Your Questions About Facebook

Sandy asks…

Poll: MySpace or Facebook?

What do you like better between MySpace or Facebook?

Michelle answers:


Sharon asks…

What do you like about Facebook?

Nobody keeps score at Facebook!
Your compliment made my day, friend who’s Heatmizer.

Facebook mainly is for people who live in close-knit communities. I’ve met people who live near the Great Lakes through it, too.

Michelle answers:

I have never used “Facebook”, but you have a pretty face.

Daniel asks…

how is facebook different than myspace?

is facebook safer? thx
if it is safer, how so? thx!

Michelle answers:

Facebook is definitely better. There’s less spam, and fakers. I had a MySpace for over a year. One day I decided to make a Facebook and I haven’t been on my MySpace since.
On Facebook, you don’t get random people sending you friend requests or people hacking into your profile. Its also alot easier to find friends from school and in your area. There’s also a lot of cool features on Facebook that MySpace doesn’t have.

Facebook > MySpace

Jenny asks…

Turn Facebook wall as Facebook page?

I want to turn my Facebook Wall page as my Facebook page. How can that be done?

Michelle answers:

Facebook developer can do can do this with ht-access. Ht-access redirect Facebook wall as Facebook page….

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Your Questions About Firefox

Robert asks…

myspace not properly working with firefox 3?

I just download firefox 3 and for some reason i cant click nothin on myspace.I cant send messages,comments or friend requests.I have no problem doing it with firefox 2 though.Is there anyway I can fix this problem?

Michelle answers:

Uninstalled Firefox 3 and Re-Install Firefox 2:

I use to have Firefox 3, and I had alot of problems with it, so I went back to Firefox 2.


Ken asks…

Firefox keeps crashing…?

I’m on Vista and lately Firefox has been crashing several times a day.

Michelle answers:

Close Firefox and then run” Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode)” given in

start menu –>All programs–>Mozilla Firefox–>Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode)

Try to un-install or disable all Add-ons. If Firefox run in it’s safe mode then ur fox have no serious problem. Other wise un-install it and install a clean installation of Firefox 🙂

Paul asks…

firefox crash problem?

I have firefox 12.0 installed as my browser. It often crashes and prompts me to restart firefox. What is the problem and how could I fix it?

Michelle answers:

Run Firefox safe mode by pressing Alt or click on the orange Firefox tab if it is visible. Go to Help > Restart Firefox with add-ons disabled > Reset all preferences to Firefox defaults > Make changes and restart.

See if that matters.

You may also check which of your add-ons is causing the browser to crash by disabling everything and enabling them one at a time.

Susan asks…

how do you delete firefox?

i want regular internet again. how do i delete firefox. help!!?!

Michelle answers:

Firefox is regular internet, just not Internet Explorer puree’.

Start>settings>control panel>add remove programs> now select (highlight) Firefox and click the uninstall button to remove the program (and commit a certifiable mistake).

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Your Questions About Fox News

James asks…

Fox News vs. White House?

I’m just wondering if the White House claims Fox News to be wrong about anything, why don’t they come onto the news to show them “wrong”. So far, I haven’t seen any stories that have been manipulated in any way, but if Fox News isn’t right on the dot, why can’t they come onto Fox News to debate it? They also have to understand that some of the shows are opinionated and have the right to freedom of speech. And do you fear that perhaps we aren’t getting all the true information from the White House?

Michelle answers:

By criticizing Fox News, the White House really meant to criticize the American people. They wanted to remind people that the majority of the programs on Fox News, such as the Glenn Beck Program, and the O’Reilly Show, are opinionated programs and not news programs, as part of the public has been treating them. When it comes to the News on that channel, its not nearly as unbaised as other networks, but it also isn’t anywhere near as bad as the White House claims it to be. It does voice Republican Opinions, but after all, the purpose of news is to tell you the news, and if Fox News wants to add some opinion to that news, then they should go ahead. People will or won’t watch, and the White House can’t control that.

Nancy asks…

Whats your opinion on Fox news?

theres so much controversy on fox news. i dont understand why. Your opinion?

Michelle answers:

How do I put this politely?

Fox News–a.k.a. NEWSCORP–was bought out entirely in the 1980s by a billionaire Australian named Rupert Murdoch. He still owns a controlling share of that thing.

