Your Questions About Facebook

Susan asks…

How do i share my own opinion pieces, comments and articles with media companies via Facebook?

If I write articles and comments on Facebook, is there a simple way to share them with the big media companies via Facebook?
Unfortunately adding large media companies as “friends” is usually no possible. The option is not even given.

Michelle answers:

Yes, invite them as your Friend to facebook.

Sandy asks…

What is the point of facebook. What is the correct way to use it?

What is the point of facebook. What is the correct way to use it?

Michelle answers:

Facebook is a way to connect with people everywhere your family and friends you can talk to people on facebook or you can play games on it any kind you need just search them and play some are really fun to play

Paul asks…

How come Christianity and Facebook both targets kids under 13?

Facebook announced today, they will target kids under 13 and hope to make money off them.
@Matty: Facebook reportedly planning to allow children under 13 to

Michelle answers:

Because their ‘ unger-aged ‘ and they can’t make profit out of it because they will piss off a bounch of Lil kids and Facebook can’t target ALL ‘ under-aged’ kids there’s like millions of them

Mary asks…

How can i make video calling on facebook?

I downloaded facebook video set-up and installed it. but it is not working properly. suggest any ideas.

Michelle answers:

Try this ..

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