Your Questions About Facebook Login

Paul asks…

What’s the login?

I need it, that’d be great if someone has it :]

Michelle answers:


John asks…

Facebook Login problem?

whenever i login into my facebook account the page always bring me to the facebook login page again and again even if i put put 20 to 30 its always the same. This happen to me three days ago and if i login from my computer i can login but i cant login from my phone so someone please help..!!!

Michelle answers:

Its Possible Facebook Mobile Could be Having Errors and thats Why its not Letting you login you Cant Fix it Contact Facebook at the Help Center and Report the problem to them

Sandy asks…

Facebook login help!?

When i try to log into facebook it shows me an hour glass and that’s it and it says it’s done. What do i need to do to be able to log in? Thanks 🙂

Michelle answers:

Maybe login to Facebook using a different computer. It seems that your internet browser may be having trouble loading Facebook.

In the past I used to use Opera as my Internet Browser but it didn’t load Facebook so i changed to Google Chrome.

O by the way GET GOOGLE CHROME 🙂

Ruth asks…

unkown facebook login?

today i went to my gmail and it told me that there was an unknown login from flint/fenton Michigan and i have the i.p address and phone number s what should i do? could there be any legal action against this?

Michelle answers:

It might have been a mistake. If that continues happening, then you can probably take legal action, but otherwise, it’s not a big deal. Facebook has set up new security where they freak out if you try to login on a computer you have never used before. I think it’s a bit over the top, but to each his own. But maybe call the number and try to settle the issue?

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Your Questions About Fox News

Charles asks…

Why does Fox News have such high ratings if l!beralls say they are liars and crazy?

All the time, I hear liberals say “Oh, Bill O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck are all crazy” and yet the majority of Americans are liberal. So can someone explain how Fox News is so high up there?

I know Fox News is fair and balanced, but their conservative views of course is strong and powerful.

Michelle answers:


The coverage is more interesting–more thorough-more investigatively fact based rather than pundits giving opinions and claiming its factual news reporting.

When I tune into other news–I hear bold faced lies misquotes–fabrication, twisted facts—and so much spin–to shed favor on dems/libs and always attacking ANY REPUBLICAN–regardless of how foundationless or vicious a lir it may be.

I used to stick up for npr and cnn and other reporting–until I really listened and investigated the reports myself–finding out how untruthful msnbc and cnn and pbs and npr are–only trying to push a political agenda–not interested in reporting facts or news.

Look at CBS–the President is declaring WAR ON LYBIA__and the tv screen was split–so dumbasss could still watch the idiots ncaa playoffs? Wtf does that tell you about cbs abc and supposed real news networks?
Some idiot with a ball is more important that going to war and killing americans!
That’s why I love Fox–they care about the important issues and investigate it–have two people on from both sides–always trying to give facts rather than persuade and use the news to manipulate and convert viewers–like Hitler did with his govt propagandist tv and radio.

George asks…

Does Fox News have secret bunkers to hide people that shoot Democrats in Arizona?

The right winged nut job is nowhere to be found. Does Fox News have secret bunkers to hide people like him?

Michelle answers:


Lizzie asks…

Who agrees that Fox news is a complete joke?

I start to lose faith in a large portion of humanity when i see Fox news and the people that agree with them. Talk about an ignorant, bias, racist group people who’s mouths produce more s**t than their anuses.

Michelle answers:

American commercial Media companies are not very good, and FOX is the worst. They are hardly alone.

Many of the modern ‘news’ shows are sacrificing objectivity–in an effort to boost their ratings and maximize profits–by appealing to the lowest common denominator. The high percentage of viewers that only watch one or the other of the popular, one-dimensional news ‘networks’ would seem to confirm this. It is an unfortunate fact that, in these days of declining newspaper readership, most Americans tend to get their news from TV.

The lowest common denominator, in this context, are the folks who believe everything on FOX, Al Jazeera, the Rush Limbaugh Show, or MSNBC’s Ed Shultz Show, along other supporting programming. Are they just ditto-heads, or fellow-travelers, who are either unwilling or incapable of thinking for themselves, or is it merely intellectual laziness? Does watching shows that exclusively present only one, narrow view, effectively eliminate the need to utilize judgement and actually THINK about things?

