Your Questions About Fox News

Paul asks…

Why is Fox News soft on Obama but very critical of the McCain campaign?

I thought Fox News was supposed to be right-wing but I think the elite liberal media has taken hold of my ex-favorite news channel. Now I just listen to the Limbaugh radio show for my daily news. I really can’t believe Sean Hannity supports Obama now, it’s getting strange.

Michelle answers:

Yeah, it makes me wonder how much the democrats are paying them to support Obama. I still listen to Rush Limbaugh though, he’ll never cross over to the dark side…

George asks…

Can we blame Fox News for inciting violence against Muslims?

Fox News has now crossed another line, and if any reprisals against Muslims come about because of their “reporting” Senator’s Leiberman’s blind and STUPID fallacy over the Fort Hood shootings as a “Islamic terrorist act”, I condemn Fox News and believe they can be held accountable for inciting violence against the Muslim religion. Is there a legal issue here?

Michelle answers:

The fact that he was an Islamic fanatic and may well be linked to a terrorist group, should put them in the clear.

Robert asks…

What programs like Fox news and talk radio need to be censored by government ?

Fox News , Glenn Beck , Rush Limbaugh , Sean Hannity . Are there many more ?

Michelle answers:

Yes, that’s the only to silence dissent from your political opponents, just like Hitler and Chavez did.

Congratulations you Democrat fascist.

Betty asks…

Why Do people think that Fox News has anything that remotely resembles News?

I know that it calls itself News but it is mostly reactionary editorial opinion based talk. It would be the same as if shows like Jerry Springer called themselves an educational program.
The people there have a total lack of understanding of journalism and how to research, report and study issues they talk about.

Sadly on cable news we have Fox news on the right, and MSNBC and the left, and CNN in the middle and they are incompetent. So there are truly very few accurate and reliable places to get good information.

Michelle answers:

People believe it is news because they(fox) are good at brainwashing people into believing the Conservative/racist propoganda they are saying is actual news. There are soo many examples of Fox news lying, alterning videos/news/photos, making small details about Democrats seem like major deals(they made it seem that since Obama was raised a muslim that he is clearly unfit to be president), and sending “fear-news” to Americans by overexagerating smaller stories.

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Laura asks…

How do I find out who tried to hack my facebook account?

I recieved an email from facebook saying “facebook password confirmation request” even though I had been offline the time that it had happened. Also, my friend has changed her password, so you don’t think that it might just send it to everyone on her contact list [including me]. What’s happened did someone try to hack me or not… ?

Michelle answers:

Someone tried to change the password on your facebook account, nothing else.

In order to prevent hacking, Facebook emails you and asks you to confirm you made the request to change, then you can change it. The only way someone could change it without your knowledge is if they know your email login details and can get in and delete the request email from Facebook after changing it.

If no one has access to your email account, you are safe, don’t worry. Maybe you ought to change your email password anyway, just in case an ex-partner is playing games on you.

David asks…

Why do I get sent to myspace whenever I try to log onto facebook?

Sometimes whenever I try to log onto certain sites such as facebook, I get sent to myspace with a message: Oops we were not able to find that page. I don’t even have a myspace account and hate it with a passion.

Michelle answers:

Sounds like you fell for a phishing attack, it’s when hackers make fake pages to look like login screens of whatever website they want, then when u type in ur username and password it doesn’t really log you in, cause it’s not the real site you think you’re logging on to, and your username and password are stored in a text file together for them to see and then they do what they want with ur account

Mary asks…

facebook login problem?

is anyone else having problems trying to login to facebook??

Michelle answers:

Facebook has been doing some updates as of yesterday. They already accomplished tweaking the Game Update feature if you hadn’t already noticed, which was the reason for downtime yesterday. It shouldn’t take long. 🙂

During this might you might experience blank pages, pages saying “server could not be reached,” broken links, glitchy features, slow performance, prompts to download Facebook pages, etc. This is normal; just be patient.

Contrary to some other answers, a) its servers have not been hit by lightning because that’s not possible, b) it’s not the end of the world, c) its servers have not “shut down” or whatever – upgrading the website does NOT mean the servers were shut down, and d) it’s not happening to everyone – Facebook usually updates some servers at one point, and then others at other times. Facebook might be down in one country or region and up in another.

