Steven asks…
How can i appear facebook chat in my yahoo messenger?
My facebook chat in yahoo messenger is online but It doesn’t appear in my yahoo. How can I chat my facebook friends? PLEASE HELP ME!
Michelle answers:
You can surely do it possible by visiting your yahoo messenger settings and put your facebook profile link to get it sourced.
Mary asks…
How do you get your phone information to show up in Facebook postings?
Whenever someone posts a feed on facebook, it shows up “via HTC Sense, or via Facebook for Windows Phone”.. I have a Samsung SII and was wondering how I can show up my phone info each time I post something on Facebook through my phone?
Michelle answers:
Post in facebook via official facebook app for the mobile 🙂
Download it from here, make sure you download it use the phone which you use
Hope this helps 🙂
Laura asks…
How to remove facebook app in my mobile phone?
I had uninstalled facebook app from my mobile(samsung galaxy ace), but when I using the browser, the format is still remain same as facebook app, this really annoying me, how should I do to remove it?
Michelle answers:
Instead of going to
go to
Ken asks…
How do i create a thread on facebook?
My wife has created a thread on facebook about me and gets answers in her gmail account which is her official email id in facebook. I can see those messages as i have that gmail password, but i cannot see any thread on facebook . Would this thread be open only to a select few people ?
What exactly is the meaning of thread. What exactly has my wife done ?
Michelle answers:
It is possible that your wife has set privacy to the thread. If you have a Facebook account you will notice that where you can put your status there is a padlock just to the right. Here it is possible to indicate who you want, and don’t want, to see your status. Your wife may have placed a setting restricting you from seeing what she wrote on her wall that others are answering to.
A thread is just a string of responses to one beginning comment.
Hope that helps.
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