Your Questions About Food Network

Donald asks…

Using the white part of the green onions to make more green parts?

So, I was wondering, I’m watching the food Network and the Next Food Network Star, One of the ‘saving money’ tips was to use the white part of a green onion in a glass of water to make more of the green part, does this work? Thanks!
I’m not sure, but it was on the show, and I was just curious to see if it would work.

Michelle answers:

Yes, it works. And if you keep a regular onion long enough, green shoots will come out the top of that, too.

Plants that form bulbs are particularly easy to multiply. Let them grow long enough and they produce seeds, bulblets and cloves, all of which can be planted. In addition, the basal plate (the part with the roots) can be divided with a knife and the sections planted.

The larger the bulb part, the more likely it is to sprout. The bulb provides nutrients for the green part.

Jenny asks…

How can you make ice cream in a salad spinner?

I saw a recipe on the Food Network, but when I tried it, it didn’t work.
It CAN be done. I’ve seen it on the food network several times.

Michelle answers:

That’s pretty funny.. I personally would hit Cold Stone Creamery or Baskin Robins..but I guess if I were super curious I would experiment with the following steps:

-Place the ice cream ingredients in the salad spinner and put the lid on it. Take some blue painters tape around the edge to really secure the liquids in the salad spinner.

-Set the salad spinner in a large pot or bucket. Make sure that you have at least 3-4 inches of space left to work with around the salad spinner. Take a large bag of ice and fill in the 3-4 inch gap all the way up to the top of the salad spinner, but don’t cover the salad spinner lid with ice. Pour Kosher rock salt on top of the ice to start the melting process.

-Take your whole “ice cream in the salad spinner hobby kit” and put it down on a towel in front of the TV. Turn on your favorite show(s) and start to spinning. Make sure to switch arms for even muscle tone. Come on now you don’t want to have one arm bigger than the other now do you? 🙂

-As the rock salt melts the ice, pour off the excess water, refilling the gap with more ice and top off with rock salt. After an hour (?) of spinning, there probably will be some thickness in the form of ice cream. I doubt it will get super thick since the salad spinner is made of plastic and not metal (which would conduct the freezing low temp. Needed to make ice cream).

Good luck with your experiment Agent 007. Oh by the way, you might just want to have a nice spare gallon of Rocky Road or Mint Chip Ice Cream in your freezer just in case…

Sandy asks…

How do you make this kind of cake icing?

Everytime I watch Ace of Cakes on the food network channel, they always use this dough like icing on the cake. I’m really curious to know how they make it. Does anybody know or have the recipe of how to make it?

Michelle answers:

Its hard to make but this sight has an easier version that is fairly easy and the results are great…good luck

Daniel asks…

Does anyone know where I can get a Feasting on Asphalt baseball cap?

I’ve seen the baseball shirt at Food Network‘s online store, but I saw Alton Brown wearing a baseball cap on one episode of Good Eats. Just wondering if they are available to the public?
As I said, I’ve seen the baseball shirt at Food Network‘s online store!

Michelle answers:

I found this:

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