THIS IS MY ORIGINAL ANSWER. Can “Joe Birch” and “Jnscz” PLEASE stop copying and pasting my answers?! Thank you.

Thomas asks…

Having problems login on my Facebook?

Michelle answers:

Go to your computer bring up the Facebook login screen like you normally would. Do not fill in any information.

Click on the link above your Facebook user name and password that states forgot your password. This brings you to a different screen.

Fill in the email address associated or on file with your Facebook account. If you cannot remember, keep trying different email addresses until you do.

Click enter and a Facebook reset link will be sent to your email so you can recover your password. It usually takes up to 5 minutes. Check your spam email folder if the email does not appear in your inbox.

Click the link in your email and answer any security questions by Facebook. This brings back to the Facebook website.

Reset your password with a phrase you will remember mixed in with 1 to 2 numbers or more. Record this in a notebook or on a safe place. Use a different password than you would for your email. This decreases your chances of having both websites compromised.

Read more: How to Reset Facebook Password |

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Your Questions About Fedex

Helen asks…

What are the chances of FedEx delivering a package?

the day after Christmas? I am using the FedEx Home Delivery option. It’s going from New York to central Illinois. It is probably going to be processed by the manufacturer on Monday Dec. 22. I saw the transit delivery times… but are those very accurate? Just wondering if anyone has ever gotten their package before the scheduled time during the week of Christmas. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Michelle answers:

With fdx we do stick to our schedule but fdx We both, ground and express and home dleivery have a rule that we will give you your money if not delivered by due time, but it is cancelled/suspended during “peak” for about two weeks, sorry. So the answer is no, 5% chance you will get by then. But we have heavy loads of packages, millions a day! Express, ground, home delivery, all of us. For future reference ship or order an item 10 business days in advance!

Robert asks…

How long does FedEx take to ship to Canada Halifax Nova Scotia from the states?

I was just wondering I paid 21$ for FedEx shipping and should I expect it in 1-2 weeks any info would be great thank you 🙂

Michelle answers:

Depends on the service level you requested. Fed Ex can ship next day if you pay extra. A week will get most parcels to you. If from a small town it may take a day or two longer.

Fed Ex clears its shipments with Customs at their processing centres.

George asks…

When does fedex update their tracking info on the site?

When does fedex update their tracking info on their website? Also, does fedex work Saturday? Will they move a package scheduled for tues delivery on saturday? Thanks.

Michelle answers:

Your best bet is to call 1-800-GO-FED-EX (1-800-463-3339) but their tracking is updated in real time. Once a package gets scanned it takes about 5-10 mins to transmit through the system. Most time it updates once the person who scanned dumps there powerpad. They do work on sat. But only certain areas. The shipper can call and request they hold the pakage for future del and pay the fee to have it go out on sat but most wont pay that fee. The 800 number is the best route they can give you any information you need.

Lisa asks…

FedEx package is already at the local facility, so why is it delivering in 4 days?

I ordered something that initially said it would be here on the 24th of December but before it was listed as being in my town, FedEx changed the estimated delivery date to the 27th. Is there priority to deliver packages that arrived earlier than mine at the local facility earlier than Christmas? Since mine was only recently ordered is it not as high on the list of “must delivers”?

Michelle answers:

Mate you answered your own question *high five*

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Your Questions About Food Network

Susan asks…

What is preventing my cake from rising properly?

I’ve tried baking the classic white cake recipe from Food Network 3 times but I’m having issues with the cake rising. No problem with the taste, very good cake. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you
I am doubling the recipe to bake a larger cake and therefore, using a larger pan than what the original recipe calls for. My baking powder has not expired. I’m using all purpose flour. Beating sugar for at least 8 minutes and eggs are room temperature.

Michelle answers:

Is your baking powder fresh? Test it by putting some in warm water. If it doesn’t fizz up, it’s too old
Are you creaming the butter and sugar sufficiently?
Are your egg whites at room temperature?
Are you measuring the flour properly?
Are you pre-heating the oven to the right temperature?
Are you using the size and shape of pan recommended?

