Your Questions About Facebook Login

Mandy asks…

I want to remove my facebook login?

I used my Facebook log-in for but I want to remove it, just for security reasons. Does anyone know how to remove it? Please help me.
By the way, it doesn’t appear on the applications area

Michelle answers:

Then Login Using Facebook
After login Upper right corner
Click facebook user name ,then click account settings
Scroll Down the page, in the right side you See Facebook Connected account:username (Trash Icon after the user name)
Click the trash icon & select yes.
This will remove Facebook Login Info From


Richard asks…


Please quick!! i changed my password on the computer for facebook and i tried logging in on ipod and it logged me out automatically so i then typed in my password it said logging in then logged me back out it keeps doing this i turned the ipod off and i reinstalled it and it still wont work please quick!!!

Michelle answers:

Id check Facebook on your computer it may think that a unauthorised computer has been trying to access your Facebook account and will need you to authorise it so the iPod will work.

Im sure something similar happened to me ages back with Facebook doing same thing.

William asks…

Random Facebook Logins?

So, now that Facebook has the feature that lets you see where your account has been logged into from, I check mine now and then. I’m supposed to get email notifications for logins from unrecognized devices, but haven’t gotten any. Also, I made it so that when I login from another device aside from my laptop, Facebook text me a code and I have to enter that before it will let me login.
However, I keep seeing random logins on my account. I’ve changed my password multiple times. I live in Western NY and have gotten logins from Mass., Pennsylvania, NYC, and other parts of NY. I use an iPhone and go on Facebook frm there frequently as well. Could this be a glitch in Facebook, or does someone care that much where they would use a proxy and get around all my security settings into my account? Friends of mine have had similar issues. So I don’t know. Any ideas?

Michelle answers:

If you are using any services such as the “Also share this as an update to: Facebook” option on Yahoo Answers, some of these will show up as logins if you have previously authorized the application.

Sandy asks…

Facebook login in forgoten?

Forgot my password to log in to Facebook

Michelle answers:

Contact Facebook
Help link
Password reset
This link answers questions reference face book passwords

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