Anyone out there who only gets their ‘news’ from one or two similar sources, answer this question: Does listening to the ‘other side’ of the picture make you upset and makes you want to turn it off and watch that which you already agree with? Be honest. If so, you are part of the problem.

To my mind, this phenomenon is comparable to the mindset one still sees in the Russian Federation. Large numbers of former Soviet citizens long for the ‘good old days’ when they were told what to think and weren’t bombarded with a multitude of difficult choices. It is much easier and comforting to only be subjected to one opinion, especially when all the options appear, on the surface, to be equally unpalatable.

You’ve heard of the penitentiary prisoners who, after being released from a period of extended incarceration, commit another crime, not because they need to, but because they want to go back to prison? They do this because, in jail, they are told what to do each minute and therefore don’t have to do any thinking.

The best, most unbiased televised news programming can be found on PBS, Public Television. This is because it is non-commercial, doesn’t appeal to the lowest common denominator, and takes a truly balanced approach to coverage. Hard-core Conservatives will protest that it has a ‘Liberal Bias’ but their protests are often similar to the woman who claims that she doesn’t take a good picture.

The PBS News Hour deals with the stories of the day in-depth and presents both sides through interviews with respected journalists and experts of differing opinions. The other news shows do have opposing sides on debating the issues, but they usually choose the extremes from both camps because it makes for good TV. Moderate, centrist views are seldom heard because reasonable coverage does nothing for ratings.

While I enjoy many of the opinion shows on MSNBC and FOX, neither can be considered fair and balanced even though they claim to be. CNN tries its best to be fair and balanced, but their coverage is often simplistic and they depend far to much on “Your Opinion” as they are always quoting Facebook and Twitter. If I wanted the opinion of fatcat69 or cool4dudes I could just hit the BLOG’s. Such nonsense is inappropriate for a supposed ‘News’ show.

But the best advice is to peruse all the various venues and supplement it with reading history to gain a wider view, It is also good to watch BBC once in a while to gain a perspective outside of the USA.

You are liable to get some responses from folks saying things like “FOX is the only one that tells the truth” or “MSNBC is the only fair one” but these are opinions of partisans and similar to what you hear when you ask what sports team is the best. Conservatives like FOX, Liberals like MSNBC, but many of those on both sides are not objective enough to recognize that it is the same as people in Pittsburgh liking the Steelers and in Cleveland liking the Browns. In this context, watching PBS is like watching Sports Center as you are going to get a more balanced view of the respective teams.

The main point is to diversify your sources and never rely on just one for your information. More is better in the area of information gathering, and those who get all their news from one source are just ditto-heads who only feel comfortable hearing what they already agree with and are not independent thinkers. Watch and read everything and think for yourself would be my advice.

PS: Another option would be to join discussion forums such as the one below to discuss with others those topics you find of interest. It is amazing how much one can gain from the give and take of conversation as opposed to the passive activity of merely watching the news.

James asks…

When Obama’s presidency is over how is Fox news and Rush Limbaugh going to make money?

It seems that the suspense of what Obama is going to do to America is making the right wing media very profitable. Will Fox news go out of business when Obama’s presidency is over and will Limbaugh still be able to make 50 million a year.

Michelle answers:

Exactly. That’s why they didn’t investigate Obama’s past or associations. They never had more viewers than under Obama

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Sandy asks…

password to funbrain arcade mighty man 2?

Michelle answers:

Try Runway4 i beat most of the games on funbrain enjoy!

Lizzie asks…

I use t play this game as a kid and I forget which website it was on..?

When I was in elementary school there was thus on particular site i use to go on quite frequently to play games.
I remember the layout being blue.
I use tot play this game on it where basically your character would stand on a wooden see-saw with a pig on the other end and try to hit the hillbillys on the head (with a scale they would give you that you would adjust) , I forgot what it was called i think something along the lines of hillbilly hog?

The other game was this animated drawing-adventure game where it was just a sketch of a boy stick person and you would swim through pirranah waters, climb a volcano with rolling stones coming down that you would have to avoid. There was a boy stick person and a girl- i just cant remember the sites name where i use to play them. DOes anyone else?

