Your Questions About Fedex

Michael asks…

Does Fedex check to see if envelopes are sealed before actual shipping?

I dunno if I am paranoid or what, but today I had to ship my passport for visa stamping. I placed my passport inside the Fedex Envelope and I gave it to the Fedex/Kinkos Agent with my Online Shipping Label. He put the Label in a pouch just outside the Fedex envelope. However, I don’t remember him sealing the envelope because my cell phone rang in the middle while I was watching him so I was distracted for like 30 seconds.
I am betting he did or I didn’t notice because I got distracted, but I was wondering if they have a protocol to make sure envelopes are sealed before they are given to the drivers.

Michelle answers:

While I can’t say for sure, I think it’s safe to assume that the Fedex employee did in fact seal the envelope. Assuming he is a competent employee, I’m sure your passport will arrive at its destination without issue.

Richard asks…

What will happen to my FedEx smart post package if I forgot my PO box?

Ok let me try again to ask the same question and please if u don’t know what FedEx smart post is DON’T ANSWER OKAY

1-I ordered a package from hot topic that they shipped FedEx smart post and weighs 2.7 pounds

2-FedEx smart post works with the USPS(us postal service. They get it as far as they can ten they give it to the USPS and have them deliver it for final delivery.

3-when I ordered the package I dident realize they were shipping it via FedEx smart post. So I did not add my PO box
(Because where I live we don’t have mail boxes we have the local postal building we have to go to to pick up packages and mail)

4-so if it is being delivered USPS what will happen to my package. It has my address on it but they don’t deliver because we don’t have mailboxes(don’t ask me why we don’t have mail boxes) and I forgot to add my PO box to the shipping address.

5-so what should I do go down to the postal building tommarow before it arrives Sunday and ask them to hold it for me so I will get it or will fedex send it to my door manually by 1 of their trucks because I have no PO box

Michelle answers:

It’s going to land at the post office. Either go there and tell them to hold it, or call them (USPS) on the phone and give them your PO Box (it’s in the same building, right?)

FedEx won’t be sending it to your door manually, no.

Your post office won’t even be open tomorrow though, it being a Sunday.
Monday is when you need to do these things.
Or I suppose you could go to the post office tomorrow and slip a note under the door describing the situation. Put a phone number on the memo so that they can contact you if need be.

Sandy asks…

How accurate will Fedex tracking be if it is tracking USPS as the final leg?

I ordered something from newegg and it was shipped via fedex. However fedex is using usps as the final leg. According to fedex tracking, it was transferred to usps in the city where I live and is out for delivery. However, the tracking is also saying it is expected to arrive on Wednesday July 3rd. I am just curious if anyone has any experience with this that will have more information about when I should actually expect my package?

Michelle answers:

Yea I have had this happen too, im my experience I would expect it wednesday

James asks…

Do FedEx and UPS usually drop off packages in weird places when no one is home?

It says my package was delivered about 10 days ago and I haven’t even seen a fedex truck in my neighborhood once. My brother said he found a package for him from fedex hidden in the bushes… I have no clue where my package is do they usually hide them in weird places?

Michelle answers:

The last FedEx package I received was placed on the Welcome mat at my front door. UPS usually drops my packages at the front door also. I used to have a UPS driver that would place my packages in my recycle tub by my back door. I’ve never had a delivery I had to look for from either company. I’ve had one delivery from DHL–a replacement credit card that was dropped at the front door that I feel should have been signed for but wasn’t.

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