Your Questions About Fox News

Thomas asks…

Is Fox News a terrorist organization?

Shouldn’t the Fox news network be considered a terrorist organization since it spreads lies in order for everyone fear Obama?

Michelle answers:

— Fox news network is not a terrorist organization but it has a conservative bias.Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network. —————– . Allegations of conservative bias
Some critics and politicians have accused FNC of having a bias towards the political right or Republican point of view at the expense of neutrality. Murdoch and Ailes have reacted against allegations of bias, with Murdoch claiming that Fox has “given room to both sides, whereas only one side had it before.” In 2004, director Robert Greenwald produced the documentary film Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, which argues that Fox News has a conservative bias, including as evidence internal memos from editorial Vice President John Moody which the film claims exposes attempts to alter news content. ———-
The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers. The network slowly rose to prominence in the late 1990s. In terms of regular viewers (Nielsen Ratings), Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network.

Many observers say that Fox News Channel’s programming promotes conservative political positions. Fox News Channel publicly denies any bias in the channel’s reporting.

Betty asks…

Why is Fox News deliberately attacking Ron Paul?

Fox News: Airing Old CPAC Footage Showing Crowd Booing Ron Paul Was A “Mistake”

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year’s CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America’s Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in 2010 in which there is a significantly higher amount of booing from the crowd. Fox News tells Mediaite that this was a mistake and that they will be issuing an correction on America’s Newsroom tomorrow morning. It is unlikely this explanation will satisfy Paul supporters who seem to believe the network tried o disguise how much support the congressman has amongst the GOP base.

In both years, CPAC pollster Tony Fabrizio can be seen announcing Paul as the winner while wearing a dark suit and a light blue shirt. However, in the 2010 video, the booing is much more pronounced, forcing Fabrizio to vocally address it, raising his hands and trying to calm the attendants with a “Now…” During the 2011 announcement, the cheers and boos seemed much more equal (not to say that he didn’t get a lot of boos again this year, they just weren’t as easily distinguished).

Yesterday, Fox News aired the 2010 footage and incorrectly identifies it as 2011. Bill Hemmer then begins his interview with Paul by asking him about the booing. Once the error was noticed, Paul fans quickly took to the Internet, flooding YouTube with video proof of Fox News’ “deception.” However, Fox News claims it was completely accidental. Mediaite received the following statementfrom Senior Vice President of News Michael Clemente:

Michelle answers:

FOX NEWS is your Fascist NEOCON propaganda station. If you watch the video, Bill Hemmer and the old video that was shown, it’s all premeditated, with Bill Hemmer using the controlling words “Boos” “Not What You Expected” HIT PIECE against Ron Paul.

FOX NEWS used the Audio and Video from 2010 when Mitt Romney’s paid supporters were bussed in to boo Ron Paul’s victory.

FOX NEWS is trying to control their “RINGER” candidates to keep the establishment corporatist controlling it all. The Money Masters that control all these sellout politicians of both parties… Except, someone like Ron Paul.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is who Propaganda works to manipulate the people. Joseph Geobbels would be proud of FOX NEWS… Aka FAUX NEWS

Richard asks…

How threatened are liberals by Fox News?

I would saying judging by their Fox News lies narrative that they repeat over and over in hopes that if they say it enough times people will start to believe it, I would say VERY threatened.

Michelle answers:

Well, Fox News is a conservative media outlet, much like conservatives seem to feel threaten by internet media, in which is quickly dominating the cable media. Also, there are allot of liberals that fact check, and tend to bust on Fox News’ deception. Sorry about being honest, but Fox News isn’t really a reliable source, it is more of a sensational entertainment than real news.

~Also, comedians LOVE Fox News, since! Conservatives are a great tool to make fun of!

Linda asks…

is fox news channel bias ?

or is everyone that works there a republican i stop watching fox news channel because to me alot of there opinions and comments sound very bias to me.. especially bill orielly there commentaries sound very judgemental and borderline degrading sometimes

Michelle answers:

FOX news itself is probably the least biased of the news shows. FOX has a variety of commentary programs which do tend to be conservative. However, it should be noted that FOX is the only network that does lean conservative. All other networks tend to be liberal and give a liberal slant to their news shows and if they have commentary it always is liberal. I would rather have my news straight without bias and have commentary clearly labeled as such. It gets my goat when I watch a “news” cast that only gives the liberal side and never the conservative side or worse yet classifies conservatives as unpatriotic or stupid.

