Your Questions About Facebook

Ken asks…

How do you hide your friends list on facebook?

How do you hide your friends list on facebook, detailed please. I want to hide my friends list on facebook so only I will be able to see my friends.

Michelle answers:

Explained here

Donna asks…

How do I get my facebook friends back on my facebook wall?

I HIDE some of my facebook friends off my wall.How do I put them back on my wall?

Michelle answers:

When you log into Facebook, you will see two options on your wall just above your feed, to view –
1. News Feed
2. Live Feed

Click on “Live feed’ then go to the bottom of the page. Click on “Edit options” just where your feeds end.
Here you will be able to see your friends that have been hidden.

If you are viewing “News Feed” and then you click on “Edit options” then you will see “hidden applications”

William asks…

How do I sign out of gallery facebook on Droid Incredible 2?

I signed on to facebook on my friends Android Droid Incredible 2 under facebook in the gallery section and cant sign out. How do i?

Michelle answers:

If you’re talking about the facebook app, then do this:

1) Press the button in the upper-left corner that looks like three parallel lines.
2) Scroll all the way down to account… Press it
3) Select Logout

If youre saying that you accidentally linked your facebook account with the phone itself, then go to:
Go to settings > accounts & sync > press on facebook > remove account
(this may vary slightly by android version and/or manufacturer skin)

one of those two should be what you’re looking for

Mary asks…

How do I import my facebook contacts to my droid incredible?

I just got my new replacement phone today and just activated it. I set my google account and facebook account i just dont know how to sync all my facebook phone numbers into my phone?

Michelle answers:

Log into facebook through the phone and it should bring in all your friends from facebook that have a phone number attached.

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