Your Questions About Forever 21

Daniel asks…

How long does Forever 21 take to deliver?

I ordered about 9 things last Friday and was wondering how long it usually takes you to receive your Forever 21 goodies? I live in LA and I know they ship from LA, so although I chose the standard shipping I thought it would be here soon, maybe the Black Friday hype is to blame?

Michelle answers:

Forever….seriously it took them a week just to ship my stuff and then the 5-7 days shipping was in effect. It takes 5-7 to ship but it takes a while for them to process and it does not ship out on the weekends, so start counting the days on a monday for best estimate. But because you live in LA, it might not take that long since they ship there, but the processing will still take them a while. It has for me on the only two occasions I have ordered.

Mandy asks…

How do you use a Forever 21 store credit card online?

I returned some clothes at Forever 21 and told them to just put the money for the clothes on a card. Now, I want to buy clothes online with the card but I don’t know what to do can someone tell me what to do step by step?

Michelle answers:

Easy you do not you must go to the store. Saw your other post never seen a card like this work online

Sandra asks…

How do you use a Forever 21 store credit card online?

I returned some clothes at Forever 21 and told them to just put the money for the clothes on a card. Now, I want to buy clothes online with the card but I don’t know what to do can someone tell me what to do step by step?

Michelle answers:

You can’t

Lisa asks…

How do you remove color stains from a light colored leather jacket from Forever 21?

As of last night, I purchased a light coral leather vest jacket from Forever 21. I wore it with all black and now I have stains on the jacket. I am wondering how in the world do I remove these stains?

Michelle answers:

If the jacket is machine-washable, the stains should come out with a regular washing. Repeat the washing if needed.

If the jacket is dry clean only, a dry cleaner will be able to remove those stains.

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Your Questions About Fox News

John asks…

What would liberals do without Fox news?

They need it to feed. Without fox news what would they bitch about and wouldn’t Jon Stewart be out a job?

Michelle answers:

Please stay in school, or go back. Please. You don’t have a clue. Stick with video games until you do.

Ken asks…

Why is Fox News editorializing what Mitt Romney must do in order to defeat Barack Obama?

As an imperitive? What’s the relationship between Fox News and the Republican Party?

Michelle answers:

Fox News is doing this because they believe the Romney campaign is flailing and needs direction. Whether others believe that, is another issue. As for the relationship, Fox News is a conservative media outlet that generally mouths the conservative point of view. Consequently, they openly support the Republican Party and regularly attack President Obama and Democrats.

Sharon asks…

Why is Fox News so hated by Liberals and Democrats?

I am not going to pretend that Fox News is not Biased, but MSNBC, CNN and the other news networks are just as bias, if not more bias to the left. I see liberals complain bitterly if Fox news is playing in a cafe, and request the Management change the channel. I have never seen a Conservative complain at all over MSNBC or CNN being on. If the Democrats are all about equality, Peace and freedom, why are they so hostile?

Michelle answers:

Because it exposes the truth. Overall, the media is liberal. So, the Dems get upset when they hear a perspective that makes them look bad. Fox news is needed, as all other media lean to the left. This country needs balance. People should watch both MSNBC and FOX and then make up their own minds. Again, FOX is needed in a liberal media to give balance.

Helen asks…

Why is a comedy network the only ones trying to keep Fox News honest?

No other stations cover the actions of Fox News, even though Fox likes to demonize all of them. Honestly, I think you could have a 24 hour correction Chanel streaming live Fox broadcast. That way you can see the chicks but get facts.
Jon Stewart should stop taking so many vacations, this contraception issue really needed his guidance. He seemed to fix it all in 1 episode as Boxer(d) suggested

Michelle answers:

Pardon me, but wouldn’t FOX have to be honest in the first place, for anyone to try to keep them that way?

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Ken asks…

How to set the photos privacy at facebook ?

How to set my photos at facebook private? and how to set them up only for people i can trust like people i have listed as friends ? I dont want public viewers to see my info profile about me and the photos.. SO how to set it up privacy ?

Michelle answers:

Login to your facebook account, then go to Accounts Menu under which go to “Privacy Settings”, select “Photo Albums” then click “Edit setting” then from drop down list choose “Only friends”

Hope that now your problem is solved.