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Donna asks…

Facebook login problem?!! HELP!?

Okay so I put a new password on my FB but I forgot it and I can’t reset my password because I login with my phone number and the problem is I changed my number a long time ago so if I try reset it, it will be sent to my OLD phone number! So I don’t know my password and I can’t reset my password! And I don’t want to make a new account! HELP! HOW DO I FIX IT?!

Michelle answers:

You need to contact the Facebook people about this. First, go to the Facebook Password Reset page to try this. This will work for people who have an expired login number/email. Click on “forgot my password” under the password box. At this point either enter your login name or your name and the name of someone of your friend list (it’s clear when you login).

Now it will ask you to reset your password, offering to text/email you the new one with the number/email address listed with a check next to it. Under that is a small blue link that says “No Longer Have Access to These?” Click on that and it will guide you to your next steps.

For help, click on this link to go to their help page (, which can help guide you through it. If you still can’t login for whatever reason, use the help page to contact someone at the Facebook help center. They respond fairly quickly and are very helpful. Good Luck!

Carol asks…

Facebook login problem?

I went to my settings and changed my password and now it won’t let me login. have you had this problem before? if so then tell me how you fixed it.
And I also tried it again with my old password but it still wouldn’t work. And I can’t get a new password because I can’t get my email address to work. So how do I make my other email address my login one without logging in?

Michelle answers:

The short answer is you cant.

The long answer is that you can try different combinations of the new password you set. Make sure to check capitalization becasue facebook passwords are case-sensitive. You could also contact facbook support (i believe theres a number listed on the site) and explain what happened and they should be able to change the email address for you. Also, contact your email provider and figure out why you cant get your email address to work. Either of these solutions, while annoying and time-consuming, are probably your best bet for getting back into your facebook account.

You could also re-make your facebook account, but thats even more annoying and time-consuming than the other options.

I hope this helps.

David asks…

Facebook cannot login?

Why all of sudden my facebook account has been disconnect. When i try to login back i need to do pic identification. What the heck i need to check one by one all of my friend list.. When i cant recall the pic my account has been block.. What should i do. Tq

Michelle answers:

You can send a request mail to Facebook admin to allow access account, definitely you will get a response from them or you can contact technical support team.

William asks…

Yahoo Facebook forcing dual login?

I am logged into yahoo. When I go to Yahoo News, it says I’m not logged in. When I try to login to Yahoo from the Yahoo News page (even though I’m already logged into Yahoo), it takes me to a page that is trying to force me to login to yahoo and facebook jointly, and with no other option. I do not want to log in to facebook. I do not use facebook and I do not want to use facebook (all you that just gasped calm yourselves). On top of that, if I even come close to expressing how I feel about this with, say, language a bit more colorful than normal, the Continue and Submit buttons magically disappear. Is this really what’s going on? Are we all standing this close to the edge of the precipice? We should have listened to you closer, George…take you a bit more seriously than an eighth grade literature class. Because if this is really what’s going, we missed too late long, long ago…

Hello. I am very sorry for my earlier outburst regarding this silly little issue. Everything is fine now. I am so pleased to be using yahoo and facebook together, it makes me a calmer and better citizen. I would encourage all of you to just accept the changes that will be coming our way soon…Remember, they are just looking out for our best interests in mind and heart. It produces nothing but causes un-necessary discomfort to you and your families if you resist. Why not come visit me this evening, I can prepare a hot beverage for you, and I have some extra G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate that has been approved for All Americans by the FDA.
NO NO NO!!! I cannot do it, G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate is Soylent Green! Which is people! All the time, it was… We finally really did it. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
What was that?
p.s. on a side note…would it be proper to censor some of the following words, whether out of taste, morality, religious viewpoint, whatever?…
“All the time, it was… We finally really did it. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”
What if I told you these words were a quote from the late Charlton Heston, former spokesman for the NRA, and God’s right hand man here on Earth? Now would it be okay to say?