Michelle answers: Click “FunBrain Arcade”

James asks…

free fun games with no time trial?

i want to play a game thats free and has no time trial i like fairy godmother tycoon thats my favorite i like supple and games like that moslty adventure games plaease halp me thaNKS

Michelle answers:


Laura asks…

fun websites for kids/family websites?

for my kids to visit safe/appropriate plz list any u know THANKS SO MUCH!

Michelle answers:

Funbrain & Disney

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Your Questions About Facebook

Thomas asks…

How do I download the Facebook application to a webslider?

I have an LG webslider, is it possible to download the facebook application onto it, if so, how?

Michelle answers:

I dont think u can downlod facebook

Chris asks…

How to hide the Facebook session from other sites?

When I go on other sites, some know that I have an opened session on Facebook. How can I avoid it?

Thank you.
The problem is that I don’t want some unwanted things accidentally appear on my news feed.

Michelle answers:

You cant really hide it from other websites

what you will want to do in this case is use firefox to view your facebook, and use chrome for everything else

as different browsers use different cookie sessions

alternatively, i suppose you could use a firefox browser add-on that hides your other cookies, but that can get a bit tricky

why does it bother you so much that other websites can see your open facebook session?

Mary asks…

How do I update facebook information without everyone knowing?

I want to change everything on my facebook, but I don’t want the whole world seeing.
No I just wanted to change the about me section, but I don’t really care anymore. There isn’t anything deeply personal on it or anything.

Michelle answers:

Try making a new facebook, and then when it’s all done, blank out all the information on your old one, and say you’re moving. It provides a good oppertunity, to get rid of those pesky “friends” you don’t like too Har har har.

Paul asks…

How do you add peope to facebook on your phone using verizon social beat app?

I want to be able to add people to my facebook on the go.

Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Fafsa

Helen asks…

What is a FAFSA???????????????

My mother having me filling out an application online about FAFSA. Is this going to help me pay for a college I wanna go to?

I filled out this application last week on the 1st of Oct. This letter that came threw the mail from FAFSA telling me my name, date of birth and SS number has been verified with the SS Administration and my PIN has been confirmed. I don’t know if it means I’m eligible or not. I haven’t fill out an application for the college I wanna go to yet. I don’t know if I should’ve fill out the application for college before I apply for FAFSA or after.

Michelle answers:

FAFSA stands for “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” and is an application to see if you qualify for money to help you go to school. SOme of the money you might get is free, some of the money you get may be loans and some of the money you might get may be earned through you working.

If you had actually filled out the fafsa, you would have received an SAR in the mail letting you know if you qualified for the PELL Grant.

To check if you actually submitted your fafsa (and not just applied for a PIN number – which is what it sounds like you actually did) go to and enter your info it. If it says “Application not found” then you just applied for a PIN and didn’t actually complete the fafsa. To complete the fafsa you would have entered your and your Mom’s income information from the previous tax year.

Your school of choice is who actually sends you your award letter (letting you know how much aid you qualify for). So yeah, you’d need to apply for admission and get accepted before you will know if it will pay for some or all of your school.

Laura asks…

When to fill out for FAFSA?

I graduate from high school May of 2012, when do you suggest I fill out for FAFSA? Can I fill out now?
Will Financial Aid pay for all my expenses such as living cost?
Well for EFC? Idk, I know my mom ( who I live with has no job) so would I still owe money?

Michelle answers:

When to file: FAFSA needs to be filed every year. It becomes available Jan 1 every year. We do ours Jan 1 every year. The earlier you do it the more you maximize your award. Colleges are given limited funding from the govt for federal aid. Some types are given first come first serve. So even if you qualify if you do qualify if you file later it may be given to students who filed early and you will not get it. Many students wait for their parents to do their taxes. You do not have to do that. On the FAFSA form there will be a question about if you filed taxes like filed, will file, will not file. You choose will file. Then you use the completed taxes from the previous year to do the FAFSA as an estimate and submit it. Then as soon as you can get the current year taxes done and then log back onto your FAFSA and it will say make corrections. You click on that and then change the tax question to filed and then put in the current tax information and resubmit. Note resubmit, not save. Save is at thebottom and that just saves your FAFSA. You can save it and then up top right it says submit. Http://