Thanks in advance

William asks…

How to find someone on Facebook with their first name, current school, and graduating year?

Im looking for someone on Facebook but all I know is their first name, current school, and the year they will graduate from there. How do I find him? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Facebook>>login>>find friends
go there..add the school name
and other information u have
all those guys and girls will be displayed with the info u provided/

Maria asks…

How do you work a small business Facebook?

I made a Facebook for my art gallery trying to get it on the map but the Facebook page works totally different than a personal Facebook and seems kind of useless! I can’t search for people so i suppose i am just supposed to wait for them to come to me?? i know some people in the art business but i cant send them a message or anything like that. it seems more like a website than a Facebook page. I guess i just don’t really get how to use it. Is there something really obvious i am missing? If not could someone please just walk me through how to use it or give me some pointers. I would really appreciate any advice you could give asap. Thanks so much!

Michelle answers:

You arent missing anything

you are exactly right – you have to wait for them to come to you

or using your personal login, share the page with your friends

the way you are trying to use facebook is not how facebook is supposed to work

you cannot use it for direct targetting for a business, it’s meant as a placeholder for people to like it if they want to, and it’s never going to make you rich or help your business in any way

Chris asks…

How can I get my facebook acount back?

I got on facebook this moring and it said that my account has been disabled because i joined a high school that i havent attended… The school pages I have on my account are my middle school & the MASCOT page of our high school! Is there any way that i might be able to contact facebook and get my account back?

Michelle answers:

You can get it back simply try to login with old login details. Your old account will be activated and/or created.

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Your Questions About Fedex

Steven asks…

How long does FedEx ground usually take?

If its coming from WA to GA through FedEx ground what is an estimate of how many days it takes to make it here? Thanks!

Michelle answers:


plug in the zip codes and it’ll give you an estimate time of arrival

when you’re tracking the parcel online, once it changes from “in transit” to “out for delivery” you will know its on the final package vehicle to your home

Ground M-F and HD Tues-Sat

James asks…

Since FedEx and UPS do the same thing, why should FedEx fall under the RLA and UPS under the NLRB?

It is amazing how FedEx tries to spin this. For years they have benefited from being covered by the RLA which doing the same thing as UPS.
It is amazing that they do not understand the origins or original reason for RLA. They should have never been included under it to begin with.
I hope Pelosi, Reed and Obama do the right thing and allow the people to have the opportunity for the representation they want.

Michelle answers:

To heck with FedEx. I hear they lost a friend’s friend’s friend’s kidney and did not fes up to their error due they were afraid of a lawsuit.

Ruth asks…

How long will it take for my fedex package to arrive?

I ordered a fedex package and it is coming tomorrow. The local fedex distribution facility (which is where it is now) is about 15 miles away from me. Im wondering how long it usually takes for a fedex truck to deliver something 15 miles away (while making other stops along the way).

I didnt have to pick a hourly package i picked a two day service

Michelle answers:

It depends on what type of service it has been sent under. Is it before 10AM? 12 Noon? 5PM?

Federal Express is generally reliable and they will generally deliver within the time frame you paid for. 10AM deliveries are delivered first thing. After that, 12noon deliveries. Then the rest.

Edit: chances are it will be delivered late in the afternoon.

George asks…

How much the Fedex Shipping from canada to philippines?

My friend buy me a 2 PS3 games… but he dont know how much is the shipping? He lives in canada and i live in Philippines…. so how much is the shipping rate for Fedex??

Michelle answers: has your answer

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Your Questions About Fedex

Chris asks…

Will UPS and FedEx still deliver my packages if my street is blocked-off for the day?

I have 5 packages being shipped to me today – 3 from UPS and 2 from FedEx. My block is celebrating the Marines today, so it’s partially blocked-off. I live a house away from the corner, and was wondering if my packages would still make it to my door. It may be dependent on the delivery person, but there are police guarding the blockades, and maybe it’s possible they let the trucks through to complete the deliveries…?

Thanks for any info you might have!

Michelle answers:

It’s a possiblity, it all depends on the driver and the police like you said.

William asks…

I have sent my N400 to phoenix arizona address but the fedex delived it to tempe?