See you soon, Bill…we’re all right behind you…

Michelle answers:

I feel similar to you and google led me here. I have a facebook account because a few friends bugged me to start one. I don’t use it. If you want to contact me it’s always been easy, phone, in person, through e-mail or through a chat service (with AIM dying I’ve moved to google).

I’m not going to log in to Facebook to comment. I don’t know if there are privacy issues, but until I can rule them out it makes no sense for me to make a comment. I don’t like the dual login. If I want to comment on facebook I’ll be on facebook, not Yahoo.

I use Yahoo primarily for their finance web page and some e-mail. I also use them for their fantasy sports. I like Yahoo’s charts, they might not be the best out there but they work for me, I also use google and stockcharts depending on what I’m looking to do and what I need to see in the chart. As long as yahoo has their charts I’ll still be on the site, I just won’t comment.

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Your Questions About Firefox

Sandy asks…

internet explore or firefox??

what web browser is faster internet explore or firefox ????????

Michelle answers:

FIREFOX!! Faster, better, more secure, modern day web standards, very few security leaks, and you know how your computers gets slow over time? Its because IE has all these security leaks that leak in bad crap. Ive been using firefox for as long as i remember and all 6 of my computers run like they’re brand new 🙂

Donna asks…

what is mozilla firefox ??????

what is mozilla firefox ?????????? and i am a mozilla firefox ?

Michelle answers:

YOU are not a mozilla firefox. Do you breathe fire? Mozilla firefox is one of a family of web browsers which got their start on UNIX and X-Windows with Mosaic, a college project co-created by Marc Andreessen. It was a graphics-based browser suite, which was experimental in those days. He managed to secure the rights and work it into a commercial product called netscape, which was immediately availble for UNIX and Linux — because the latter ran X-Windows too. Six months later it got ported over to Windows, and inspired Internet Explorer. Now two things happened over the next few years: first was IE of course — it came free with the OS. The second was more complex. Computers were evolving and in order to compete Netscape had to spend more on R&D than they were able to bring in. AOL bought them, but despite Open Sourcing this, as the Mozilla project, which brought in some Google funding, it proved one of the factors which brought them down too — the R&D costs. By 1998 it appeared moribund. Early in this century, the New Netscape finally appeared, from the Mozilla Project, as Mozilla, then two weeks later they released a surprise — the browser, not browser suite, called Mozilla Firefox. It turns out that what had held Mozilla up had been keeping it backward-compatible so what you had seen and done on the older netscapes would work properly on this one. One of the executives at Mozilla had given a sixteen-year-old intern the specs for just the browser component and told him to write a browser without worrying about backward compatibility. I don’t know that it took two weeks but he did it really quickly and people were soon so won over by it that Mozilla was discontinued in favor of a new Browser Suite called Seamonkey, which incorporated Firefox code into the browser segment, and the teenager got high paying jobs elsewhere. I don’t think he even has a formal degree but have no doubt he will get at least an honorary one.

There is more to it than that but that is what Firefox is — an OS-neutral web browser which was in essence born on UNIX which means it runs on Linux and is a repudiation of the idea that Linux has no software.

Thomas asks…

Can I use firefox?

I love using sbc yahoo dsl but I wanted to replace my old internet explorer with firefox.

Michelle answers:

Firefox is a free browser and you could use it. Both IE and firefox could be installed on 1 computer and utilized together and separately.

For example, I use IE right now for my online banking and Firefox for Yahoo answer =P

Donald asks…

Should I get Firefox?

I’m thinking about downloading Firefox, I have Internet Explorer, but now I want Firefox. The questions I have are, is it safe? (No viruses will come with it, right?) And what is so good about Firefox? What are your experiences with Firefox?

Michelle answers:

No firefox does not come with virus or any other junk as long as you download it from the main source. Internet explorer is attached to just about every program on your computer making it a prime target for hackers. Firefox is simply a web browser and does not go into your system the same way IE does so its safer to use. I find firefox useful because you can download add-ons to make your web browser better; for example I have firefox and downloaded Adblock Plus, it blocks all ads on the internet its really cool.

Download firefox here

Firefox add-ons can be found here

If you don’t want to download firefox then at least download Opera. Its another type of Web browser and its safer to use than internet explorer.