Edit: many cake recipes don’t double well, and using a larger pan probably means that the batter is not getting the support it needs from the sides of the pan. Some cakes need that in order to rise properly, or to stay risen once they have done so. You’ll be better off using a recipe intended for the size of pan you want to use.

Nancy asks…

How do you make chicken gumbo?

I want to make chicken gumbo but I have no idea what to use. I saw it being made on Food Network, and it looked really good but I caught it in the middle of the show. I’ve looked here on Yahoo! Answers, and I’ve found some useful recipes, but I still don’t know what I’m doing. Please help.

What is “roux”?

Can someone please give directions and instructions please.


Michelle answers:


3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 pound smoked sausage — sliced
3/4 pound chicken breasts — cook and shred
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup chopped celery
8 cups water
2 cloves garlic — minced
1 bay leaf
1 1/2 teaspoons cajun seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
dash hot sauce
3/4 cup sliced green onions
4 cups hot cooked rice

Prepare chicken breasts and shred. Set aside. Brown sausage, onion, and green pepper in skillet. Drain fat. In Crock-Pot, combine shredded chicken, sausag e mixturee, celery, water, and seasonings. Cover and cook on Low 6 to 8 hours or on High 3 to 4 hours. Serve over rice and garnish with the green onions. Serves 8 to 10

Sharon asks…

Where can I find out more about what is going on with Paula Deen?

I would like clarity about what is going on. Right now here is what I think: she really is someone who is stuck in the past & the people who like her are not conscious of how unhealthy her recipes are & that she is backed by drug companies. The Food network has much more viable people who might not butter up the audience the way Paula does but they are more honest. She is on videos with & without the accent. I just think they want to get rid of her & bring in fresh new life. We have all been brought up in a very unhealthy way if we allowed tv to tell us how to cook with flour, butter & sugar. It’s time to be more creative & alive. So please tell me where I can find out what cooks, chefs are saying & what regular people are saying about this. Do you think she has a place or is she as important as the old Betty Croakier books that most people have gotten rid of to make way for the new?
salt & peppy: I find it hard to believe it has to do with one person’s accusation. It seems like a perfect storm & I really believe she is being targeted cause times have changed & only a certain group really get anything out of what she does. The accent & giggles & food. I have never made anything she has shown on her show.

Michelle answers:

You can find this out on any news site. But …

Last week, Deen had to file a legal deposition in court (not sure why) in which she admitted to using the N word in her life (again, not sure why they even asked her that). Once word got out about it, people came out of the woodwork labeling her as a racist, also citing a party she once threw where she had all black servants who were dressed up as house slaves from the south (she’s from Savannah, Georgia).

She’s also had an issue in the past year or so, where she got diabetes from all the incredibly fattening food she made on her shows and in her cookbooks. The issue was that she then partnered with the drug company that provided her diabetes drugs, which came across as very hypocritical. Especially because, while she did change her own diet and lose weight, she still promoted very unhealthy foods on her shows and in her cookbooks. So, if her fans got diabetes from eating her recipes, she would actually be making money off of them if they used the drugs she was promoting.

With the recent racist allegations, Food Network decided not to renew her upcoming contract. And, one by one, all of her marketing partners (like WalMart, who sells a line of Paula Deen cookware) are one by one announcing that they are either terminating her partnership contracts or they aren’t renewing them when they come up. So, now Deen is coming out in the media (like on the Today show) pleading for everyone’s forgiveness. But, it’s too late. Her empire is crumbling and she will soon be insignificant.

John asks…

How do you make it so a cast iron stove top grill doesnt make everything stick?

I spray it and it still is so hard to clean, I thought I heard something on Food network about putting oil on it and putting it in the oven, I thought they said “cure” it… sound familar?

Michelle answers:

Yes, the curing process you’re talking about is sometimes also called “seasoning” the cast iron. Basically, you create a solid layer of oil that’s cooked onto the surface, which keeps food from sticking to it. Normally, the process is: (a) cover the surface with oil, (b) heat it until smoking, (c) remove from heat and let cool completely, (d) wipe off excess oil, (e) repeat.

And in the future, you should make sure never to use soap on your seasoned cast iron, because this will destroy the protective layer you’ve created. Just hot water and a towel should usually do the trick. Most food will wipe right off.

