Donna asks…
Confirmation of facebook login message email?
facebook login
Michelle answers:
When you register an account with Facebook, you will need to supply an email address. Facebook will send you a confirmation email containing a link you must visit to confirm your account, to the address you’ve given. This is to confirm that it’s the right address, that you really want to register (someone else hasn’t signed you up) and that your email address was spelled properly on the registration form. If you don’t get your confirmation email, you can’t register.
It can sometimes take a little while for the confirmation email to drop into your inbox. Wait for half an hour and check again. The amount of time it takes for your confirmation email to arrive will vary but should not be more than 24 hours.
Spam Filter Problems
Since there’s so much junk email or spam around nowadays, virtually all email accounts have a spam filter, also called a junk mail filter. This filter attempts to distinguish spam from genuine emails. If your filter is not configured properly or is set too high, your Facebook confirmation email may be mistaken for spam and routed into the spam folder. Check this folder to see if your email has ended up there. Your ISP (Internet service provider) may also block some emails.
Incorrect Email Account
Make sure that you are checking the right email account if you have more than one. Also, if you have misspelled your email address on the online registration form, Facebook will try to send confirmation to the misspelled address and you won’t receive it.
Full Inbox
If there’s a limit to the amount your inbox can hold, your Facebook email may not arrive until you have deleted some older messages. If you get a lot of mail, your Facebook confirmation email can quickly become buried; try clearing out your inbox to see if the confirmation email has been “lost” amid all the other messages. You can also try a search, using “” as your search term.
Read more: I’m Not Receiving Confirmation Email From Facebook |
Richard asks…
facebook login problems?
I can login to facebook and play games on my husbands laptop, but on my main pc I just get the blue band and my name etc at the top, but other than that nothing, what could be wrong and how do i solve it? HELP!!!
Michelle answers:
Log in to your Facebook account. Click “Account” from the top-left corner of your homepage. A drop-down list appears.
Click “Help Center.” Type a question pertaining to your problem in the “Enter a Keyword or Question” field.
Browse the results to find an answer to your problem. If you cannot find a solution, type “Contact Facebook” in the “Search” field at the top of the page. A list of contact options appears.
Mary asks…
Facebook login question?
so i have had a facebook for a few years now. and it always worked….but recently on my computer everytime i would click on the tab thing it would pull up the log in screen and then pull up a whole other screen of “” so i would x that off. then enter my log in and password, click log in. and it will pull up that page again and not let me log in!!! idk how to fix this…please help!
Michelle answers:
I you are unable to log in to your Facebook account, click the “Forgot your password” link located on the home page. Follow the steps to correctly identify your account.
If you have access to any of the emails listed on your account, you will be able to request that a new password be sent to these emails.
If you do not have access to your Facebook login email, click the “Don’t have access to these?” link under the list of email addresses. On the next form, enter a valid email address where we can contact you. (Note: this must be an email address that only you have access to). You will then be prompted to answer your security question. Once you have successfully answered your security question, follow the directions provided to regain access to your account.
Chris asks…
Facebook Login Problems?
Every time I log into facebook when I click login I am sent straight back to my internet browser. Do you know how I can fix this? Thanks!
Michelle answers:
First of all, type in
Then, type in your info like the millions of times you have before.
If you still didn’t get in, try putting in “Forgot password” link.
Follow the procedure to retrieve or make another password.
If it still does not work, it could be your browser. Are you using IE or Moxilla or another one?
If not, then contact Facebook at the bottom of any Facebook page.
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