Your Questions About Facebook

Maria asks…

Facebook realted question!?

I deactivated my facebook like a month ago and my friend sent me a message somehow but i got it as a text message it said fb sms? My sister checked and my facebook is still gone so i dont get how he did that. Any ideas how? He sent it to me and my other friend everything he could also see. Like 3 months ago we all had a group coversation could he have gone back to that and messaged us? Still tho..

Michelle answers:

Reactivate your facebook
Deactivate facebook sms
Re-deactivate your facebook
Problem solved.

James asks…

Bebo, Myspace + Facebook?

Whats better?

Bebo, Myspace or Facebook?

Michelle answers:

Overall and allround, facebook

bebo is more play, myspace is more “i have a better page than you” site,
but facebook is play,fun talk and socialise

Michael asks…

contact with the administration facebook?

Does anyone know how to contact the administration of facebook? E-mail or whatever. I used: report a bug.

Michelle answers:

Facebook – Report a Bug page

Joseph asks…

Twitter or Facebook?????

Which do you prefer? Twitter or Facebook? and why?

Michelle answers:

was never interested in Twitter

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