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Jenny asks…

What types of clothes should I buy at Forever 21?

I mean for quality.
Some of my forever 21 stuff has held together for years and other items break as I’m putting them on for the first time… Any tips?

Michelle answers:

Look at the seams before buying if you see dangled threads its not worth it. Lace! No lace every f21 lace top i have ever gotten have fallen apart . Also its better to spend some money on shirts that are made with chiffon or silk because i have found the ones at f21 tops made with this fabric are not well sewn

Thomas asks…

How often does Forever 21 offer the extra 50% off clearance items?

I know some stores offer an extra % off clearance at the end of every month. Does Forever 21 have this routine too or is it just a random every once in a while kind of deal?

Michelle answers:


James asks…

How often does Forever 21 offer the extra 50% off clearance items?

I know some stores offer an extra % off clearance at the end of every month. Does Forever 21 have this routine too or is it just a random every once in a while kind of deal?

Michelle answers:

Im not sure how often they do it but they are having a clearance sale now up to 75%

Lisa asks…

How often does Forever 21 offer the extra 50% off clearance items?

I know some stores offer an extra % off clearance at the end of every month. Does Forever 21 have this routine too or is it just a random every once in a while kind of deal?

Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Funbrain

Joseph asks…

What’s a good math web site for a preschooler and 1st grader?

Michelle answers:

Some that haven’t been mentioned:

Fun Brain:

Cyber Chase (the show, too!)

I Know That:

Cosmeo (subscription based):

Brain Pop (subscription based):


Brain Pop Jr.

Ken asks…

Old Funbrain Comic name?

Anyone remember that old comic on Funbrain about those people who flew that spaceship?

It was funny and was sarcastic.

I remember one where they were stuck in a planet and Pegasus came to save them, but they ate him instead.

Michelle answers:

You can check here

Michael asks…

What are some great virtual websites for kids?

I want some really fun sites for kids like clubpenguin, webkinz, dizzywood etc. Thank you so much!!!!!!

Michelle answers:

Some really good kid sites:
Girls: Pixie Hollow
Polly Pocket
Girls Go Games
Boys: Pirates of the Carribian (Can’t spell, sorry) Online (It can be for both genders, too)
Both: Neopets
Club Penguin
Vmk WAS a good site, but the people deleted it *cry*
Yahoo Kids
Nick Jr.
Disney Channel
Playhouse Disney

Helen asks…

Sites where you can have an avatar and dress them up and CHAT?

MMORPG’s are accepted too. :3

NOT: Subeta, GaiaOnline, Neopets, TheDollPalace, MapleStory, Audition, MyDivaDoll, StarDoll

I have an account on ALOT of things. I mean ALOT.
Oops I forgot to type that one, I used IMVU already, I just don’t feel like developing.
SecondLife isn’t a choice either.
I have it downloaded, but it won’t play, sooo whatever.
I hate club penguin.

Michelle answers:……….……………….…………………………

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Your Questions About Funbrain

David asks…

How do you become more familiar with fractions there really hard for me in Algebra?

Michelle answers:

There are many websites you can use to understand fractions.

I’ve listed a few for you to try:

Or, you could try the google search.

Paul asks…

Help me with a list of useful websites for teachers?

I’m composing a long list of websites that will be useful for new teachers. As I am a Language Arts teacher, I don’t have many sites for the Math, Social Studies, or Science teachers. Any suggestions?
It is for teachers at all grade levels, K-12. It’ll probably mostly be 9-12, as we just built a new high school.

Michelle answers:

I haven’t checked out these sites myself yet, but here’s a list i compiled from previous answers – maybe some of these will prove helpful .

all the best

James asks…

Anyone know the name of an educational games site?

I remember playing a few months ago on a games site. It had fast paced intellectual games on it that were live – you could see other users playing on them. They were general knowledge games mostly. The problem is I really cannot remember the websites name – I’ve looked on Google and Yahoo but the right site never comes up. Any ideas of what site it may be?
Sorry but it isn’t any of the answers provided so far. I must stress that it is an adult website – so nothing like clubpenguin or funbrain.

Michelle answers:

Laura asks…

What are some websites for girls in the ages 10-12?

