Your Questions About Fox News

Thomas asks…

Is Fox News a terrorist organization?

Shouldn’t the Fox news network be considered a terrorist organization since it spreads lies in order for everyone fear Obama?

Michelle answers:

— Fox news network is not a terrorist organization but it has a conservative bias.Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network. —————– . Allegations of conservative bias
Some critics and politicians have accused FNC of having a bias towards the political right or Republican point of view at the expense of neutrality. Murdoch and Ailes have reacted against allegations of bias, with Murdoch claiming that Fox has “given room to both sides, whereas only one side had it before.” In 2004, director Robert Greenwald produced the documentary film Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, which argues that Fox News has a conservative bias, including as evidence internal memos from editorial Vice President John Moody which the film claims exposes attempts to alter news content. ———-
The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers. The network slowly rose to prominence in the late 1990s. In terms of regular viewers (Nielsen Ratings), Fox News rates as the United States’ number one cable news network.

Many observers say that Fox News Channel’s programming promotes conservative political positions. Fox News Channel publicly denies any bias in the channel’s reporting.

Betty asks…

Why is Fox News deliberately attacking Ron Paul?

Fox News: Airing Old CPAC Footage Showing Crowd Booing Ron Paul Was A “Mistake”

This weekend, Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll at this year’s CPAC the second consecutive year. However, when he was interviewed about victory during America’s Newsroom on Fox News, yesterday, they aired the clip of his announced win in 2010 in which there is a significantly higher amount of booing from the crowd. Fox News tells Mediaite that this was a mistake and that they will be issuing an correction on America’s Newsroom tomorrow morning. It is unlikely this explanation will satisfy Paul supporters who seem to believe the network tried o disguise how much support the congressman has amongst the GOP base.

In both years, CPAC pollster Tony Fabrizio can be seen announcing Paul as the winner while wearing a dark suit and a light blue shirt. However, in the 2010 video, the booing is much more pronounced, forcing Fabrizio to vocally address it, raising his hands and trying to calm the attendants with a “Now…” During the 2011 announcement, the cheers and boos seemed much more equal (not to say that he didn’t get a lot of boos again this year, they just weren’t as easily distinguished).

Yesterday, Fox News aired the 2010 footage and incorrectly identifies it as 2011. Bill Hemmer then begins his interview with Paul by asking him about the booing. Once the error was noticed, Paul fans quickly took to the Internet, flooding YouTube with video proof of Fox News’ “deception.” However, Fox News claims it was completely accidental. Mediaite received the following statementfrom Senior Vice President of News Michael Clemente:

Michelle answers:

FOX NEWS is your Fascist NEOCON propaganda station. If you watch the video, Bill Hemmer and the old video that was shown, it’s all premeditated, with Bill Hemmer using the controlling words “Boos” “Not What You Expected” HIT PIECE against Ron Paul.

FOX NEWS used the Audio and Video from 2010 when Mitt Romney’s paid supporters were bussed in to boo Ron Paul’s victory.

FOX NEWS is trying to control their “RINGER” candidates to keep the establishment corporatist controlling it all. The Money Masters that control all these sellout politicians of both parties… Except, someone like Ron Paul.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is who Propaganda works to manipulate the people. Joseph Geobbels would be proud of FOX NEWS… Aka FAUX NEWS

Richard asks…

How threatened are liberals by Fox News?

I would saying judging by their Fox News lies narrative that they repeat over and over in hopes that if they say it enough times people will start to believe it, I would say VERY threatened.

Michelle answers:

Well, Fox News is a conservative media outlet, much like conservatives seem to feel threaten by internet media, in which is quickly dominating the cable media. Also, there are allot of liberals that fact check, and tend to bust on Fox News’ deception. Sorry about being honest, but Fox News isn’t really a reliable source, it is more of a sensational entertainment than real news.

~Also, comedians LOVE Fox News, since! Conservatives are a great tool to make fun of!

Linda asks…

is fox news channel bias ?

or is everyone that works there a republican i stop watching fox news channel because to me alot of there opinions and comments sound very bias to me.. especially bill orielly there commentaries sound very judgemental and borderline degrading sometimes

Michelle answers:

FOX news itself is probably the least biased of the news shows. FOX has a variety of commentary programs which do tend to be conservative. However, it should be noted that FOX is the only network that does lean conservative. All other networks tend to be liberal and give a liberal slant to their news shows and if they have commentary it always is liberal. I would rather have my news straight without bias and have commentary clearly labeled as such. It gets my goat when I watch a “news” cast that only gives the liberal side and never the conservative side or worse yet classifies conservatives as unpatriotic or stupid.

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