And he has been hellbent since day one on a) making “tabloid style” biased news (if not fabricated info-tainment) the mainstream, and b) making sure everyone believes that mainstream journalism has too much “liberal bias”, whether it in fact has any or not.

Basically the guy is about as far right politically as Mussolini and wants–nay, Demands–that America become the same. In the early 1980s there may have been a point to it–a need for intelligent, contrarian journalism. But that was _how many_ years ago? Times have changed but their message hasn’t. If anything it’s become more dogmatic, doctrinaire and hard-line than before: right is right, hard-right is “more right”, and everyone else is wrong (and doesn’t deserve any freedom of expression, never mind any say in how the nation is run).

This wouldn’t be so bad, but: most of the Billionaires and One Percenters–your CEO Class in America–actually have it in their greedy, financial “best interests” to follow Murdoch, Fox News, and folks like the idiot Tea Party as far right as possible if only because it means “more tax cuts” that let these “people” hate and hoard money, and hate and hoard money some more.

If people like Murdoch, like the Koch Brothers, like all of the _other_ Tea Party sponsors, had it their way tomorrow, America would be a detuned sort of fascist state. We wouldn’t be at war because we’d be broke–we’d be a puppet dancing on China’s string one day, India’s the next, and Saudi Arabia’s the third. But otherwise, we’d be openly totalitarian. Ordinary citizens would either work on the Wal-mart plantation for prison wages or be tossed into a Meat Grinder for Soylent Green purposes. One Percenters would own 99 percent of everything and everybody, while the Bottom 99 Percent (the rest of us, mere citizens like you and I) would scrap and fight over _one measly percent_, as we live in rot and ruin, begging hand-to-mouth to get by. As it is in Somalia. As it is in Haiti. As it was in New Orleans, post-Katrina. As it’s becoming in Detroit.

That’s not even why it’s controversial though.

It’s controversial because so many, so many, _TOO many_ people, just eat this up. They swallow the Fox News propaganda stream–and yes, Rush Limbaugh himself admits that it’s propaganda–whole and unchewed upon. People aren’t even thinking about this crap–they aren’t even bothering to fact-check a damned thing. All they do is watch, and watch, and watch, and when they have their fill they hit the internet and regurgitate it right back at the rest of us, puking and parroting their “talking points of the day” as if they were automatons, robots with no thoughts of their own in their heads. They mindlessly copy and paste it all, line and verse, the way a religious fundamentalist quotes gospel. Not as a way to inform or enlighten, but as a _weapon_ with which to bully, browbeat, terrorize and silence. These people even get their insults, wholesale, from the same exact source.

It’s a group mind. It’s a really dumb sort of group mind–like lemmings who believe they are Borg, and that resistance is futile.

Among other things. That’s the controversial part–that otherwise intelligent, functional human beings can actually swallow this degrading line of bullsh=t and endlessly mouth it off to all that moves. And for some perverse reason we put up with it: the rest of us tolerate it when the fundies and rednecks and trolls and haters bully, threaten and attack us with this damned fool nonsense.

How anyone believes in this stuff I don’t understand, but the bullying–the relentless attacks and abusive conduct–has got to go. It’s _Going_ to have consequences, and soon.

It’s going to be a harsh, bitter winter if we end up _going back_ to the madness of the last decade of fail, to the policies of one nation, under Bush/Cheney (and their Arab and Big Oil, Big Banking butt-buddies).

Donald asks…

Why do democrats lie about Fox News?

Who’s the most biased?

Polls on how Americans saw the mainstream media (TV and print) election coverage in 2008:
-Rasmussen poll: 69% for Obama, 6% for McCain
-Pew Research poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain
-Sacred Heart University poll: 68% for Obama, 9% for McCain
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain

University of Connecticut’s Department of Public Policy survey of journalists, nationwide, during the 2008 election: 52% supported Kerry, versus 19% for Bush.

11/21/08 Zogby poll: Fox News most trusted TV news source: approval 39%; CNN approval 16%; MSNBC 15%. A majority think the media is biased: the web is the most trusted news medium (over TV and print combined).

2008 Pew poll: Fox viewers are least politically skewed: 39% are Republicans, 33% are Democrats 33%, while at CNN viewers 51% Democrat and 18% Republican.

