Sandra asks…
What will FOX News do when their audience literally dies off and becomes extinct?
It’s happening sooner than you think. FOX News‘ viewer demographic is mostly the elderly.
Michelle answers:
The only demographic Mitt won was aging white men … That’s it. It doesn’t take a mental giant to forecast the direction the party is headed. They lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections. The election they won was the gwb 2nd term when the recession started.
The rep party is reluctant to change … It can’t agree how to reinvent it self.
If the rep party wants to know why it’s losing support, it should pay attention to the polls …
As far as I know, FOX is the only biased right wing network. There is no competition. Plus, it has the most gullible audience because the network has already indicated it might be lying …
The FOX audience doesn’t care if they are getting lied to … They insist on being told what they want to hear.
Obstinacy is in their dna … Some of them still insist gwb was a great president despite historians, scholars and a considerable amount of the rest of us considering him ranked among the worst …
These people can still vote even though they have a learning disorder … That’s frightening.
Robert asks…
Obama not agreeing to the invitation to join Hannity or Reilly on Fox news for a serious debate?
He has been repeatedly asked, and every time he declines!
Would that not be a good thing for him to clear up all those mis- understandings once and for all, ? Like all those things Fox news accuse him off?
Michelle answers:
He is afraid he might have to answer an actual question all by himself
Ruth asks…
Why does Fox News say they are unbiased but they are super biased?
I’m not saying that other news stations aren’t biased. MSNBC is super biased but at least they do not say they are unbiased. Fox News say they are not biased all the time but whenever they interview a democrat they just interrupt them and start saying stuff that does not make the slightest bit of sense. I am just wondering if people actually buy into what Fox News is selling… Because half of what they say is just yellow journalism/bull shit.
Michelle answers:
Its marketing. It goes over better then saying that “we will be biased to counteract the huge bias of the liberal propaganda news networks”. In reality, they aren’t super biased. That goes to MSNBC. They are moderately biased in an opposite way to moderately biased CNN. However, with so much bias and formerly no full story available, people are unable to to understand their diverse reporting – it is so different then what they were programed to believe that it appears radical to them.
Betty asks…
Why is Fox news crying because the Obama administration won’t talk to them?
First they fired Colmes and gave Hannity his own show. Then they have O’Reilly, Beck as their poster child of fair and balanced. I am not even political and I wouldn’t. Could it be that the main stream advertisers are catching on. Now that Obama is in their pockets Fox News is running scared?
Michelle answers:
They are crying because that makes the story about them. You are only as important as your foil. If Fox News foil is the President of the United States, then they must be the most important news channel since they are as important to politics at the President. Cut and dry. Same reason Bin Ladin is such an “important” character because his Nemesis was George Bush.
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