Download Opera here

Download Opera widgets here (add-ons)

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Your Questions About Fafsa

David asks…

FAFSA residency in FL?

Is there a value difference in FAFSA between residential students and non-residential students?

If not, I’m a student who’s currently a non-resident going to college (in Florida) and I was wondering if FAFSA would cover the cost of my tuition and fees for my first semester.

Michelle answers:

FAFSA amounts are based on (1) level of financial need… For example, someone living in trur poverty might get the full amount of pell grant (2) set limits, if the student meets the general criteria of need, then student loans are offered. Those loans are a set amount based on what your level of education is… For example your first year is lower than your second year for available loan amounts

FAFSA has other factors such as meeting academic criteria

If you meet all of the criteria to be eligible for FAFSA generated aid…. Then the amount of the aid you receive does not change based on what college you choose to attend

in most cases, it is not enough to cover an in-state university’s total cost of tuition, fees, and books… Generally speaking, it is designed to cover the cost of community college & in some cases less expensive state/public universities

to answer your question… NO, FAFSA generated funding will not increase to cover out-of-state tuition

Joseph asks…

FAFSA Submission for college?

I submitted my Fafsa application on January 1. It was processed on January 19. I haven’t heard anything else from fafsa since then. it is now February 11. What should I expect? A letter from fafsa? An email?

Michelle answers:

FAFSA will only contact you to let you know that your Student Aid Report (SAR) is ready for you to view. This is a copy of your completed and processed FAFSA and can be seen on the FAFSA website. The SAR will not, however, tell you what aid you will be receiving.

You need to wait to hear from your school(s). Each one will send out an ‘award letter’ after they have received and viewed your FAFSA and have determined what aid you are eligible for. This is usually around early March. The award letters will state everything that you are receiving from the school to attend there. It can include grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study. It will also state what remainder of your education needs to be paid out-of-pocket, if any.

Your award letters will be sent from your schools via mail, email, or will be available for you to view on their financial aid website. Call and ask the financial aid office at your schools of interest to ask when and where you will be able to view your award letter.

John asks…

I filled out the wrong fafsa?

I went to, not . Am I gonna get in trouble for this? are they the same thing? what do I do?
ive never done anything like this, and im worried

Michelle answers: is a scam. They will charge you for their “services” and I’ve heard of them screwing up fafsa forms. Delete any forms with them and fill out the fafsa at immediatley. Don’t worry, it should be straight forward and you can look to the side of the page for information on how to fill out each space. If you have any questions, contact help through that site. Any source that charges for help with the fafsa is a scam.

Betty asks…

How does fafsa work?

I have a few question about how fafsa works.
1.Do I have to file for fafsa every year?
2.Since I will be living on campus, and not with my parents, will I have to include my parents tax return information in fafsa?
3.If I decide to live off campus and rent an apartment near the campus, will fafsa cover my apartment expences?
I filled for 2008-2009 and my efc is 0. The school I plan to attend cost 15000 for tuition and fees. I heard that sometimes fafsa pays more than it has to and the remaining cash is given to you in a check. Is that true?

Michelle answers:

1. Yes, you have to renew your FAFSA application EVERY year.

2. Yes, you have to use your parents tax return if you are under 24, not married, or claimed as a dependent.

3. If you EFC is 0 (that is, that you can’t contribute financially to your education), you will get approx. $4,000/yr. This will probably not cover housing. You will need student loans for housing.

Information on Aid:

Financial aid administrators and guidance counselors from around the country agree that the following tips speed up the application process.

Important: Read the instructions!
Many questions on the FAFSA are straightforward, like your Social Security Number. But many questions are asked specifically for purposes of student financial aid. Common words like “household,” “investments,” and even “parent” may have special meaning. Read all instructions carefully.
Apply Early!
State and school deadlines will vary and tend to be early. Check with them to find out their exact deadline dates.

Federal Student Aid will process your FAFSA if it is received on or before the deadline. However, in order for you to actually receive aid, your school must have correct, complete FAFSA information before your last day of enrollment.

Complete Your Tax Return!
We recommend that you (and your parents if you are a dependent student) complete your tax return before filling out your FAFSA. This will make completing the FAFSA easier. If you have not filed your tax return yet, you can still submit your FAFSA but you must provide correct income and tax data once you have filed.

