Daniel asks…
Question for Fox News Watchers?
I am doing a report about FOX NEWS and I would like to know if you like to watch FOX NEWS? Why or why not?
Michelle answers:
Fox News is my preference, but if you really want to know the scoop on ALL the cable and alphabet new channels, this is the thing. They are owned and operated by the powers that want to keep people entertained with trivial and repetitive news, while the real important issues that have to do with our life and survival as a free country are hidden from the dumbed down population.
That gives the government the control and “we the people” get easy chairs and pretzels.
Sandra asks…
How many watch Fox news?
The drive-by media on all other news programs are so liberal , I don’t know how a conservative can watch them. Fox is number one . Anyone else thank God for Fox news.? I keep them on (for years now.,) most of the day. Come on liberals, sock it to me.
Michelle answers:
There is no other source for real news that I am interested in other than FOX NEWS ! Because of Fox News many of the Liberal Socialist Vast Left Wing Conspiracy Bias` Media`s so called newscast have lost millions of viewers , and it is still going on today ! By having Fox News` call out the Left Wing Socialist Bias` so called Newspapers , it is easier than ever to watch their readers learn to expose them for the lying traitors they are ! Liberal Socialist TV is hilarious too when they try to get Liberals to answer a question with a simple YES or NO answer , and they go off on a tangent about anything but what they were asked ! All these advantages FOX NEWS` has given us ; we can now have the knowledge and know how to spot a Liberal on TV simply by being aware of their BS rhetoric , and by them using their ” Cut and Run comrades`s ” talking points that are evidently distributed daily to all liberal news rooms like Domino`s delivering pizza nationwide ??
Laura asks…
Fox News???
Why do the liberals love to bash Fox News? Is it because they are jealous of Fox‘s higher ratings? Do liberals think that Countdown with Keith Olbermann is unbiased? Does Olbermann bash Bill O’Reilly because O’Reilly is killing him in the ratings?
Michelle answers:
FOX NEWS is pro-American, is unbiased, Higher ratings, Yes, the liberals think that “Titanic” Olbermann is unbiased, YES on the last question.
Thomas asks…
How can people defend Fox News?
Fox News is not a legitimate “news” organization. It is the worst form of propaganda in the world today and very much the equivalent of the old Soviet Pravda. In its day people who loved freedom and democracy criticized Pravda for its misinformation and twisting of the facts and so should we criticize Fox for its blatant falsification as well as its outright desire to fan the flames of hatred and division between our citizenry. Fox News is appalling and it is a detriment to a healthy democracy and civic responsibility. I am not Pro-Obama, but I agree with his policies so far. How can you damn a person who is trying to make healthcare more accessible, make the planet cleaner, and promote friendship between nations (a la Cuba). Yahoo Answers seems more rightwing than usual lately as I glance at the comments. I am open minded so I am looking for an intelligent discussion. And I would like facts not hearsay or Fox News links.
Lol some conservatives online I see. I do not want to see Fox news go down. I used to watch Fox news exclusively until Glen Beck started to open his mouth and embarass news reporting in general. My question did seem a little bias, but I was trying to explain my point. I am open minded, I promise. As a political science minor in college, I am looking for intelligent discussion while I work on my Philosophy midterm.
Ok lol you guys keep asking me for sources. Ok. But where are your sources for your claims that hes damning the country and that his policies are communist and fascist? Thank you Jimbad for your statement. I agree with you, but calling Obama a racist on national Tv? Can you support that kind of news?
Thank you BeKindtoAnimals. I agree. Im a Business major and I realize the importance “competition”. There needs to be a critic to keep things out in the air. Like I stated before I do not wish Fox News to be silenced. I am a democrat and I believe in freedom of speech. I do find the current admins attack on Fox News questionable. But the way Fox News is going about reporting their news can lead to a fervor among right wings thats not needed. America DOES NOT need a revolution.
So BeKind, would you us rather have a Bush/Cheney type of government?
I was just trying to see whether you prefered the ultra conservative of the Bush/ Cheney era over the “ultra liberal” Obama/Biden era of today.
Michelle answers:
I personally find Fox News repulsive, and the only thing I watch on it is Shepard Smith. But there are others that wouldn’t miss a minute of its programming because it has a radical right wing base that it plays to and it does it very well. Although I understand the White House’s reasoning for excluding Fox News from certain venues, in the long run I have to hesitantly say that it is basically promoting censorship in its’ stance against the organization plus gives Fox a legitimate argument against them. All of Fox’s pundits are political propagandists pure and simple, but the same can be said of MISNBC’s pundits too. It just happens so that the administration agrees more with MSNBC than Fox. In my view, it is a case of having to swallow the bitter with the sweet under our Constitution. The smarter avenue would have been to not take a stance one way or the other regarding Fox but to be proactive and on top of the falsehoods and obfuscations the organization propagates to its many gullible adherents. During the Bush administration they toadied to Fox and spurned MSNBC, but they did it both overtly and covertly without making direct comments regarding it. Obama’s administration would have been well advised to not make this issue a talking point in the press since it is common knowledge anyway, plus it is doubtful that if taken to the court system the Obama administration would have prevailed under our censorship laws concerning freedom of the press.
So, although understandable, the WH’s public stance was ill-advised
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