I sent my citizenship form N400 to the phoenix, Arizona location but fedex has delivered it to the tempe, Arizona.
Please let me know if this is right, or should i call fedex to resend it to phoenix, Arizona?

Michelle answers:


follow the above link, As of Jan 22, 2009. All N-400 applications have to be filed at the Lockbox facility which will then be sent to the National Benefits Center.

Is there any way for you to get the application back from the mail courier. And then you can mail it to the appropriate lockbox….

Thomas asks…

How do I find out if i need to sign for a package from Fedex?

I just recently ordered something on ebay and the seller is sending the package through Fedex.
Is there way to find out if i need to sign for the package.
Also is there a way to find out what the shipping speed is because it said in the shipping and handling section that it was going to be delivered through UPS Ground but its being delivered through Fedex instead.

Michelle answers:

Get the tracking number and call 800 463 3339 say customer rep.

Sharon asks…

Does the Fedex 3 day ship deliver on a Saturday?

Does the Fedex 3 day ship deliver on a Saturday?
I bought a phone from the company Tuesday night and i selected the FedEx 3 Day ship. 3 days from now would be Friday(tommorrow), it may need a day or so to actually make it to my house, but can it be delivered to my home on a Saturday, or will it come tommorrow.
Any information, is helpful thanks.

Michelle answers:

No. FedEx has an overnight service and a two service that deliver on Saturday, but the three day service delivers only during the week.

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Sandy asks…

When you order online from Forever 21 does exactly what you bought show up on the box?

I want to order from Forever 21 but I don’t want People to see what I ordered.

Michelle answers:

If you ordered something big, your package will be a white box that says “forever 21” and thats all. If it’s smaller, it will be a yellow bag that will say “forever 21” and thats all. No one will know what you bought!
Hope this helps ?

David asks…

Where can I buy irregular or overstock Forever 21 clothing?

Apparently it’s possible, but Forever 21 doesn’t exactly advertise how to go about it. I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it.

Where are their warehouses? Do I have to buy from the warehouse directly or is there some other way? Are there any special restrictions that I should know about?

Michelle answers:

Yea I don’t know about forever 21 but in most cases you can buy clothing from the warehouse or while its still in the port and the items will cost you less

Donald asks…

What is it like working at forever 21 or just retail in general?

Hey guys! So I am currently in college and I got a job at forever 21. Had my interview today and got a call an hour later saying I got the position as a part time sales associate even though I had no retail experience, but I did have plenty of customer server experience. Anyway, I just want to hear from the ones that have worked at Forever or just a clothing store in general what is it like? Typically, how are the co-workers and managers, any helpful tips and advice to be successful in this job, and overall anything I should know beforehand, I will only be keeping it through the summer until I start next school year. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

It sucks

Ken asks…

What size should I get in a Forever 21 sweater?

I typically wear an XL. I do have size L and I also have a few 2x.
I have a bigger bust which is the main reason why I wear a larger size (and I’m self conscious about my hips ://)
I’ve read that Forever 21 runs small so I was thinking maybe I should go for a 2x if I don’t want it to be tight fitting.

Michelle answers:

Unfortunately, sizing in F21 is always a guesswork. I have s, m and l size tops from forever 21, everything without gaining or loosing weight

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Carol asks…

How do u add one of your friends to an existing facebook list?

Like one of the facebook lists that shows up on your profile how do I add someone?

Michelle answers:

Now things seem to have become easier …

Visit your friends profile page … It is giving the lists over there in the right top corner


login to fb

in the left pane click on friends

now you will have an option manage friend list, click on it

It will display the list of your friends, you have an option to search for your friends as well

move the cursor near the friend’s name

It will give you an option called Edit Lists

Click on it

It will show all your existing lists

click on the one which u prefer

Laura asks…

Is there a way to block yourself from facebook for a temporary time?

Im addicted to facebook. I dont want to be but its literally like crack. Is there a way to disable your account for like 4 months and then comeback like nothing ever happened and still have all your friends?

Michelle answers:

To deactivate your account:
Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
Choose Account Settings
Select Security from the left-hand menu
Click on “Deactivate your account”
When you deactivate your account, your profile (timeline) and all information associated with it disappears from the Facebook service immediately. People on Facebook will not be able to search for you or view any of your information.