You are offered financial aid based on your degree of financial need of it. This is determined by your FAFSA application. They use the answers to that in a formula and the result is your EFC, estimated family contribution. Http:// The lower this number the better. You file FAFSA, in 2 weeks it will be say processed which means they got it and are processing it. Then in about 2 weeks you get an email saying your SAR, student aid report is ready, this will tell you your EFC. They will send this SAR to the colleges you listed on your FAFSA. The ones to which you applied and offered you acceptance will create a financial aid budget also called cost of attendance (COA) which will be tuition, fees, books, room and board (housing and meal plan), personal expenses, travel expenses. The total of these is your COA.
minus EFC

So they will offer as much aid as you qualify for to match that FINANCIAL NEED to cover you COA. If you dont qualify for enough federal aid to cover that COA, then you would also need to bget a private loan to cover what the federal aid does not.

As an example my daughter’s EFC was 2700 something and she did qualify for grants and loans. However, when you file, what funds the college has etc. Factor into that.

So as you can see the lower the COA the less loans you will need to take out. Most all students have student loans except those with exceptional financial need based on the EFC. Also there are no loan colleges for low income students.


Great financial aid site:

Joseph asks…

Question about FAFSA?

Is it true every new semester you have to update your FAFSA? I read that somewhere. I’m going into my second semester. Do I need to update my FAFSA?

Michelle answers:

FAFSA is per academic school year. So starting yesterday through….crap I can’t remember the cut off date but you can check, you will be filling out the FAFSA for Fall 2012 through Spring 2013 school year. The earlier you get it down the better, and make sure when you submit the form you check off “will file” for the income tax so you can go back and make the necessary changes you need to make once you and/or your parents file their 2011 income taxes. Once you make the changes and you do not believe you need to make any changes then you change the “will file taxes” to “have filed taxes” and then make your final submission.

Good luck!

Maria asks…

How does FAFSA work..?

How does FAFSA work? Does the FAFSA give you a check? or it only determines how much you are eligible for and its up to the university whether it can give you that much or not?
Please explain in details
Do you get money from fafsa or from your school?

Michelle answers:

FAFSA is basically money from the government that includes grants and loans.
When you get a FAFSA report with all the money you’re getting on it, sometimes you’ll see that the school you’re going to may be also add additional money in grants or scholarships.

In order to see how much money you’ll receive the FAFSA looks at your income (if you work), your parents income and financial backgrounds. The university doesn’t get to decide how much or how little you get with from filling out the FAFSA. Schools only decide how much money in grant and scholarships they themselves will give you. However, if you fill out the FAFSA and you receive more money in loans than you actually need, you have the option of taking only what you need and returning the rest. You can give some money back, but you can’t ask for more, because the FAFSA only states the maximum you’re eligible for.

Once you’re ready to start school, the money from your FAFSA will go directly to your school, not to you. If you end up receiving more than you need and there ends up being money left over, the school will pay any outstanding bills you have and give you the check for the extra money you received. If you don’t have any excess money, you won’t get a check. I hope that makes sense. E-mail if you have any other concerns. Good luck!

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Your Questions About Firefox

Helen asks…

How do I save all the data in firefox, passwords and stuff?

I wanted to reinstall windows and I dont want to lose all the data stored in firefox. And i wont remember most of them.

Michelle answers:

Two main things you would like to export

to export bookmark goto bookmarks>Organize bookmark>Import and Backup> and click backup, this will save your bookmarks

to export passwords you will need to install and password exporter add-on which is available from firefox website

let me know if it isn’t clear

Nancy asks…

How do you block a website using firefox?

I have looked everywhere in the internet settings and don’t see any way in which firefox will allow me to block a certain website from being able to be accessed on my computer. Please don’t ask me why I want to block a website, just tell me if there is a way to do it. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Firefox doesn’t have an intrinsic ‘blocking’ of certain sites

However you can use certain extensions…according to me ‘procon’ extension comes close to what u are asking about.

Click Tools-> Add ons -> make sure ur in the extension tab -> click get extensions at the bottom. In the page which opens up, type in procon in the search field. Click Install now to install that extension.

Alternatively, you can edit the hosts file. The hosts file will be located in C: windows system32 drivers etc (provided ur windows is installed in c:windows)

Open the hosts file with notepad or any text editor of ur choice.
At the bottom in a separate line in the file enter: (example if u want to block access to

for each site which u want to block do this, that is place an entry on a separate line like i showed u.

