Your Questions About Firefox

Ken asks…

How do I restore the Yahoo toolbar in Firefox 4?

I “upgraded” to Firefox 4 but now cannot find the toolbars or any of the necessary functions. How do I restore those things?

Michelle answers:

I also upgraded to firefox 4 and been looking for the yahoo toolbar. Finally found the site and downloaded the right toolbar for firefox 4.

You can download the toolbar from here.


David asks…

How do I get flash player to work in firefox?

Ever since I updated Firefox a few months ago, I have had issues with flash player. Streamed media like youtube videos works fine, as do most flash games. However, flash animations on the deviantart website refuse to play, instead showing a white box. I’ve tried uninstalling flash and reinstalling it but that had no effect, and now I can’t get them to play in IE either.

Michelle answers:

Try Here
Good luck.

Daniel asks…

How do I make Yahoo Mail open in Firefox instead of Internet Explorer?

Firefox is my default browser.

Michelle answers:

Earl, I have the answer to this. I recently emailed you and told you I’d let you know, but this was EVERYONE with this problem can fix it in no time at all.
All you have to do is THIS:
click START….then click RUN…then type (or cut and paste this)
firefox.exe -silent -setDefaultBrowser

there ya go. Send yourself a test…mine worked immediately.
Oh, I learned this from a Y! Messenger online chat customer service agent, Jordan. He was great!

Helen asks…

why is firefox all of a sudden really laggy?

I’ve been using firefox for many years now, and hasn’t encountered any major problems. However, recently firefox has become extreme laggy.
I deleted the cache and temporary internet files but it still doesn’t work.
How can this be fixed?

Michelle answers:

Have you tried alternate browsers to see if they’re suffering a similar problem? Is windows updating? Any other programs updating?

The uninstall/reinstall browser option usually works. Just back up your bookmarks.

Also, firefox suffers a memory management issue, if you don’t exit firefox after a while it will consume your RAM.

Of course, your swap space is probably around twice the size of your RAM so I doubt that would cause too much of a problem.

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