I already know of:

I would like websites that you do not need to download off of. Thanks

Michelle answers:

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Your Questions About Firefox

Daniel asks…

How can I make prevent Mozilla Firefox from crashing after download?

This has been going on for a long time now, and I have had just about the last straw, and I am sick of it. My problem is, after I download for example, a picture, video, or song, my Firefox just crashes. Please help me! This has been going on for too long. Thank you.

Michelle answers:

Depending on the version, here how to get prevent Firefox from crashing after downloading.

First, check your add-ons. Go to Tools, then add-ons and in the “Extension” tab uninstall or disable any add-on that you don’t use. This includes Java Quick Starter and Microsoft .NET Framework Assistance.

Second, while in add-ons, go to the “Plugins” tab and disable any plugins that cause your browser to slow down. In particular these tree.

-Adobe Acrobat, which bring up PDF files from websites onto your browser. Turning it off will prevent this and your PDF files will open externally.

-get Plus for Adobe. This is not needed.

-Java Platform

-Java Deployment Toolkit (any version)


-Microsoft DRM

-QuickTime Plugin, which allows you to view QT video on websites

-Realtime HTML 5 Video Shim Plugin

-Shockwave for Director

-Window Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library

and finally, Window Presentation Foundation.

All of the above is not needed.

Third, you can tweak Firefox to run faster on your computer. The link below is video on how to do it.

Don’t forget to restart Firefox in order for the changes to take effect.

Fourth, if you download files into your computer, go to Tool then Download and delete to files from the download list.

If you don’t want to have any download file in the status bar in the future, go to Tools, then Option. Click on the “Privacy” icon and unchecked the box that says “Remember Download History.”

Finally, always, always clean out your recent history, that way Firefox can work faster. Try doing every two weeks or every month, it’s up to you. If you don’t how to clean out your browsing history, the video link below will show you how.

If your browser is leaking memory, the link below will be very helpful with the problem.


This measure works well with all versions.

I hope this information is very helpful.

Good luck and happy browsing

James asks…

How can I get the new firefox internet browser on my laptop?

Well I know how to download Firefox on my computer. The problem is that when I try to download Firefox or Google Chrome on my laptop, internet explorer states that the download is not responding, and I have to cancel the page. Is there a way to get around that? I downloaded firefox and google chrome on my computer and had no problem, so it can’t be the links.
Why didn’t I think of that? Thanks

Michelle answers:

Utilize the redistributable packages online….

Also google “Google Chrome oldapps” or “Firefox Oldapps”

which will direct you to a site that has redistributable packages of the files…

Download the newest installer and put it on a USB drive

Betty asks…

Why does Adobe Reader start up when I close Firefox?

Adobe Reader often starts up a few seconds after I close Firefox. The mouse pointer flickers and then up comes Adobe Reader. It doesn’t always happen. What’s going on? Do I have a virus or keylogger? I scanned for viruses and malware and nothing came up.

Michelle answers:

May be Adobe reader or FireFox is corrupted.
Uninstall both and again install it.
Don’t reinstall/ repair both software

Donna asks…

Can I have different proxy settings for different sites in Firefox?

I have used many proxy add-ons in Firefox but no one solved my problem. I want to have different proxy settings for different sites/tabs. These addons that I use, changes proxy settings for all the sites/tabs I have opened.

Michelle answers:

FoxyProxy ? Https://

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Mark asks…

How do i recover a facebook accoubnt that has been disabled?

It says i was reported for harassment but im pretty sure i havnt talked to anyonr on facebook for a couple days. Do i have to wait till my account enables or will it permanantly be disabled?

Michelle answers:

Just login if you can, it will reactivate it. If you can’t then you have to make a new.

William asks…

How do you bring up a past recent conversation on facebook IM?

I am trying to bring up a past recent conversation on Facebook IM for some proof of what was said before my custody battle for my son when he gets here. Is there any way I can bring up a past, recent conversation with a certain person on facebook IM? Please help.

Michelle answers:

You can view recent conversation history by opening a chat window with your friend. At this time, you cannot view older conversations or conversations with friends who are not currently online.

To clear your Chat History, click the “Clear Chat History” link at the top of your Chat window. While Chat History is saved from page to page, and even between login sessions, please note that it is not logged permanently.

