Your Questions About Fox News

Ruth asks…

Does Fox News just pander to the lowest common denominator?

I feel like Fox News is all talk and offers no substance.

Michelle answers:

You guys just can’t stand that a single lone news network isn’t in the tank for Democrats, can you?

You guys have ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS and CNN pushing your views and candidates.

Can’t we have just one that covers our views, and the stories your networks don’t cover?

Linda asks…

why did fox news continuously bash obama and then as he was winning favored him?

i remember when he was trying to get the democratic nomination fox news was always talking trash about him (much like maddow on mccain). how come in the past couple months they have started to show some bias towards obama? i thought that fox news served to spread conservative news? or is it because they want to get on his good side?

Michelle answers:

Because they’re fox news, that’s why.

Robert asks…

Do American Christians realize that Fox News is turning them into whiny little victims?

They are buying into Fox News Channels whole “War on Christianity” and “War on Christmas” plot lines and seeing persecution under every pebble.
Please give examples of real persecution of Christians in the U.S.A. Let us see just how trivial this “persecution” is.

Michelle answers:

Christians love feeling picked on. Fox just gives them what they want so they’ll keep coming back for more propaganda.

“These people understand Christians. They really know what’s going on. I’m going to believe everything they say about political matters.”

George asks…

Why is it that big media like fox news and CNN don’t ever talk about Americas biggest threat?

Why is it that big media like opera and Fox news and CNN etc. Never even talk about Agenda 21? and they just go on and on about junk news.

Michelle answers:

Planning ahead for an ever more connected planet, a planet that will have by mid century 9 to 10 billion hungry and thirsty human beings is a terrible thing, a waste of time and a waste of effort…it will even ‘raise your taxes’!

When the hungry and thirsty, uneducated and ill millions of reffugees stampede across borders to escape war, famine, pestilence and death because nobody bothered to think ahead…well…that’s what freedom is all about! Let’s be real…we’ll never run out of oil, the climate will stay the same, crazy people with guns are sure to decrease, disease won’t be a problem because we’ll all have affordable HEALTH INSURANCE and because of more CO2 from burning fossil fuels the rain forests will continually decrease no matter how many hundreds of acres are burned and logged over.

Conclusion: NOT planning ahead is the best way to deal with future problems…anyway…Jesus is coming soon so we have nothing to worry about.

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