Sandra asks…
What are some web sites that are good for kids 10 – 12?
I already know Neopets and Disney.
Michelle answers:
There are billions!Here’s some that I know of: (for girls)
Check ’em out! Good luck and hope this helps!
Daniel asks…
how do you move the girls in big nate’s island in poptropica?
its in funbrains poptropica and the island is big nate’s
Michelle answers:
First get all of the comic pieces which are at these locations
1 talk to man in comix store
2 top floor of pop-in shop
3 on the top of the right phone pole in the first area where you first arrive at the island
4 On the top of the wooden tower next to the paint next to the school
5 in the school science lab
6. One flooting in the air in the top right corner in the playground
7 top of the light house the photo place
9. In the school on a broken mike
then go to the comix place and get the gum by talking to the man. Next at the light house there is a floating old picture get it and go to the photo place. Talk to the man and trade it for scuba diving gear. Go back to the light house and talk to the captain. Put on diving suit and dive down to get the lobster. It is located at the bottom right corner. Go back up and talk to the captain he will give you keys to his boats and let you keep the lobster. Next go to top of the light house and use the lobster it will turn the light around and scare the bird away. Now go on the boat and race Nate to the island. Once you beat him you will see paper push the two top seals to the left all the way and get the paper. It is the map of where the time capsule is! Ok now go to the playground and go inside the house at the top. Play hangman (the answers changes if you quit) and get peanut crackers from Nate. Next go to the school and go in the science lab. Go to the potions kit thing and mix blue and yellow. And put the temperature on 4. Now that you have the stink bomb go to the locker full of stuff. The code is 9305. When it opens there is something in the pile the blueprints of the school. Then go and chew your gum. You go in detention and use the stink bomb. The teacher go’s away. Then go to the green cabnit and click on it. Go down and turn on the light switch. In the room you see a kid rescue him then at the top of the room its the school bells ringer. Get it and go to the top of the school. Put it in and the girls in the playground will move. Go to the playground and put the crackers where the girls were talking. The dog will dig a hole and the capsule is there open it and then read and then you get the medal !!!!!!!!!
Linda asks…
What are some good websites where you can get help with math homework in 6th grade?
well its almost the end of the tri and i need help with some 6th grade homework and my teacher wont help me is there any good websites that help with homework and explain things
Please and Thank you?
Michelle answers:
These are all free.
Try for prealgebra
Visual Math Learning for lessons and exercises: for fun math practice:
BBC Maths for lessons and practice. This is a site in the United Kingdom, so you will notice that they spell some words differently. But they have very good lessons with mini tests to help you with everything you would learn in 6th grade:
Good luck and bravo to you for working hard to help yourself succeed!
Betty asks…
What educational computer game is this?
I remember it Vaguely from when I was younger. It was like an arcade, and each video game machine took you to a different game. I can’t really remember any of them except for one that was math themed and had asteroids, and another one where you shot ducks at a carnival. I’ll bet no one has even the slightest idea what game I’m talking about, but if anyone does, and could tell me, that would be highly appreciated.
Michelle answers: maybe I don’t know
Hope I helped
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