If you’d like to come back to Facebook anytime after you’ve deactivated your account, you can reactivate your account by logging in with your email and password. Your profile (timeline) will be restored in its entirety (friends, photos, interests, etc.). Remember that you will need to have access to the login email address for your account in order to reactivate it.

Lisa asks…

What is the url for facebook that brings you to your currently signed in account?

What I’m looking for is the url that takes anyone to the facebook account that they are currently signed in on their computer.

Michelle answers:

You just use the facebook URL you always use to get to facebook,

If you want facebook to keep you signed for a longer period time click the check box that says “keep me logged in” before You login and you wont have to sign in at least for browser session,

Ruth asks…

What happens if two people are logged into facebook at the same time?

For example: There is one facebook account, and two people are using it. One person is in one suburb using it on a computer, and another person is in another suburb using it on another computer. What happens if both people try and check the messages? If one person clicks on something does the other person on the other computer see it happening?

Michelle answers:

1) Both can check the messages.
2) The other person will not know the same login happened from a different location.

They both can work at the same time. Facebook’s back end follows a system called MVCC = Muti version concurrency control. Which allows same document/page to be edited by two or more people at the same time. But only the latest update will have a final effect of the document in question.

But the fundamental of a social network ( Including Facebook) , a person who used a login seems to be real. He is considered to be using his own ID. Most TOS of social networks deny a login to be shared by two people.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Jenny asks…

How do i delete my games & applications on the new updated facebook?

With this new update that happened on facebook in february, it makes it impossible to delete games and such.

Michelle answers:

This guide will show you how to remove an application on Facebook:

Good luck!

Mark asks…

What would you change your kids facebook status to?

My friends 12 year old daughter has a secret facebook account. She of course wasn’t allowed to have a facebook yet. So her mom want to changed her facebook to something humorous to let her friends know she wont be back on facebook for a long while.

Michelle answers:

Thats just mean to humiliate your child… Its fine that she took her daughters facebook away, all she had to do is delete the account… There is no need of humiliating her daughter…

Steven asks…

How do you set facebook to pirate theme?

Some of my friends have set their Facebook to pirate theme. How can I do that? I want to.

Michelle answers:

Facebook>account> language

Linda asks…

How to send a message to Facebook?

A few months ago, somebody hacked my Facebook account. I would like to contact Facebook personally, and request some information about my hacker (such as the IP address, so I can check my game server’s logs, to find out which **** it was). I’ve looked all over the Facebook Support site, and it’s all controlled procedures. Is there an email address I can message?

Michelle answers:

Hi its hard to find an email or phone number for Facebook. In Google if you type in facebook helpline you should click the first one i know it looks unsafe but it is safe facebook should put a link or something on because people need help. I was so frustrated but anyway i dont think there is an email well i cant find it but ive got a number you can ring its 0905 915 0110 trust me it is safe they helped me when i had a problem but i dont think they will be able to tell you the IP address but i dont even know what that is lol i forgot anyway here is a link to the website which will give you the number again what they will make you do is go on your account settings and stuff to make your security higher i see you have no answers it is a tricky question to answer when not many people know about it spread the number LOL i hoped i helped

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Sandra asks…

Are there any cool websites that anyone knows of?

Yeah, i’m kinda bored, and i’m looking for cool sites to surf. Anyone know of any? I’m 13, so no little kid stuff either please.

Michelle answers:…

Nancy asks…

What are some educational on-line games for elementary age students?

Michelle answers:

Here’s some sites my students love.

and one of the best:

If you have specific curriculum areas you want to support, please ask and I’ll find them for you.

Betty asks…

Can anyone recommend any good websites for a 9 year old?

cbeebies is, in my opinion aimed at younger children…

This is a genuine question and I know possibly open to abuse, but please don’t!
I appreciate the concerns, but we don’t let the child ‘surf’ the net. The use of the computer is strictly supervised, no chatrooms etc… hence the need for another child-friendly site. All we are looking for is somewhere where there is educational content and possibly games relating to that. There is no contact or communications with others allowed… Just to clarify

Michelle answers:

You could possibly check out
My 8 year old brother loves it.