I’ve posted the above facts many times in defense of Fox but still get the totally unresponsive, “Oh, you’re just a Faux News drone!” It’s as though democrats are illiterate and are unable to read polls. On the other hand, some scientists found that their “brain” is…well, abnormal:

-10/28/10 NBC news: University of California at Davis and Harvard University find “Liberal Gene” as partial answer as to why liberals think the way they do.

Now watch them: Not one democrat will address the polls results. They’ll attack me, the polls or Fox using the method of argument all democrats use: simple-minded name-calling, ending with “It’s Bush’s fault!”

Michelle answers:

“Study finds Fox News viewers more likely to be misinformed on basic political facts”

The study finds Fox News viewers to be the more likely to be incorrect with each incremental increase of exposure to Fox. The respondents who watched Fox News on a daily basis were at times twice as likely to be wrong as those who never watched Fox.

Furthermore, the study found it was not a partisan divide. The respondents who watched Fox, but voted Democratic were just as likely to be incorrect as those Fox viewers who voted Republican.

Ruth asks…

Are you missing the news by only watching fox news?

Fox news is brainwashing republicans.Watch another channel, if just for a day.You might learn what is really going on. Did you know Iraq wants us to leave? Did you know Al Queda is on the rise in Afganistan? The terrorist in Iraq are manufactured. Al Queda is in Afganistan. Iraqis themselves are terrorist in Iraq.Why are we ignoring Afganistan?
Anti-dem; you are brainwashed, Obama has been yelling about getting more troops to Afganistan for almost two years.The surge is working? Working what? As soon as we leave Iraq will change to a single party government, no matter when we leave because that’s what they want anyway.That’s not working, of course if you put enough troops there violence will be down. Working is changing peoples hearts. You can stay there forever and that won’t happen.

Michelle answers:

Fox News viewers are no more or less brainwashed than other main stream media fans. That Fox appears hold a different view is all for show – to deceive you into thinking that meaningful differences of opinion are presented in the media.

The news media no longer plays the role of “fourth branch of government” (that is, it keeps the government in check by asking the important questions and conducting investigative journalism). There was a time that was somewhat true but it is not so today. The very last round of media merges made possible by the Bush administration was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The main stream media is owned by a very few corporate giants. Those giants and their major shareholders own other companies that profit from the war and the war on terror. There is cross-over between ownership and boards of directors of media corporations with the corporations that profit directly from war and terror, and globalist think-tanks that influence our foreign policy, and the corrupt Federal Reserve. There is also cross-over in ownership and board membership with companies that have a direct impact on our health and the food we eat.

Research General Electric for example. Learn what media outlets it owns, and learn what else it owns that profits as a result of war, the war on terror and unstable oil prices. Learn its role as a Pentagon supplier. Worthy of note is General Electric’s ownership of National Geographic. Knowing that GE is a profiteer of war and the war on terror, can we trust its documentaries about those topics? We would be fools to do so.

The role of today’s main stream media is to promote government propaganda and corporate interests, at the expense of the people. The media feeds us a version of reality that best suits the profit and power motives of its owners. We must become media wise. Start here:-

General Main Stream Media

Focus on US Media

For some examples of how the media presents “fake news” to promote corporate interests in a way that makes the reader believe it to be real news, go here and watch the “before and after” clips. These media people are very slick!


It is now public information that the media conspired with the Pentagon to feed us propaganda to induce support for the Iraq war. A couple of main stream media outlets have now acknowledged that but most of them continue to black out the story.


It gets worse. The reason for embedding journalists during the early stages of the Iraq war was not about safety for journalists. It was to allow the Pentagon to control the message. The disregard for the safety of non-embedded journalists should be an embarrassment for every American. The film linked here, created by a member of the MSM, covers it. It is a must-watch film for any American who wants to avoid being “sold” another war (Iran).


We must stop letting the war profiteers spoon fed us the “reality” they require to support their profit and power motives.