Save Time: File Electronically!
Complete and submit your FAFSA online. It is the fastest and most accurate way to apply for student aid.

Ask: Do I Need Additional Forms?
Many schools and states rely on the FAFSA as the single application for student aid. However, it would be wise to check with your state agency and the financial aid office at the school that you plan to attend to find out if they require additional forms.

Why fill out a FAFSA?

The (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), or FAFSA, is the first step in the financial aid process. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid, such as the Pell Grant, student loans, and college work-study. In addition, most states and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid. For instructions on how to complete the FAFSA, select Completing the FAFSA.

Why all the questions?

We enter your FAFSA responses into a formula (known as the Federal Methodology), which is regulated by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The result is your Expected Family Contribution, or EFC. The EFC is a preliminary estimate that measures your family´s financial strength. It is subtracted from the Cost of Attendance at the school(s) you plan to attend to determine your eligibility for federal student aid.

How do I find out what my EFC is?

We will send you a report, called a Student Aid Report, (SAR), by e-mail or by postal mail depending on the addresses that we have on file for you. The SAR lists the information you reported on your FAFSA. At the upper right of the front page of the SAR, you´ll find a figure called the EFC.

How much aid do I get?

Schools use your EFC to prepare a financial aid package (grants, loans, and/or work-study) to help you meet your financial need. Financial need is the difference between your EFC and your school´s cost of attendance (which can include living expenses).

TIP: If you or your family have special circumstances that impact your financial situation, contact your school´s financial aid office. Some examples include: unusual medical expenses, or a large change in income from last year to this year.

When do I get the aid?

Your financial aid will be paid to you through your school. Typically, your school will first use the aid to pay tuition, fees, and room and board (if provided by the school). Any remaining aid is given to you for your other expenses.

Where can I get more information about student aid?

The financial aid office at the school you plan to attend is the best place to get information about federal, state, school and other sources of student financial aid.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Mark asks…

who sees my profile on facebook?

who sees my profile on facebook

Michelle answers:

Facebook doesn’t allow people to track who views their profiles. Facebook applications, on the other hand, are unable to track anybody unless they have the consent of the viewer.

Follow the source to see the Facebook’s statement about this issue.

Maria asks…

Palm Pre… Facebook… Facebook chat??!?

Ok I just got a Palm Pre.
I was wondering how to get to the ‘full site’ of facebook.
My goal is to get the Facebook chat/IM working on my phone.
I read online that instead of tapping on the designated Facebook icon, to type in in the url bar of the browser.
I did this and it still takes me to the mobile site.

I cant get to FB chat this way.

Any help!?!?

Thanks sooo much

Michelle answers:

Facebook chat is available if you go to this direct link:

The same applies to going directly to the Facebook homepage to use the full version of Facebook:

Check out for more information and programs for the Pre.

Sandy asks…

how do you update facebook?

how do you update facebook

Michelle answers:

Facebook owner is zukerberg not you lol so you can’t update facebook however you can download latest version of facebook app and u can update status and photos as well

Linda asks…

What is going on with Facebook?

Cannot seem to open facebook

Michelle answers:

Facebook is lame now and they want everyone to hate it!

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Your Questions About Food Network

John asks…

Why do recipes calling for parsley usually specify Italian flat-leaf parsley?

That seems to be the only parsley used by the chefs on the Food Network, too. Does it have a different flavor than curly parsley? Or is it just easier to chop?

Michelle answers:

It has more flavor than curly parsley and I do find it is easier to chop.

Susan asks…

Looking for a good recipe, does anyone have one?

So i am looking for a steamed mussle recipe. I am new to cooking mussles but want to learn. Also if anyone knows the recipe used on the food network show “Ham on the Street” i would realy appreciate it. Have been looking for it but have not had alot of luck finding that particular recipe.

Michelle answers:

I think this is the recipe you are looking for.

Mary asks…

Is it absolutely necessary that I use elbow macaroni for mac n cheese recipe?

Have small, tubular kind. Planning to make Emeril’s Mac N Cheese off of Food Network. All the mac n cheese recipes I’ve known used elbow macaroni. Do I have to? Why or why not?