However, this won’t block access to all the URLs..some nasty ones will slip through…so u’ll have to see which ones get blocked..

Anyway, once u alter the hosts file, save it, and restart firefox..and u’ll see that the entries which u placed in the hosts file, those sites would not open …but they would also not open in any other browser which u have, not only in firefox.

Yet another way is by using third party tools for ‘parental control’

that’s it 🙂

Thomas asks…

How can i get Norton 360s cool identity protection thing to work with firefox?

i always used ie until i got sick of it messing up so i installed firefox and now the norton toolbar with identity safe doesnt show up. alos since ive installed firefox i cant log into myspace or hotmail, and yes ive cleared my cache and browsing history.

how can i fix both of these issues? please no norton sucks comments, i really like the identity safe feature.

Michelle answers:

Hi sBailey_775,

This is Mike from the Norton Authorized Support Team.

The Identity Protection feature of the Norton Toolbar on Firefox 3.5.x is compatible with Norton 360 version 3.

If you are using Norton 360 version 2, as long as you have a valid subscription, you are entitled to a free update to version 3. Please NOTE, while this process will update you to the latest version of Norton 360, it will not extend your subscription. To update, visit the Norton Update Center at the link below.


After the updates are complete, launch Firefox and make sure the Norton Toolbar is selected under the “View” menu.

If you are already using Norton 360 version 3, mouse-over the “PC Security” bubble and choose “Check for Updates”. If any updates are installed, restart your computer and then repeat the process, possibly multiple times, until you are informed that there are no more updates available.

Next, open Norton 360 version 3, select “Help & Support” and then choose “About”. The version number should read “”.

If you still are unable to get the toolbar to appear, please run the hot fix below.


Thank you,

Michael York
Norton Authorized Support Team
Symantec Corporation

Richard asks…

Why do people use Internet Explorer when Firefox is so superior?

I just deleted Firefox off a computer I am selling and have been using internet explorer all morning. Having to see all those ads and waiting for them to load, it is just annoying. Why do people use it?

Michelle answers:

I could not agree more … I use firefox with ad block plus and it is zippy surfing … I use my brother’s laptop which is way faster than mine and using internet explorer is soooo painful … And i try to talk him into downloading firefox but he says he doesn’t mind the ads ?!?!

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Your Questions About Fedex

Susan asks…

Fedex question (details inside)?

I won’t be there tomorrow to sign for my package but I need it tuesday and the fedex place is really far from my house. If I leave a signed note on the door telling them to just leave the package, will they?

Michelle answers:

Fedex releases are entirely shipper dependent or for safety reasons. If the package requires a signature there’s nothing you can do as the shipper is paying extra for Fedex to get a signature. Otherwise if it’s a safe location, in the couriers opinion, then the package will be left. If you call Fedex tonight with a tracking number you can find out if the shipper is requiring a signature. You could also change the delivery to where you work or make it a hold at the closest Kinkos/Fedex Office.

George asks…

What is FedEx Smartspost?

I ordered a Penny Board off of amazon, and it says Fedex Smartpost Sacramento CA
Arrival Scan – March 29, 2013 4:01:53 PM

How is a skateboard light??

Michelle answers:

FedEx Smartpost is a service utilized by FedEx in areas that are not “economically feasible” for FedEx to make a profit. FedEx will “hand off” the item to the USPS in that area for the post office to deliver it.

Helen asks…

Does FedEx Run On Sundays?

I want to know if FedEx runs on Sundays!!

Michelle answers:

The FedEx FAQ page answers the question “Does FedEx offer weekend delivery?” “Yes. Saturday delivery is available with FedEx Priority Overnight (tender your shipment on a Friday) and FedEx 2-Day (tender your shipment on a Thursday) in the majority of US cities. An additional fee applies. For Sunday delivery, we offer FedEx SameDay within the US and FedEx International Next Flight for international deliveries. Call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 to request.” It looks like this service started 10+ years ago beginning on March 6, 1998 with FedEx providing delivery by 3 p.m. On Sunday to select zip codes in 50 top U.S. Metro areas. Rates vary with the type of account that you have with FedEx and are higher if you are a walk-up customer.

Mandy asks…

What is FedEx Home Delivery?