How about the recent tomato scare? How many people became sick or died? What is the population of the country relative to the number of people affected? How many people die in car accidents each year? Do we ban cars? If you look at the numbers affected by the tomato “non-crisis”, you can conclude that the story was grossly overblown in the media. Why? Because the chemical companies that stand to profit want to see mandatory food irradiation. More money for them, less nutrition for you. If you don’t believe that food irradiation depletes nutritional value of food, that is your prerogative but I ask you … shouldn’t people able to choose whether they eat irradiated food? If things progress as they are, eventually you won’t have that choice.

The change will have been “voluntary” because the media will have convinced us that food irradiation is necessary to keep us “safe”. In that sense, the food irradiation issue has some elements in common with the war on terror. Your chances of being injured by Arab terrorism are about the same as being struck by lightening, yet the media keeps the war on terror alive daily, both directly and subliminally. Meanwhile, the government continues to introduce more and more legislation restricting civil liberties and privacy, all in the name of keeping you safe from terrorism.

I should add that when I use the term “spreading propaganda”, I also refer to the media practice of failing to disclose important points. What they don’t say is often more important than what they do say.

The corporate media is the greatest threat to democracy this nation has ever seen. Democracy will disappear if we don’t wise up to it. It is also a grave threat to our health because of the way it uses fake news to promote corporate interests at the expense of the health and safety of the people.

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Laura asks…

Any websites for Kid’s Game download? ?

My kid is 5 years old, she loves to play with PC. I would like to know if there are any freeware sites for Kid’s Games. I prefer some puzzles, mind games and learning exercises. Please suggest.

Michelle answers:

James asks…

Best sites for elementary school-aged KIDS?

I know about Club Penguin and MIllsberry. What else is out there? I am not interested in StarFall, Fisher Price, Nickelodeon, PBS, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Michelle answers:

Try funbrain .com

Ruth asks…

What is a good website for games?

Games for fun that you can play on the internet

Michelle answers:

Nancy asks…

What is this game called?

I remember playing this game when i was in elementary school, there was like two purple things that you control with your mouse and there was a bonus level when you have to get hearts. Also there was different worlds but i had the trial at my school so you couldn’t access some worlds.

Michelle answers: ?

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

John asks…

facebook login problem, guys please help amd freaking pissed?

ok so 1st it was sending annoying spam in chat so i decided to deactivate it. while deactivating it, i requested not to send the emails and now when am trying to reactivate it, in the security check they ask me to put security code they sent in the email. when i press to Send Security Code it says An error occurred while sending the message.
At least, where do i press to contact the admins ?
Markas, actually yeah, it said that someone tried to log in from sweden and i live in lithuania, so it probably was hacked, but there s no way im getting a new account, i have this since like 2007 :((( i ll try contact admins, thank you.

Michelle answers:

Facebook never sends out securtiy codes in ur email, to reactivate it all you have to do is go to facebook and login like normal, sounds like you got hacked and facebook is just trying to protect their website, because when you try to login thru email ur cookies arnt matching what facebook sees.. Faces keeps track of your i.p. Adress and logs you in from it, either contact facebook directly or get a new one. Google EMAIL FACEBOOK

James asks…

Facebook Login Help!?

I have this safekeeper on my computer. So i went to a website to unblock facebook. And it worked I made an account and i get to the login page i put in my password then it directs me to safekeeper and says the website is blocked. So i copy it and put it into the unblock website and it says you must be logged into view this.
So my question is .. is if possible how do i login if it wont let me see the page..?
Is there any other way to login?

all advice is welcome thanks!!
Its blocked because i have safekeeper on the puter and it blocks certain websites!

Michelle answers:
enter your password
it snt blocked!
Try it again

William asks…

Facebook strange Login Problem that is Facebook’s FAULT?

I can not get into my account, I changed the password on Sunday and when I tried to change it it said “Sorry your old facebook password can’t be the same as your new one” So I can’t login with my ACTUAL password. And every time I change the password, no matter what it is, it says the same thing.
No, I can’t change the password, no matter what I try to change it to from my old one, it says it can’t be the same as your old one, no matter what I put.
I did that, it tells me to change the password but it won’t let me change it! How do I contact FB?

Michelle answers:

I think you should contact Facebook Support on the matter!
As I understood, each time you actually enter a new different password from the old one, it says that it’s the same AS your old one, must be something wrong with the account that needs Technical support. Otherwise, If you’re changing the New password with the same old passowrd (same characters) just so you could login then you might want to consider choosing a whole new password other than the old one and use it.

