version of the Mozilla Firefox browser?

I just updated my Mozilla Firefox browser to the latest version (3 point whatever), and I really dislike it. Is there a way to revert back to the version I had earlier?

Michelle answers:

Choose the one that you want

Donna asks…

How to make Firefox 4 beta 6 ask if i want to save my passwords?

i just deleted chrome just to get the new firefox but i had all my password saved there. i dont want to keep typing my password over and over again on Firefox. And yes, options- security- save passwords is checked, with no exceptions.

Michelle answers:

It’s not ready yet this Firefox 4. It’s beta which means it’s not ready for public release.

Are you going to beta test Firefox 4 and report back dumps in order to submit bugs for crashes/other problems so they know? If you’re not then don’t use it as your browser.

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Linda asks…

How can I get my Candy Crush game to my iphone from my ipod touch?

I just got my iphone 4 and i want to move my candy crush(levels and all) from my ipod touch 3 to it. I didnt use facebook to login or anything. How can do this so I wont have to start the game all over?

Michelle answers:

Save it to game center
then sign in your game center in your new device, and download the game, login in the game will reach your previous achievement.

Sharon asks…

How to delete email from facebook login?

I’ve had multiple emails, and when I go to log onto facebook, they all come up, in the login box, and I can choose from the one I want to login. How can I delete the ones that I no longer use/need. I am on google chrome on a macbook pro. I’ve deleted my history multiple times, and I’ve tried the while shift + delete, but neither of those have worked. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Clear your cache & cookies
Try to tick “don’t remember this” when you sign in.

Paul asks…

How do you clean out your emails on facebook login?

when i go to log into facebook all my emails have saved for my accounts and friends accounts how do i clear that out on google chrom?

Michelle answers:

Another id create change new

William asks…

How to activate mobile password notification?

Guys i want to get password verification code to mobile through sms for facebook account login.I activated it for my gmail account and its working fine.Such as my gmail account i want it for facebook account to maintain security.

Michelle answers:

Depends on what phone you useYou can try this:
Setting— security–privacy lock/privacy code

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Your Questions About Fox News

Sandra asks…

What will FOX News do when their audience literally dies off and becomes extinct?

It’s happening sooner than you think. FOX News‘ viewer demographic is mostly the elderly.

Michelle answers:

The only demographic Mitt won was aging white men … That’s it. It doesn’t take a mental giant to forecast the direction the party is headed. They lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections. The election they won was the gwb 2nd term when the recession started.
The rep party is reluctant to change … It can’t agree how to reinvent it self.
If the rep party wants to know why it’s losing support, it should pay attention to the polls …


As far as I know, FOX is the only biased right wing network. There is no competition. Plus, it has the most gullible audience because the network has already indicated it might be lying …


The FOX audience doesn’t care if they are getting lied to … They insist on being told what they want to hear.
Obstinacy is in their dna … Some of them still insist gwb was a great president despite historians, scholars and a considerable amount of the rest of us considering him ranked among the worst …


These people can still vote even though they have a learning disorder … That’s frightening.

Robert asks…

Obama not agreeing to the invitation to join Hannity or Reilly on Fox news for a serious debate?

He has been repeatedly asked, and every time he declines!
Would that not be a good thing for him to clear up all those mis- understandings once and for all, ? Like all those things Fox news accuse him off?

Michelle answers:

He is afraid he might have to answer an actual question all by himself

Ruth asks…

Why does Fox News say they are unbiased but they are super biased?

I’m not saying that other news stations aren’t biased. MSNBC is super biased but at least they do not say they are unbiased. Fox News say they are not biased all the time but whenever they interview a democrat they just interrupt them and start saying stuff that does not make the slightest bit of sense. I am just wondering if people actually buy into what Fox News is selling… Because half of what they say is just yellow journalism/bull shit.

Michelle answers:

Its marketing. It goes over better then saying that “we will be biased to counteract the huge bias of the liberal propaganda news networks”. In reality, they aren’t super biased. That goes to MSNBC. They are moderately biased in an opposite way to moderately biased CNN. However, with so much bias and formerly no full story available, people are unable to to understand their diverse reporting – it is so different then what they were programed to believe that it appears radical to them.

