Your Questions About Fox News

Paul asks…

Have you ever caught fox news report anything positive about Obama, ever?

In other words, has Fox News ever spend a day where they weren’t trashing and demonizing Pres. Obama?

Michelle answers:

Bill O’Reilly constantly defends Obama when he is the subject of falsehood and unsubstantiated insinuation. Too bad CNN talking heads weren’t as generous when GWB was in office. To be president means to be supported by those who voted for you and criticized by those who didn’t. That’s how freedom of speech works and, if Fox News upsets you, don’t watch it – we don’t have total propaganda on the airwaves yet, but CNN is working on it.

Donna asks…

Can we agree that things have really gotten bad for McCain when even FOX news slams him?

The top Republican on the Banking committee was on FOX news last night saying that McCain is very quiet and contributed very little to the talks.

Pretty sad seeing that FOX News is pretty much pro-Republican.


Michelle answers:

You can’t spin facts. Even Fox News can’t.

Robert asks…

Did anyone see the story on Fox News about adults going back to church because of the economy?

I know, this crowd and Fox news… don’t report me just yet. lol

Most of us in the agonostic/atheist crowd are aware of the studies that show the religious “nones” are one of the fastest growing segments in the country. Fox reported tonight that more and more adults are going back to the “religion of their parents” acording to Fox because of the economy, and a desire to recreate more traditional values/family life… blah blah. I *thought* they said this was based off a Pew research poll, but I was unable to find anything like that one their site. I was just wondering if anyone saw this, or knew where I could see the data that shows more people going back to church.


Michelle answers:

I’m not a Fox News fan. Fox News and MSNBC are both two of the same, Full of misleading info, and reporters that biased Fox News Bill O’Reilly, and those who are racist MSNBC Al Sharpton. Next time, just remember the news network you are getting your info from.

Sandra asks…

Did anyone see the story on Fox News about adults going back to church because of the economy?

I know, this crowd and Fox news… don’t report me just yet. lol

Most of us in the agonostic/atheist crowd are aware of the studies that show the religious “nones” are one of the fastest growing segments in the country. Fox reported tonight that more and more adults are going back to the “religion of their parents” acording to Fox because of the economy, and a desire to recreate more traditional values/family life… blah blah. I *thought* they said this was based off a Pew research poll, but I was unable to find anything like that one their site. I was just wondering if anyone saw this, or knew where I could see the data that shows more people going back to church.


Michelle answers:

Not on Fox News, but I have heard the same report before. Pretty much any time there’s a recession, the story pops up somewhere.

Interestingly enough, this time the reverse seems to be happenning. Or more accurately, the long-term decline in church attendance has continued unabated.

On another note, the most recent Pew Report on the topic only goes to 2009. And while it does show a jump in late 2007 to early 2008 (when the bad economy really hit) it only lasted a few months. After which the downward trend resumed. More recent surveys simply confirm that is still trending downward.

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