Ken asks…

How to get autofill working for yahoo login page in Google chrome?

The autofill option works for all other websites including gmail, facebook and others except for yahoo mail. I have cleared cookies cache, everything, and even checked a new version of Chrome. Is it yahoo who have disabled autofill?

Michelle answers:

If the Browser Autofill feature is not working when you have asked to have your ID and Password remembered, you can try this:

Check the Clear Browser Data settings for Google Chrome:
1.Click on the Wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
2.On the Tools menu, click Clear Browser Data.
3.Uncheck Clear Saved Passwords and Clear Form Data.
4.Click Cancel.

If after completing the steps above, the situation remains unchanged, it might be that at some point you have chosen to “Never remember your password for this site” when prompted by Google Chrome. In order to check this please do the following:
1.Click on the Wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
2.Select Settings.
3.Click on the Personal Stuff.
4.Click Manage Saved Passwords.
5.In the Passwords dialog that appears, scroll down to the “Never saved” section at the bottom.
6.To remove a site from the list, select it and click the x that appears at the end of the row.

Now revisit Yahoo! Mail and you should see the prompt to save your password information again, if you’ve allowed Google Chrome to show the prompt.

Laura asks…

FACEBOOK HELP: How can I prevent getting notifications on everything she does?

There are one or two of my friends and I get notifications on whatever they do on facebook. Example if they share someone’s photo, I get notifications. If they post a status, I get notifications! I ma sick of this- how can I stop it?

Michelle answers:

Hi Friend,

Its simple, here is the solution:

Login to Facebook account
at the right top corner, you will be having “Home” button, click a drop down menu will come
in that select “Privacy Settings”
in that Select “Custom”
and then choose whom to show or see the notifications.

Hope your query solved.

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Your Questions About Fox News

Mandy asks…

Why do liberals think all conservatives listen to Rush and Fox news?

Only about 20 million people listen to Rush Limbaugh. The rest of us think he is a blowhard who will agree with anything any conservative in power says or does,and disagree to the same degree with any democrat. We believe this because it is mostly true, and we like to think for ourselves. And fox news is regarded as nearly the same. Do you not realize that we watch fox and then cnn and the others because we want all sides of a story and then decide the truth for ourselves? That’s why the others do so much better, because liberals don’t watch fox. Try it sometimes, you may realize that you don’t agree with anyone in news or radio completely, and this is as it should be. If we all would think for ourselves, maybe the world would be a better place. Okay, maybe not the world, but at least our country.

Michelle answers:

You know you’re actually right. I did think that. It’s nice to hear that it’s not true. Though I do watch fox news sometimes to get the “other” perspective. The biggest problem I have with fox is that their conservative bias is much greater than CNN and other media’s liberal bias, yet they try to pass themselves off as “fair and balanced” or “we report, you decide.”

David asks…

How ironic that FOX news is claiming one of the reasons Obama won was due to “media bias”?

I’m not saying that media bias does not exist, but isn’t FOX News saying this pretty much the pot calling the kettle black?

Michelle answers:

Fox’s argument seems to amount to “How dare the rest of the media focus on facts!”

Note to Fox: When a candidate says, on tape, that 47% of the population doesn’t exercise personal responsibility, that is not a gaff. That is insight into what a candidate actually thinks. Focusing on the news organization that released it, calling it ‘left leaning’ doesn’t alter the fact that Romney said what he said.

William asks…

Why would Obama not interview with Fox News but would sit down with Iran and Cuba’s leadership?

Why? Is Fox News worse than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

It a little whacked out when he’d openly meet with a Muslim Fundamentalist with no pre-conditions and not with a Domestic News Organization under any circumstances.

Why would be be so afraid of Fox ?

Michelle answers:

Obama speaks of “hope” & “change” but he’s a bit, light shall we say, on specifics.

He knew Fox would make him look like the dolt that he really is, as they aren’t the pep-rally, touchy-feely style of CNN, but rather; they ask the tough questions, and keep asking till they get a real answer.

Ken asks…

how would you capitalize fox news when writing it in a sentence?

do you write it? Is it FOX NEWS, FOX News, or Fox News?

What is the capitalization rule?

Michelle answers:

Fox News

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