I am having a package sent by FedEx Home Delivery. What exactly is that? About how long do you think it would take for something about 3 pounds to get to NY from CA?

Michelle answers:

Fedex home delivery is really just Fedex Ground
but they only deliver to residences and have different hours
like Fedex home delivery works Tuesday-Saturdays
(and does not charge for Saturday deliveries)
plus with Home delivery you can even set up a certain time or date for deliver (even evening deliveries)
as for travel time from New York since it goes via Ground
it will about 3 to 4 days,
note in some cities where there is not enough business for
a home delivery routing then ground will
do those delivery as well (like in very small cities)

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Mary asks…

How long does it take Forever 21 to express deliver?

I ordered 3 things from Forever 21 on Friday the 7th, and I chose the express shipping. So far it says it has shipped and I have a tracking number, and on the UPS website it says it is “Ready for UPS” and has been that way since I think Saturday morning. The status hasn’t changed at all. How long will it take for it to arrive? Since it’s the holiday season, I’m wondering if that could cause some delays, since it is a very busy season.

It’s being shipped by UPS 2nd Day Air as well. I don’t think I’ve had anything shipped by that before, so I’m unfamiliar with it.

Michelle answers:

UPS doesn’t pick up from shippers on weekends, just Mon-Fri. It will be picked up on Monday and then however long it takes. And for that matter, 2nd Day Air means two days. So, a pick up Monday would likely be there Wednesday.

Laura asks…

Looking for online stores that are like Forever 21 and urban outfitters?

Looking for good online clothing stores like Forever 21, urban outfitters and girls surf stores like Roxy (any other girl surf stores?). Not too expensive. Best answer gets 5 stars.

Michelle answers:

Forever 21, Pac Sun, Tobi, and Brandy Melville.

Also, you could go to the website Wanelo and you can buy many different products off of there, often for pretty cheap (:

Hope this helps! Xx

Ruth asks…

Forever 21 question?

Hi, I was just wondering, is Forever 21 a store for guys also? In my mall, they just sell stuff for women and girls, but I saw online they sell guy stuff also. Why aren’t those being sold at my mall?

Also, what would you think if you saw guys wearing Forever 21 t-shirts? I was just wondering, if its considered kinda weird for guys to wear shirts from there cause it really looks like a feminie store.

Also is there any other stores that sells tee’s that are similar to the ones that they have there? I’m a guy.
Personally, I like the tee shirts that are they show online. I think they look cool and unique.

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 does sell mens apparel but generally it is only online. They didnt start selling mens clothing long ago so you should start seeing some stores going under expansion to accomadate men in stores as well as online. As a female I LOVE forever 21. Yet I did order things online that didnt match my expectations of what it was going to look like (but that is the risk with anything online). I would make sure to get all the correct measurments before purchasing online. I dont think most girls would be able to ‘spot’ a forver 21 Tee shirt so I think you should shop there. Other stores that carry mens vintage tees are The buckle, hollister.etc but they are far more pricey

Susan asks…

Forever 21 or American Eagle?

Which has better quality and prices? Also, my friend told me that Hollister is the same price as Forever 21, is that true?

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 is very cheap. The prices are usually from 7 to 25 dollars depending on what your buying. But on a lot of their clothing, the quality is very cheaply made. American eagle I find is expensive for what it is. On most of their products, but I think it only has average quality. Hollister, is not at all the same price range as Forever 21, forever 21 is very inexpensive for it being trendy. Hollister is very expensive. Lets look at it like this, a graphic T from Hollister is 25-30$ One from Forever 21 is probably 7-10$ But without a doubt Hollister is good quality, I have a sweater 2 plaid shirts and a strapless top from there and they are amazing quality, and in no way am I bias I am not brand name obsessed or anything. I just find Holliter expensive.

(From most expensive to least) Hollister American Eagle Forever 21.
(From best to worst quality) Hollister American Eagle Forever 21.

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Your Questions About Food Network

John asks…

What is the recipe for the best dinner you ever had?

I’m hungry, and I am sick of the food network. I want to know what’s the best meal you ever ate? Just what you ate will be great, but recipes will be even better.

Michelle answers:

There is no need for my best meal as it is simple and straight forward and if you get all of them cooked just right it makes and easy meal
Fish fillets with mashed potatoes. Green peas and cauliflower is a good meal

Mary asks…

How can I make the yeast in my bread rise?