Thomas asks…

Why my Facebook account login as admin panel?

i have a problem in my facebook account as i login as admin panel in a new page i created.
i don’t know what happened but it was an accident i don’t know how to my normal account back again.
please help me and the problem is showing in this image
direct image url

many thanks

Michelle answers:

Facebook sucks don’t use it !!

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Robert asks…

When should I apply for FAFSA?

I’m going to college next year (Fall 2011)
When should I apply for FAFSA?

Michelle answers:

The new FAFSA for the 2011-2012 school year comes out January 1st, 2011. File it ASAP, even if you and your parents do not have your W2’s or your taxes completed yet. You can file it as an estimate by using the last pay stub(s) of the 2010 year.

When you have your taxes completed you can return to the FAFSA and edit it. DO NOT wait for your taxes to be filed before completing a FAFSA as a lot of financial aid money is ‘first come fist serve’ and if you wait until March to file a FAFSA then you could potentially lose out on thousands of dollars..

Ruth asks…

Question about FAFSA?

i just apply to FAFSA before the FALL semester starts i submit all the paper works and finally i got my pell grant. but my cousin said i have to do the FAFSA again next semester (Spring) which means i have to resubmit my paper works fill out those paper works and take those seminars again from the school. if thats the case when should i resubmit the paper works? what month? please help
i go on a community collage (DVC)

Michelle answers:

FAFSA awards last for two semesters.
However, the FAFSA application for the next two semesters (so fall 2010 and spring 2011) will become available starting January first and you’ll need to fill them out as soon as possible. But this FAFSA will require your 2009 tax returns (while the one you just did required the 2008), so it’s not the exact same paperwork.

Sandra asks…

fafsa help plz very fast !!!!!!?

im plaing to study at a university and live at campes but im not sure will the fafsa cover everything even the classes

Michelle answers:

FAFSA only covers tuition. Which means they will only pay for your classes, they don’t pay for room and board, or books. FAFSA only pays out a certain amount for each semesster, so it depends how much per semester that your college costs if you will get anything back from your FAFSA. Usually I have about $300 left from my FAFSA that I spend on books. Student loans are what will cover your living expenses.

John asks…

fafsa and college aid?

i am confused about the whole financial aid thing. i know that the fafsa is how much the federal and your state decide to give you, right? so i also see some colleges have their own aid, is that mean you have to apply separately or…?

Michelle answers:

No. The FAFSA is just a standardized application that is sent to the schools of your choice. The Schools have their own aid funds and standards for handing out the money. The FAFSA just gives them a standard set of information to help the schools assess who needs the money the most. Because the schools are handing out the money, you should get your FAFSA application in as soon as you can before all the money is gone.

Any dollar amounts given by FAFSA are estimates based on averages and are no guarantee of anything.

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Your Questions About Food Network

Betty asks…

Is it possible to find out what channels air what commercials?

There are some movie trailers that I hate, and change the channel as soon as I realize they’re on. I noticed that some channels (like Food Network) don’t play those trailers, and other channels (like SciFi) play them very often. Is there a way to find out which channels show which commercials/trailers?

Michelle answers:

Unless you know the specific ad you’re trying to avoid, and then also know someone who works there and would be able to get you the information on their ad buy, no, there’s no place to find out what channels air what commercials. Any product can buy any channel. The previous poster is correct in that you ca take an educated guess about which channels to avoid if you’re trying to avoid a specific commercial, but that would really only work for cable. The broadcast stations (cbs, abc, nbc and fox) have such broad reach and appeal that they get bought by everyone. In that case, you’ll have to avoid specific programming i suppose. But, you may not be guessing correctly! You’d have to know our business well to know why programming is bought. So, best of luck!

Mandy asks…

What is a good recipe to use chunks of beef tenderloin?

I recently bought a 4 pound whole beef tenderloin. I cut it up into a roast size portion, two steaks, and then I had just less than a pound of “stew meat size” pieces left. I am looking for a recipe that will make the most of the beef tenderloin chunks. I’ve tried allrecipes and food network, and I haven’t found what I’m looking for yet. Any suggestions??
After seeing these answers I should clarify.. this is good tender meat, I am not looking for anything that will cook it to death, like stew or crock pot recipes. The stir-fry and kebob ideas are closer…any more ideas?