Michelle answers:

You don’t have to. Almost all pasta, except those specifically labled as so are semolina. The only difference is the shape. Shells also work very well becasue the cheese gets inside it like it does with elbow macaroni.

Joseph asks…

Who can throw down in a kitchen Rachel Ray or Paula Deen?

I would like to see Rachel Ray & Paula Deen go toe to toe in the kitchen on the Food Network & raise money from some sort of charity.I would donate 1,500 dollars to Paula Deen & the charity she will be sponsoring.So who will you chose?

Michelle answers:

There are two totally different schools of thought on this question.

It would depend as to which type of cooking style one prefers. Rachael Ray cooks a variety of different styles, while Paula Deen stays traditionally to Southern charm.

This being said, my own preference is Paula Deen.

Have a lovely rest of the day. Happy Eating!

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Your Questions About Fedex

William asks…

Fedex international shipping rates?

i want to know how much is it to ship clothing and electronics from US to Belize through fedex, does anyone know the rates?

Michelle answers:

Fedex rates are based on weight. Rates to Belize are fairly high, and can be confirmed on or calling your local fedex office for rates. Please note that eletronics shiped to Belize via fedex will bear a high rate of import duty based on not only the cost of the eletronic item, but also the shipment cost.

Charles asks…

Fedex Delivery question?

Ok, So i ordered standard fedex shipping, I’ve purchased my items online this saturday, and a few hours that saturday evening i’ve got a email that comfirmed my order has been shipped, What time should i expect my items be here? It’s now sunday, Does fedex happen to deliver on sunday? (USA) i’m assuming shipping will be fast, due to my mom losing her phone on Thursday, and her new phone was here by saturday, when will my items most likely be here? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

‘standard fedex shipping’ does not always mean Fedex’s ”Standard Overnight” shipping. It means the shipping that your vendor uses as their standard – which quite frequently is Ground or Home Delivery.

Take the tracking number that you should have in the confirmation email, go to and track your package – you will almost certainly get the estimated date of delivery (and possibly a commitment -time- as well)

As a hint – if Fedex says ”Delivery *by* 3:30 pm” that does -not- necessarily mean ”Delivery *at* 3:30 pm”. Have a backup plan. See if there is a Fedex Kinkos near you where the package could be held if, for some mysterious reason, you can’t stay home all day waiting for a driver…

Thomas asks…

Missed my fedex delivery. What now?

I missed my Fedex delivery and the guy didn’t leave a note or anything. I have no problem picking it on from a fedex center, but where do I find the closest one by me. I have a Fedex/Kinkos by me. Will it be there?

Michelle answers:

There are two fedex companies one is fedex express
then there is also fedex ground both do delivery to customer
then there is also an off shoot of ground call fedex home delivery
(which is fedex ground which only delivers to residents/homes
and they have up until 7pm to deliver a package
so if you saw one fedex person he could just been the fedex express courier not the ground/home deliver courier
the only way a package would end at a fedex/kinkos
is if you had ask for Hold at location service and used that
fedex kinkos as your hold location..
Otherwise the package will go back to the hub where the delivers are sorted out..
Again the tracking number will be helpful
(I wonder why people ask thees questions and never
and expect an answer but never tells us the tracking number
if we had we can give a better answers

Lizzie asks…

Confused about Fedex Tracking?

I got my stuff last Friday the 10th. But when I checked the tracking number its says my stuff just got sent to my local post office and got updated on the 11th. Didn’t even say delivered. Confused? Could it be possible that the company sent me 2 packages? or is fedex just slow to update?

Michelle answers:

While FedEx updates are immediate, the post office is notoriously slow at updating their tracking information. It looks like FedEx transferred this package to the post office and the post office has delivered it but hasn’t yet told FedEx.

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Jenny asks…

Does Forever 21 sizing run big, small, or true to size?

I don’t have a Forever 21 in my city, so I have to order online. I have never ordered from there before and I want to know how their sizing is. I am generally a size Small, but some stores run kind of big or small, and I want to know how sizing is at Forever 21. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 runs really small in my opinion. I would look at their size chart and add a little bit. Say you’re at the end of M, you might want to order L. What happened to me last time was, I ordered an M t-shirt, and it came tiny. Like the width of the shirt is smaller than the width of my body. It did stretch a little bit though so I can wear it now, but a little tight.