I’m so tired of wasting valuable ingredients to make dough that doesn’t rise. I have a taste for some donuts that I saw prepared on the food network and would make them but it calls for yeast which doesn’t fair well with me. Can someone give me advice?

Michelle answers:

Yeast failure has several reasons.
1. Water too hot and it kills the yeast.
2. Yeast and salt mixed together too closely which will kill the yeast.
3. Prepared dough not soft enough(too much flour so its very stiff) won’t allow dough to raise.
4. Old yeast
5. Finished dough not kept in a warm place or over proofed so the end result is flat.
You MUST follow the instructions on the recipe EXACTLY to have good end results.

George asks…

Anyone know where I can get the exact recipe for Clanton’s chicken fried steak?

Clanton’s Cafe (in Vinita, Oklahoma) was featured on the Food Network. Also,a February 2006 Gourmet magazine article recognized Clanton’s Café for serving the best chicken fried steak on Route 66.

Michelle answers:

This isnt the recipe, but I think it might help. I found it on their website.

Clanton’s chicken fried steak starts with what the Patricks call an “extra tenderized” cube steak they get from Tulsa. The beef patty is dipped in a mixture of egg and buttermilk, then dredged once in seasoned flour. “If you double-dip,” Patrick says, referring to a common practice of repeating this process a second time, “you will get a steak that looks bigger. But it takes you farther away from the flavor of the beef.” The steak is cooked on a flat griddle in vegetable oil until the blood starts rising up through the flour, then flipped and finished. The edge of a fork effortlessly will sever it into a bite-size triangle with beefy, crisp-crusted luxury that is ineffably amplified when it’s pushed through mashed potatoes and peppery cream gravy.

Joseph asks…

Does anyone have the recipe for Rocco Dispirito’s Mom’s stuffed mushrooms?

I saw it in a christmas edition of a food network magazine and I can’t find the magazine anywhere! Help!

Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Fox News

Ruth asks…

Does Fox News just pander to the lowest common denominator?

I feel like Fox News is all talk and offers no substance.

Michelle answers:

You guys just can’t stand that a single lone news network isn’t in the tank for Democrats, can you?

You guys have ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS and CNN pushing your views and candidates.

Can’t we have just one that covers our views, and the stories your networks don’t cover?

Linda asks…

why did fox news continuously bash obama and then as he was winning favored him?

i remember when he was trying to get the democratic nomination fox news was always talking trash about him (much like maddow on mccain). how come in the past couple months they have started to show some bias towards obama? i thought that fox news served to spread conservative news? or is it because they want to get on his good side?

Michelle answers:

Because they’re fox news, that’s why.

Robert asks…

Do American Christians realize that Fox News is turning them into whiny little victims?

They are buying into Fox News Channels whole “War on Christianity” and “War on Christmas” plot lines and seeing persecution under every pebble.
Please give examples of real persecution of Christians in the U.S.A. Let us see just how trivial this “persecution” is.

Michelle answers:

Christians love feeling picked on. Fox just gives them what they want so they’ll keep coming back for more propaganda.

“These people understand Christians. They really know what’s going on. I’m going to believe everything they say about political matters.”

George asks…

Why is it that big media like fox news and CNN don’t ever talk about Americas biggest threat?

Why is it that big media like opera and Fox news and CNN etc. Never even talk about Agenda 21? and they just go on and on about junk news.

Michelle answers:

Planning ahead for an ever more connected planet, a planet that will have by mid century 9 to 10 billion hungry and thirsty human beings is a terrible thing, a waste of time and a waste of effort…it will even ‘raise your taxes’!

When the hungry and thirsty, uneducated and ill millions of reffugees stampede across borders to escape war, famine, pestilence and death because nobody bothered to think ahead…well…that’s what freedom is all about! Let’s be real…we’ll never run out of oil, the climate will stay the same, crazy people with guns are sure to decrease, disease won’t be a problem because we’ll all have affordable HEALTH INSURANCE and because of more CO2 from burning fossil fuels the rain forests will continually decrease no matter how many hundreds of acres are burned and logged over.

Conclusion: NOT planning ahead is the best way to deal with future problems…anyway…Jesus is coming soon so we have nothing to worry about.

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