Your Questions About Funbrain

James asks…

Does anyone know a SAFE tween website?

But not like webkinz or noepets or club penguin. PLZ???
Something for 10-12 year olds.

Michelle answers: is safe and unblocked on most school proxys. Click on Arcade for the fun games.

Betty asks…

what are some online games?

what are some good online games like club panguin but more
like club panguin u can talk to some one like vutrile but cool and can or cant be for kids

Michelle answers:

(for kids, but has hilarious games, and some non-math related.)

arcade games

Sandra asks…

I am looking for a WEBSITE, Its a game I used to play in like 2nd grade! And I need to finfd it!?

Well what it is, is a game you play like part of it is a learning game and part of it is just fun! What I remember is when you first started you would enter your name and what level, then you would pick a sighn as in king, queen ETC. The first game is that you could not sink the ice burg and penguins would fly in on ballons and try to land on the ice burg and you would have to pop the ballons so they would not land on it! And if u passed you would move on to a different game and so on! In the learning section they would have a game that they would ask you math question and if U got them right you wouyld get a homerun! (It was a baseball game) I really want to find this game so if u dont know ask ur children please! Its a website! Not a download game a free website! PLEASE HELP ME! If u give the right website I will pick u as a best answer!

Michelle answers:

The different groups of games are listed along the top of the screen.

Mark asks…

fun site for kids?

i need some fun sites for girls,
but not like any dress up games nothing like that.
but i like umm… like sites where it’s like club penguin.

Michelle answers:

yahoo kids

all end in .com excpet 4 yahoo kids

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