Once I had Beef Tips Monterey in a restaurant. It was beef in a creamy sauce with cheese and onions I think, but I have no idea how to make that. Something along those lines is what I am looking for.

Michelle answers:

A very simple beef stir fry…. Season the beef cubes with a handful of grill seasoning, stir fry until just under the temperature you like (I prefer rare) then add a half onion chopped along with assorted chopped peppers and any other veggies you like!

Richard asks…

Where can i find a lot of information about the Food Network?

Year started, how it started, why it was started??? Etc…

Michelle answers:

Food Network is a television specialty channel that airs both one-time and recurring (episodic) programs about food and cooking. Scripps Networks Interactive owns roughly two thirds of the network, and Tribune Company owns the rest.

The network is seen in more than ninety million households. In addition to New York City, it has offices in Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and Knoxville, Tennessee.

Food Network has launched internationally first in the UK on November 9, 2009 and in Asia from early 2010.[1]

Food Network was founded on November 23, 1993 as TV Food Network; its legal name is still Television Food Network, G.P. Within a few years, the network had shortened its on-air brand name. Joe Langhan, now an executive producer with the Wine Network[2] created the concept for Food Network in 1991 while working at The Providence Journal.[3]

Food Network is owned by Scripps Networks Interactive, a spin-off of E. W. Scripps Company. In 1997, Scripps acquired the Food Network from the A. H. Belo Corp. Corporation (in exchange for broadcast stations KENS-AM/TV in San Antonio, Texas), which had acquired the network through a takeover of The Providence Journal Company earlier that year.[4]

Sandy asks…

Next Food Network Star 2011?

I an voting for Orchid to win, second choice is Mary Beth. I can not stand to watch Penny. She is a catty, conceited woman and I would not watch any show she is on. She sabotages and is critical of other contestants she knows are better than her. Who are you hoping will win?

I hope she is eliminated this Sunday. Please, send her home and let the remaining contestants compete at their best.

Michelle answers:

I am a huge food network fan. This season on Next Food Network Star is very interesting so far. I would have to say that my favorite is definitely Orchid. She has a vibrant, outgoing personality and always has a huge smile on her face. I could picture myself watching her show because she seems very down-to-earth and likeable. I would say that in order for her to win, she needs to make sure all her dishes are on target, since sometimes the judges have not been a huge fan of her food. Overall though, I think she has what it takes to win this competition. I’m looking forward to see what happens! I also like Marybeth. She has stepped up her game a lot! I find her very entertaining to watch when she does her cooking demos. The dishes she prepares also look delicious. I definitely feel the females are stronger than the males this season. I really hope Penny goes home as well. She is a troublemaker, and I honestly could not picture myself watching her on TV. Even though Food Network constantly repeats episodes throughout the week, if you ever want a concise recap of the show check out Http://

If you ever forget to watch an episode and want a good recap check out

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Your Questions About Fox News

Sandy asks…

What kind of reputation does Fox News have?

I’m not in on these News channel sterotypes but I hear how everyone says”if you wanna hears lies about the Iraq war, turn to Fox News
What’s going on
I just watch CNN and my local news channel
I’m not against it, relax
I just wanted to know why

Michelle answers:

Fox news is the most biased of all news stations. In a way it seems that they wave their conservative bias tilt proudly.

At first I used to watch it cause it was interesting, but then when I found out how far off from the truth it really was, I realized I’m not even watching the news anymore, I’m watching a bash fest.
So I stopped watching. Now I watch the news on ABC, MSNBC, BBC, and yes CNN.

Thomas asks…

Why Is Fox News So Biased When It Comes To Candidates?

I don’t watch cable news often but I did watch it over the weekend (Ike coverage) and I happened to land on Fox News. I thought news channels weren’t supposed to base their reports on personal opinion, so what’s up with Fox?

In example, they showed 2 clips, back to back of the candidates speaking about storm preparation. McCain’s footage was professional and then here comes Obama. Looked like they cornered him in an alley. Not to mention during another clip where they showed McCain’s political poster flapping on a wall in the wind and then Obama’s sign rolling with the wind through puddles.

Michelle answers:

Fox News is partisan information and not news at all.