Betty asks…

Why is Fox news crying because the Obama administration won’t talk to them?

First they fired Colmes and gave Hannity his own show. Then they have O’Reilly, Beck as their poster child of fair and balanced. I am not even political and I wouldn’t. Could it be that the main stream advertisers are catching on. Now that Obama is in their pockets Fox News is running scared?

Michelle answers:

They are crying because that makes the story about them. You are only as important as your foil. If Fox News foil is the President of the United States, then they must be the most important news channel since they are as important to politics at the President. Cut and dry. Same reason Bin Ladin is such an “important” character because his Nemesis was George Bush.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Steven asks…

What are all the privacy settings on facebook?

Hi, I want a facebook, but only if it is safe and secure.

My question is what are all the privacy settings on facebook? Would you recommend facebook? And, is it safe enough?

Michelle answers:

Facebook is safe you restrict access to enough of your information. Right now you can restrict access to “Status, photos, and posts”. “Bio and favorite quotations”, “Family and relationships”, photos and videos you’re tagged in, “Religious and political views”, “Birthday”, who can comment on your posts, “Email addresses and IM”, and “Phone numbers and address”.

Make sure that only your friends have access to these (and not “Everyone” or “Friends or Friends”) and you’ll be okay.

Also, go to “Instant personalization” under “Applications and Websites” and TURN IT OFF.

Maria asks…

How can i change the New facebook back to the old facebook?

I HATE the new facebook is there anyway that i can change it back?

Michelle answers:

Try Reading this blog post on how to do it, it has 2 ways

Donald asks…

How do I get it to say via Facebook for iPhone when I post a Facebook status?

I have an iPod touch, and I downloaded the Facebook app from the app store, but when I post a status to Facebook, it says via mobile? How do I get it to say via Facebook for iPhone?

Michelle answers:

It won’t say that because it’s an ipod touch not an iphone. It only says via facebook for iphone when you have the iphone for at&t, verizon or sprint.

David asks…

What would be different on Facebook if Zuckerberg did sell his website to Google/Microsoft?

What would be different on Facebook if Zuckerberg did sell his website to Google/Microsoft?

Michelle answers:

More integration into Google Chrome/ Internet Explorer maybe.

Google ads on sites not related to Facebook would probably be much more intrusive and targeted if Google owned Facebook.

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Chris asks…

What’s the quality of clothes from Forever 21 and Victoria’s Secret?

I was looking on the Forever 21 and Victoria’s Secret websites and found some clothes and jewellery that I really think I’d like. Is Victoria’s Secret worth the money? Is Forever 21 good quality for the prices that they ask? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 is usually clothing that is in style presently, so of course the material is made to last not more than a year, if you a fashion follower then forever 21 is the place to be, moderate pricing, and if it gets old in a couple of months, you can go out and by more clothes that are in style in that month. I advise you to buy only necklaces, and maybe some bracelets, stay away from the rings they are very cheap and stain your fingers.

Victoria secret is nice, never bought anything there, nothing ever really caught my eye, but I really think the quality is better at Victoria S. More expensive, but you’re basically paying the price of how long it lasts rather than just by fashion.

Mark asks…

Can someone tell me stores like forever 21 or urban outfitters?

i am going shopping this weekend, and i really want to know lots of clothing stores that are similiar to forever 21, urban outfitters etc..

can some one help me?

Michelle answers:

Gap, Abercrombie, or you could stop spending a fortune just to show off a label and go to Target.

Nancy asks…

What are some must have items from Forever 21?

I live in the Caribbean so I can only order from forever 21 every once in a while. I’ve chosen some items but I was wondering if anyone has any great items that I should order because its kind of hard when I can’t try anything on.

Michelle answers:

A loose chiffon dress, anything with flowers (especially jewelry), any kind of Chain necklace (like chains woven into a braid and then that’s a necklace) and yes BOW jewelry as well. Those are all big for the spring/summer.

Ruth asks…

Can I return a Forever 21 item for cash?

I bought something at forever 21 but I don’t like it as much as I did. It’s unworn, tags still on, and I have the receipt. Can I return it for cash or only store credit?

Michelle answers:

Exchange or store credit only. Store credit goes on a gift card. Like she said ? Check the receipt for the return policy. Or try Forever21 website.

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