Your Questions About Fox News

Robert asks…

Today makes 10 years Fox news has top rated shows-could they teach liberals about success?

It’s the 10th anniversary that Fox News began dominating the ratings. What should we send them as a present?

Michelle answers:

I knew someone would be bragging about this. For your information Fox news was rated the top CABLE news network. This does not include ABC, NBC, or CBS, all of which I prefer. Their main competition is only CNN as far as I can tell. If they are number 1 it is probably because most conservatives watch Fox news, and liberals watch a number of other sources.

Charles asks…

Why does FOX NEWS appear to PET Senator McCain and then BARK at Senator Obama?

When will Fox news grant a cozy interview with Senator Obama as they have done repeately with Senator McCain?

Fair and balanced.

Michelle answers:

Fox news is owned by rupert murdoch. He is filthy rich and is a good friend of the clintons and a champion for republicans.

He doesn’t need advertisers to keep the station going, that’s why his anchors and reporters can do the news unfair and unbalanced.

I stopped watching fox news a long, long time ago because of this. I strongly suggest that you do the same.

Sandy asks…

Why does Jenna Lee from Fox News think Israel is the greatest ally to the United States?

I was just watching Fox News and I heard her say that. I am pro Israel too but wouldn’t the UK, Canada and Australia be our greatest allies?

Michelle answers:

Not sure, they don’t seem to be a good ally at all to me. Anyway, at least she’s not claiming North Korea as our greatest ally (e.g. Palin).

Most people know that the UK is our greatest and closest ally.

Nancy asks…

How long until Fox news is yanked off the air?

Now that the White House has proclaimed that Fox News is not a legitament news agency How long will it be until the diversity czar yanks them off the air?

Michelle answers:

I May Not Agree With What You Say, But I will defend To The Death Your Right To Say It

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