Fox is one big commercial for corporate America and the Republican National Committee.

Fox targets the gullible people in America by feeding these unfortunate non-readers a steady diet of junk which nearly smells like news.

You are correct is stating news channels aren’t supposed to base their reports on personal opinion. The catch here, is that Fox News is a news channel in name only. Fox does not pretend to be journalism and targets people lacking in intellect.

Richard asks…

Why do people constantly bash Fox News?

It’s FoxNEWS,” like it or not. They present news backed up by fact. Like the Van Jones story. The news they reported came from Jones’ own mouth. It can be seen here –

Yet people continue to deny this and bash Fox News.

Not like CNN. They call CNN factual news, yet CNN LIES. Here are a few examples. Backed up by fact.

Michelle answers:

Fox is the only “news” network that calls for funding for a particular political party, or works to raise attendance at a particular political party’s events. That defines them as a propaganda tool for the Republican Party.

Extended exposure to Fox News makes voters stupid, university study finds
Raw Data:
Another Summary:

The Daily Show/Colbert Report scored at the top for most informed viewers and
Fox News scored nearly at the bottom.

The only reason Fox enjoys high ratings is because Murdoch gives it away free, so it’s in every cable company’s basic package. CNN, MSNBC, and others charge for theirs, so not as many people get them.


Charles asks…

why does fox news get such a bad rep?


i never really watched fox news. but i see on the internet it gets bad reviews, and seems to have a bad reputation.

can anybody explain why ?
how is it different to any other news station ?

Michelle answers:

Simple. Fox News – the cable news station, not your local FOX affiliate – lies. They distort the truth. They misrepresent the truth. Heck they just throw the truth away and tell you what they want you to believe.

Fox News reported that Obamacare included ‘death panels’ and would not give coverage to senior citizens. People still believe that. Thanks Fox.

Fox News claims Obama is a secret Muslim with a hidden socialist agenda based on terrorism and taking away your guns. 20% of the US population STILL thinks Obama is actually Muslim, not Christian. Again, thanks Fox.

Recently, Fox News claims that hoodies are only worn by gang members and criminals, which is why that kid in Florida got shot. Fox News is encouraging parents to not let their kids wear hoodies as a result. Oh, the reporter who was responsible for this alarmist garbage was later spotted at a local sports game….wearing a hoodie.

Media watchdog groups have given up trying to count all the incorrect information that Fox News spews each day. They’ve basically come to the conclusion that if someone is talking on Fox News, he or she is lying.

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Posted in Q&A

Your Questions About Funbrain

Sharon asks…

What are some websites for kids?

With a avatar anything!!!!

Michelle answers:

Steven asks…

Can Someone help me please?

Can someone give me more sites like this:
Not those kind. look at the link.
plz answer

Michelle answers:


James asks…

Does anyone know any good kids sites for 1st and 2nd graders?

I’m working on the website for my daughters school. I want to make some links to some good sites for kids, both fun and educational. Also some reference sites for parents would be great too

Michelle answers:

Daniel asks…

It is a game i is a math game that you play i typed in fun math games and i clicked it and ya?

Michelle answers:

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Your Questions About Facebook

Jenny asks…

Facebook Or Bebo ? (POLL)?

well,i choose facebook..
i don’t really like bebo anymore =/
+ facebook is better by a bit.
because there’s chat & everything else.
(: that’s just my opinion though !

What’s yours
if you havn’t tried it then atlest i ask you to try before judging.

Michelle answers:

i had bebo , but i just kinda forgot about it.
:O & facebook is funner. So
facebook 🙂

Helen asks…

Poll: Facebook or Twitter?

I never had a twitter account atleast for more then 2 days, so facebook

Michelle answers:

Facebook twitter twitter facebook mmmmm tough one that. Facebook final answer.

Daniel asks…

how cannected to facebook?

I want to create facebook account

Michelle answers:

Go to on the Right Side Fill out the Form Than Agree to the Terms Hit Sign Up Than Go to your Email you Will Get a Email From Facebook Click on the Confirmation Link Inside the Email

And you Have a Facebook

Donna asks…

Hmm.. Myspace or Facebook?

i like Facebook more

Michelle answers:

Facebook by far. Much better and, well, no 1 goes on Myspace anymore rarely now.

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