Your Questions About Facebook

Helen asks…

What are the top 10 non-Facebook applications being used?

I’m planning to create a Facebook application. Since most users play games, I’m wondering what are the top 10 non-Facebook applications that are being used for comparing purposes.
* Question is mixed up, sorry.

The questions should be: What are the top 10 NON-GAME Facebook applications being used.

Michelle answers:

Top 10 “Non-facebook applications”?

So applications not on facebook? Like myspace? ._.;;

Donald asks…

How do I get Facebook off of my yahoo homepage?

I no longer belong to Facebook, yet it keeps appearing on my homepage.

Michelle answers:

Go to the section where Facebook is under (e.g. My Favorites) and click Edit. Then, where you see Facebook, click the X.

Betty asks…

How do I get on to evony age 1 without linking to facebook?

I love Evony, but i can’t link with facebook and I’d like to play the first Evony without linking to facebook. Thank you.

Michelle answers:

You are unable to link Age1 to Facebook you can only link Age2 with Facebook. I tried to link Age1 to my Facebook at one time didn’t work it will only link with the Age2 accounts.

Daniel asks…

How long will it be before Facebook becomes passe?

Facebook is for losers. Facebook will be like My Space soon. Except for blacks, Whites and Asians will leave Facebook.

Michelle answers:

I cannot wait for that day. Facebook is stupid. It does nothing. I cannot understand how anybody with a brain would be interested in such rubbish. Hopefully it is in its waining days.

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