Maria asks…

What’s a good place to play games on-line for free?

I used to play password online, but the website is no longer available. Does anyone know of a site that has the password game or something similar? Thanks!

Michelle answers:
I am the real Ashley Tisdale, and thanks 4 the points

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Your Questions About Food Network

Laura asks…

Who’s that dude from the food network that travels around and taste different foods in different cities?

Was watching the food network and I saw an interesting program featuring a white man with spiky salt and pepper grey hair. Dont know the name of the show or the man. And where can I obtain his recipes Please help!

Michelle answers:

Guy Feairi (or something close to that!) He is one of my favorite! Go to

Linda asks…

How should the people handle the food networks firing of Paula Deen?

Now that the food network has dropped Paula Deen I feel that intelligent people will I’ll be justified in dropping the food network

Michelle answers:

I rarely tune in any of the cooking channels! I find them idiotic to the max!

However, I will be definitely be on the hunt for the PD cookbooks I do not currently own!

I recommend you read the transcript of the hearing.

If I were in her shoes I would be saying all kinds of unladylike words and not just that one. And the little *itch who prefered charges of bad language should be slapped until she is ready to concede she is partially to blame for being employeed at any of the PD establishments. And I recommend that PD get really selective about employees and make them mad sooner and see how they respond.

Most kitchens are a family!! Not a bunch of crybabies who get insulted easily!!

Donna asks…

Why did the Food Network have to drop Paula Deen for saying the n word?

I can’t believe the Food Network has dropped Paula Deen! There have been worse things said and done by others in the spotlight, but they seem to be able to walk thru the fire unscathed. Tired of how our society has become so fickle and politically correct. Personally, I have used words and ephitets in moments of ignorance or frustration or whatever. Those words don’t represent what is in my heart. Shame on me for that. But they are just WORDS.

Michelle answers:

Hidden video footage from the plaintiff ( a former Deen employee ) of Deen and her son, saying the word, “nigger” several times in and around Food Network show sets, during breaks in actual show production , was discreetly shown Food Network execs and attorneys.

Evidently, the plaintiff was insulted at the “settlement offer” handed them….so they made good on their BLACK mail threat, treating Food Network execs w/ the video of Deen.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that once this ambitious black mailer had “the goods” on video, Deen was approached by this “loyal” employee–seeking a juicy money slice of the Deen Family empire; it’s a textbook case of legalized extortion / BLACK mail….and Deen stood defiant against her tormentor.

Paula Deen should NEVER have shown cowardice on TV, vehemently apologizing scared; she should have DARED her blackmailer, BY NAME, to appear on her show.

I’m disappointed in Food Network’s exile of Paula Deen, when the network should have been more defiant against the BLACK MAILER, and stood IN SUPPORT of Paula Deen. All Food Network did was condone /advocate legalized black-mail against one of their show stars.

If I were a major advertising client for Food Network, I’d withdraw ALL my accounts w/ them–because of their FAILURE to support Paula Deen and stand DEFIANT against this scuzz bag black mailer.

George asks…

Who is the most beautiful/handsome food network star?

I think Giada De Laurentiis is most beautiful ,she is so cute and petite, I adore her bright,charming personality .You can easily tell she loves cooking for her family!She is so beautiful to me!If she didn’t choose to cook as her career ,I think she could have been a model .
For the man i think bobby flay is good looking .Who do you think is the most beautiful/handsome food network star ?

Michelle answers:

Giada is interesting at first, but she does the Sandra Lee thing where she upturns her voice at the end of sentences; essentially making them questions instead of statements. She is also extremely pear shaped (hips much bigger than shoulders), and she is a player. What people see as cute is not how it plays off camera. Bascially, she comes across as fake. But, hey, that’s her job.

Bobby Flay is the real deal when it comes to talent, personality, and creativity. I can’t believe he decided to romance Stephanie March. But, who am I to say?

The best female network star… That a tough one. I’m going with who I’d like to meet in person, which would be Marcela Valladolid.

The best male network star… To meet, definitely Bobby Flay, but I’m biased, because I like his style of cooking. For all I know, he could be a jerk.

Best handsome/pretty female… The same, Marcela.
Best Handsome/pretty male… The same. Bobby Flay.

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