Your Questions About Firefox

Paul asks…

How can I upload firefox unto my laptop?

I keep trying to upload “firefox” on my laptop and quit using internet explorer because frankly internet explorer is annoying and frustrating. The problem with this is that everytime I click “upload” on the firefox website Internet Explorer automatically closes the program down…what can I change to make it stop doing this and allow me to upload firefox?

Michelle answers:

You mean download Firefox, uploading means you’re submitting something to a website which obviously isn’t the case with wanting to get Firefox. If the main download page though is giving you problems, try using the full language and operating system download page and picking the correct version from there, otherwise it sounds like something else might be going on, such as a virus or malware as Internet Explorer shouldn’t be doing that.

David asks…

How do I remove the Ask toolbar from Firefox and get the web address bar to search normally again?

How do I remove the Ask toolbar from Firefox and get the web address bar to search normally again?

Michelle answers:

Removing the Ask toolbar:


To delete the Ask toolbar:

1. Go to tools-> add-ons

2. Then check extension and check the ASK toolbar

3. And click uninstall then restart the firefox


To get you firefox’s web browser function back to normal:

1. Type about:config into the web address bar

2. Press enter on your keyboard

3. In the filter search bar type Keyword.URL

4 double click on Keyword.URL

5. Copy and paste this address into the box

6. Close the Firefox tab

You’re done.

John asks…

How do I go back to an earlier version of the Mozilla Firefox browser?

I just updated my Mozilla Firefox browser to the latest version (3 point whatever), and I really dislike it. Is there a way to revert back to the version I had earlier?

Michelle answers:

Choose the one that you want

Donna asks…

How to make Firefox 4 beta 6 ask if i want to save my passwords?

i just deleted chrome just to get the new firefox but i had all my password saved there. i dont want to keep typing my password over and over again on Firefox. And yes, options- security- save passwords is checked, with no exceptions.

Michelle answers:

It’s not ready yet this Firefox 4. It’s beta which means it’s not ready for public release.

Are you going to beta test Firefox 4 and report back dumps in order to submit bugs for crashes/other problems so they know? If you’re not then don’t use it as your browser.

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