Your Questions About Funbrain

Sandy asks…

password to funbrain arcade mighty man 2?

Michelle answers:

Try Runway4 i beat most of the games on funbrain enjoy!

Lizzie asks…

I use t play this game as a kid and I forget which website it was on..?

When I was in elementary school there was thus on particular site i use to go on quite frequently to play games.
I remember the layout being blue.
I use tot play this game on it where basically your character would stand on a wooden see-saw with a pig on the other end and try to hit the hillbillys on the head (with a scale they would give you that you would adjust) , I forgot what it was called i think something along the lines of hillbilly hog?

The other game was this animated drawing-adventure game where it was just a sketch of a boy stick person and you would swim through pirranah waters, climb a volcano with rolling stones coming down that you would have to avoid. There was a boy stick person and a girl- i just cant remember the sites name where i use to play them. DOes anyone else?

Michelle answers: Click “FunBrain Arcade”

James asks…

free fun games with no time trial?

i want to play a game thats free and has no time trial i like fairy godmother tycoon thats my favorite i like supple and games like that moslty adventure games plaease halp me thaNKS

Michelle answers:


Laura asks…

fun websites for kids/family websites?

for my kids to visit safe/appropriate plz list any u know THANKS SO MUCH!

Michelle answers:

Funbrain & Disney

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