Your Questions About Forever 21

Sandy asks…

When you order online from Forever 21 does exactly what you bought show up on the box?

I want to order from Forever 21 but I don’t want People to see what I ordered.

Michelle answers:

If you ordered something big, your package will be a white box that says “forever 21” and thats all. If it’s smaller, it will be a yellow bag that will say “forever 21” and thats all. No one will know what you bought!
Hope this helps ?

David asks…

Where can I buy irregular or overstock Forever 21 clothing?

Apparently it’s possible, but Forever 21 doesn’t exactly advertise how to go about it. I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it.

Where are their warehouses? Do I have to buy from the warehouse directly or is there some other way? Are there any special restrictions that I should know about?

Michelle answers:

Yea I don’t know about forever 21 but in most cases you can buy clothing from the warehouse or while its still in the port and the items will cost you less

Donald asks…

What is it like working at forever 21 or just retail in general?

Hey guys! So I am currently in college and I got a job at forever 21. Had my interview today and got a call an hour later saying I got the position as a part time sales associate even though I had no retail experience, but I did have plenty of customer server experience. Anyway, I just want to hear from the ones that have worked at Forever or just a clothing store in general what is it like? Typically, how are the co-workers and managers, any helpful tips and advice to be successful in this job, and overall anything I should know beforehand, I will only be keeping it through the summer until I start next school year. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

It sucks

Ken asks…

What size should I get in a Forever 21 sweater?

I typically wear an XL. I do have size L and I also have a few 2x.
I have a bigger bust which is the main reason why I wear a larger size (and I’m self conscious about my hips ://)
I’ve read that Forever 21 runs small so I was thinking maybe I should go for a 2x if I don’t want it to be tight fitting.

Michelle answers:

Unfortunately, sizing in F21 is always a guesswork. I have s, m and l size tops from forever 21, everything without gaining or loosing weight

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