If you’re at least a little chesty, then it will be difficult to find clothes at forever 21. You will have to order L.

Forever 21 has many collections though, so depends which branch of the brand you buy (it will have a tiny label saying which one it came from). Love21 fits more true to size, and Faith21 is more for plus sizes. So consider that and look at their size chart. I know heritage 1981 and twelve by twelve are the branches that are ridiculously running way too small.

Hope this helps a bit.. I’m actually ordering something from forever 21 right now.

Thomas asks…

American Eagle and Forever 21 jeans?

I’m buying jeans online at forever 21 but I’m not sure what size I would be. I’m a perfect size 12 at American Eagle, but could even squeeze into a size 10. At Forever 21 anything larger than a size 10 is in plus sizes (which I totally disagree with) Well the plus sizes aren’t in inches, they are in actual jean standard sizes (size, 12, 14, 16, etc.) Forever 21 shirts run a bit small, and their shoes run a bit large, what about their jeans? should i get a 12 or a 14?

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 pants are pretty true to size. I’d say if you can fit into a 12 at AE and any other store you shop at get the 12 at Forever 21. If your unsure, i’d definately go to the store and try them on because they have a 21 day return/exchange policy, and they dont do returns at all.

Steven asks…

forever 21 coat size help?

I don’t know if I should get this forever 21 leather jacket on ebay:

it’s a size small, and i don’t know if it’ll fit me.
i’m a size medium at hollister for their hoodies, but do you think the forever 21 jacket would run bigger?
do people normally buy size medium or large for outdoor coats and jackets?
thank you!!

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 jackets run true to size or a bit small.

I’m a regular Forever 21 shopper, and I own multiple jackets and coats from them. I’m normally a size small, and in some of these jackets and coats that’s accurate, but I have a few I’ve had to go up to a medium in. I’ve never bought or tried on outerwear from them that was too big in a size small (and I’ve tried on a LOT of them!).

If you’re usually a size medium in outerwear, I suggest you don’t risk getting the small because it’s going to be true to size or smaller than true to size.

Normally people buy their actual size in outerwear if it’s going to be sitting snugly on their body. But if it’s a coat that’s going to go over a few other layers of clothing, going a size up is a good idea.

Ken asks…

forever 21 hollister quailty?

are they alike?
i want to shop at forever 21 never have i take really good care of my clothes will it be good?
thats not what i asked i asked if forever 21 style quality is better or the same or worse then all my fsavorite stores like hollister and abercrombie and fitch
you have to hand wash their stuff i want to do everything normal is that crappy?

Michelle answers:

Stick to Hollister. Forever 21 lost their flair YEARS ago. Clothing sucks, it’s cheaply, poorly made. The stitching falls apart, buttons pop off, I think you get the picture. And no matter which one I’ve gone to, the store always seems like it’s a mess. The only thing I’d buy in there is MAYBE jewelry, but even that’s over priced. You can probably find something decent in there if you have the patience to dig through all the rubble, which I do not. I still stop by when I’m at the mall and regret it every time. I never buy anything, but always take a look with hopes that they’ll have something decent and worth paying for. I’m 31 years old and the last time Forever 21’s clothing was cool was when I was 21!

Hollister quality? Definitely NOT! Bargain quality clothing should be BARGAIN priced.

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Your Questions About Fox News

Susan asks…


Can you guys talk about your opinions about Fox News.
Their bias..etc

Michelle answers:

Fox News is rated #1 news program in our country! Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Sarah Palin have books that have remained #1 on the New York Times Best Seller’s List and all three books have competed for the number 1 position since the beginning of summer!

President Obama has chosen Fox News as a “Fall Guy” or “Scapegoat” for his own inadequacies as President! He needed to target something or someone.

President Obama came in as a king… royalty! However, even the liberal news has reported his failings!

Up until a month ago, Obama was stunned/shocked to hear that the majority of our country is watching Fox News now and will not watch the liberal networks because of being fed bull crap for 20 years now.

In Washington DC in the political arena, this kind of publicity is only hurting Obama not Fox News!

Of course, I know my answer will not be chosen as the BEST.
However, it is the TRUTH.

Lisa asks…

Why does Fox news hate Obama?

