Your Questions About Fox News

Sharon asks…

Murder for money? Can FOX news possibly stoop any lower?

Rupert Murdoch, right-wing extremist and owner of FOX news AND Regan Publishing, forked over 3.5 Million dollars to murderer oj simpson to describe his crime, is this the most despicable abuse of media in history!?
It is stunning to see you right wingers actually defending this!
get YOUR facts straight!! murdoch is the publisher, and murdoch is using his fox news channel to promote it!!

Michelle answers:

FOX News (Faux News) is the pioneer of trash journalism, and I doubt that they have yet explored the blackness of their depravity. But who I really feel sorry for are the Right Wingers, because FOX does not really care about supporting their agenda. They discovered a market for spewing their jibberish among the Social Conservative base, and are exploiting them by saying just what they want to hear, true or not. All FOX cares about is selling their product. Its not news, its not journalism. FOX is the National Inquirer of the television market. Perhaps some day the Republicans will understand this.

Sandra asks…

Fox news poll, for fun?

1. YES or NO, do you believe that Fox news is a reliable news source?

2. How frequently do you watch Fox news? Or how many hours total do you think you have tuned in before?

3. Do you feel that your opinion is based on actually watching programs on fox or based on word of mouth from other news outlets or videos you find on youtube?
I’m really glad to see that most of you are level headed about it!

Michelle answers:

Fox News is a marketing device. Their intent is not to be fair and balanced, nor to inform people. The intent is to put eyeballs on the tube so they can sell more advertising. Same with CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc.
I’m kind of a news junkie, so I’ve watched a LOT of Fox news. I usually catch Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly. But I don’t think they are a reliable news source. They ARE entertaining.

George asks…

America and FOX News?

Do any Americans agree that FOX News is just the voice of the Bush adminstration…….Bill O`Riley for example where most of his guests he has on his show agree with him….whats the point in that…..and if anyone puts down Bush he goes mad…and the ones that dont agree cant get a word in most of the time….just one example of many……..(FOX News…Fair and Balanced…The network America trusts…PERIOD)…What a joke…PS…I am from England so if you want to have a go at the BBC feel free because they`re just as bad only the BBC is pro Arab/Muslim.

Michelle answers:

FOX News, and the whole FOX broadcasting network, is notoriously right-wing. Even their own reporters have been known to admit that they’re biased live on television, and not appologise for it, even though a news reporter is meant to be unbiased at all times. The BBC are a bit of a yoyo when it comes to which side of the fence they sit on. They try to appease as many groups as possible while at the same time attempting to maintain the general moral high ground. This means that they’re usually very selective about what they do and don’t allow to be broadcast/said.

John asks…

What is wrong with Fox news?

i keep hearing bad stuff about fox news but i dont know what or why? also, where can i find a reliable unbiased news source?

Michelle answers:

I love Fox news…what better show to watch then Hannity and Colmes…you get to hear both sides opinions and I also like Fox news because it always has experts also with opposite opinions. Most people dont like it because it is a more conservative news channel. People dont like O reilly because he tells it how it is without holding back. I like that about him but you are never going to find an unbiased news source…they are in it for ratings and to make $. Kind of like a defense attorney…doesnt care if person is guilty of murder just wants his money.

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