Mary asks…
Do you know any websites that have games school related?
My teacher lets us go on websites, but only if they have school related games. We already have Coolmath and Funbrain, but those get boring really quickly.
Michelle answers:
Arcademicskillbuilders is pretty fun when I was in 4th grade and Edheads is really fun science games with interactive surgeries, create your own cell phone, car crash investigator are all really cool games to play.
Nancy asks…
What are some good free learning game sites for kindergartners?
I want to teach my five year old some things, and letting her go on the computer makes her really happy, I want to know what free games she can play that will help her learn things like math and reading, She doesn’t really like books that she has to turn the page on. Or books that are read to her.
Michelle answers:
John asks…
How do I go about teaching my 7 and 5 year old children mathematics?
So far I have been successful in teaching my children how to read and making them love reading on their own. Replicating this with mathematics has been challenging – I really do not know how to go about teaching them mathematics. In my day I loved maths and was excellent at it and I want my children to love it too. How do I go about it? Are there maths websites for kids (the same way as there is for learning to read? What is the best strategy? What resources are out there?
Michelle answers:
Here are a few websites. I like the first one the best.
Mandy asks…
what are some fun computer websites for my 8 year old sister?
My sister likes computer but she always goes on inapropriate websites… 🙁 help please!
Michelle answers:
Some good age appropriate websites are,
Just to name a few!
Have a great day!
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