Your Questions About Fafsa

Sandra asks…

What are some scalerships or grants I can receive without filling FAFSA?

My parents haven’t received there files for the tax income and other tax files, and for the HOPE grant, i have to fill out FAFSA I looked at other scholarships, but they also recommend FAFSA. If any one knows about any scholarships I can receive without having to fill out the FAFSA, please let me know.

Michelle answers:

Why would you not fill out a FAFSA? Your parents filed a tax return around April. That is what you use to fill out the FAFSA. No one has gotten forms for this year. They can’t get them until the year is over.

Helen asks…

YIPES! I applied to FAFSA and I have not yet enrolled in a college?

I was planning to enroll in a college after I figure out what type of aid I would receive. But without thinking, I have applied for my FAFSA and just realize I’m only elligible for aid when I have enrolled in school.

Maybe I’m just worried over nothing. Does this just mean that I will ONLY receive the aid WHEN I DO apply for school?

Michelle answers:

You are suppose to apply for fafsa before you enroll in school. So don’t worry. You may not get an award letter until you get accepted for admission from all the schools though. Apply for several so you can compare and attend at the one you get the least amount of loans.
Any yes, your fin aid will be sent to the school only after you have been accepted at the school and actually enroll in the classes. But NOW is the time to apply for fin aid.

Carol asks…

How do I update my FAFSA for 2012 if my father did not work in 2011?

Okay so for my 2011 FAFSA I used my father’s income tax. However he was laid off because he could not work correctly due to getting Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, and Diabetes. Since he did not work for the entire year of 2011, how am I supposed to update FAFSA if there is no income tax? Oh and he did receive temporary assistance from CalWORKS.

Michelle answers:

You have to fill out a new FAFSA every year so when you fill out the one for 2012-2013 it will ask you about his income. You can get help if needed from your school’s financial aid office and/or FAFSA directly from their website.

Sharon asks…

Will not filing a FAFSA hurt my chances of getting a school loan?

So I screwed up. Somehow I missed the FAFSA date and didnt file in time. My family is fairly well-off, and I wasn’t expecting to get any sort of grant or anything, but I do need loans to get me through school. Can I sill get school loans even though I didn’t file the FAFSA? Does the fact that I didn’t file hurt my chances of getting a loan? Where’s a good place to start in terms of looking for a loan?

Michelle answers:

The deadline for the 08-09 fafsa isn’t until June 30th, 2009 so you haven’t missed the deadline. You prob just went past your school or your STATES priority deadline.

Meaning if either of those had grant money to give to low income people, that will be given out to them first, however, if you are not low income and wouldn’t have qualified for them anyway, you’ll probably be okay. Federal loans are the best loans to get. Do not do private student loans as they are evil and substandard…. High interest rates and high fees. Best place to get a student loan is

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