I always noticed that Fox news is always bashing Obama every time they talk about him or show something about him. They call him all these mean names. Like when he was campaigning last year he was at the beach with his family Fox news called him fat, and then they say he wasn’t born in the US now they call him a racist. WTF is wrong with Fox news. they are so one minded its sickening. I mean really, why do they pick this mans every flaw apart when he is trying to fix the mess that Bush left behind. I like what Obama is doing for this country and I like his health care plan too.
Its crazy Fox News doesn’t even report the news, they just report their own opinions about what they think about the news and other current issues. There is a difference between fact and opinion and most of the time Fox news just reports their own one sidded opinions instead of just telling the news.

Michelle answers:

FOX News hates Obama because they are owned by republican Rupert Murdock who hires right wing radicals to express his viewpoints. That is also a wise financial move because they can get 40+% of America’s population to watch their news. People like to watch news that reflects their view points. That is why I watched MSNBC during the elections, because I couldn’t stand President Bush and the pundents on that channel shared my outlook. Here on Yahoo! Answers are Obama bashers galore, they see things very different. I see the economy improving after two terms of bad politics and I believe that nearly everything Obama is doing is paying off well. Fox news is behind the rowdy participants at town hall meetings on health care with hosts Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck encouraging civil disruptions in the debates. Democrats debate, Republicans rile and lie and twist the truth and believe their own sick bushit.

Sandra asks…

Fox news. Republican Propaganda?

Democrats, what are your views on Fox news? How do you feel about them using the word “liberal”?

Michelle answers:

Fox news (more like Faux news) is chalk full of right wing conservative propaganda. Too many times have we seen hannity twist the truth to serve his right wing rhetoric. We’ve all known Beck to be a sensationalist at the expense of reality. Oreily? More like Oh Really!

Fox news recently was caught for spinning the health care debate, and was told to only use the phrase “so-called public option” or Massive “Government health care”, etc.

They also perpetuated Birther theories, Terrorist ties to the President theories, as well as the president is a nazi/socialist/muslim theories.

Its no wonder they get good ratings, their shows are as entertaining as Jerry Springer, who mind you are also Fox News heads.

Fox will label ANYONE that doesn’t agree with their propaganda as “Liberal”, which not only is wrong, but indicates their utmost right wing bias.

Charles asks…

Question about Fox and Fox News?

So, I read that the owner of Fox is actually Democratic, if this is true why does he allow Fox News to lean so far to the right?

Michelle answers:

Fox news seems like it’s to the right if your own placement on the political spectrum is extreme left. Fox does try to report (the who, what, when, where, why, and how) without editorializing. I consider their news in the center. Hannity doesn’t claim to be a reporter of news, and he is up front that his bias is conservative. Contrast that with Chris Matthews at MSNBC. Does he know where his views land on the political spectrum? He thinks he’s in the middle, reporting news.

I honestly can’t tell if Fox has any stake in who wins politically.

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Thomas asks…

What is this internet site/game?

I remember that a while ago, my sister found this site that had a bunch of logic puzzles. It was written as if each puzzle was part of some long journey you’re on. I remember three of the puzzles.

One was the classic puzzle where you have 2 people, one of which always tells the truth and the other that always lies. There was also a puzzle that had to do with 3 people sitting in chairs and 2 black and 3 white hats. The last puzzle I remember had to do with having to get across a bridge in 17 minutes with 4 people who had to cross.

Does anyone know what this site was?

Michelle answers:


Jenny asks…

I need somewhere free and fun i can learn online.?

Ok. I am a nerd. I don’t want to sit around all day playing video games and watching tv. I need some sites where i can learn stuff and have fun. If anyone knows of some great websites aimed at 8th graders, for learning, that are actually somewhat fun then please tell me.

Michelle answers:

Sandra asks…

I need a website that i can get on?

Ok, are there any websites like these….

Facebook (games on Facebook?)
Pixie Hollow
Addicting games
Max games
Shock wave
Stick page

I think that is all that i have tried…any others??
I can’t download anything…. and I tried Habbo Hotel
AND… i like ferryhalium but it gets boring

Michelle answers:


Steven asks…

My little sister is six years old. What websites do you recomend for her to get on?

She wants one with a lot of games.

Michelle answers:

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