Your Questions About Fox News

Nancy asks…

Why do Fox News programs have many more liberal guests than MSNBC has conservative guests?

Since returning to the U.S. I’ve heard many complaints about Fox News being biased in its reporting. Yet, I have found that on a program like The O’Reilly Factor I can listen to analysis from all sorts of liberal and Democrat commentators but that similar programs on MSNBC seem to be far more stacked to give an exclusively liberal point-of-view. Is this why Fox News has so much higher ratings? Is this why MSNBC has such pitiful ratings?

Michelle answers:

MSNBC does not pretend it does not have a liberal bias. Fox pretends it is fair and balanced with no bias whatsoever.

I agree that Olbermann only has liberal commentators. Maddow and Schultz both have conservatives, at least those who agree to come on the show. (They make it clear whom they have invited and been turned down by.)

But let’s just use the Factor (O’Reilly). He said, “I make sure, personally make sure, that throughout the week we have equal representation of conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican.” In September, he had 152 Republicans and 32 Democrats. His daily average runs about 7 Republicans vs, 1.5 Democrats per show. So while he has them on, it is hardly “balanced.”

And why are their ratings high? Because they are the main mouthpiece for the right, the only station that consistently gives the Republican talking points. Plus, Democrats tend to get their news from a variety of sources, to actually hear different points of view.

And as people tend to point out, American Idol is the top-rated show in the country. Does that make it the best show in the country?

David asks…

Why is CNN going down in ratings and FOX News going up?

Time and time again, CNN ratings have fallen, while Fox News has risen. Is it a lack of consistancy? Boring shows? I hate Fox News. I wish that station would suffer a terrorist attack , but I’m not surprised by their ratings. The sensationalism, consistent right-wing propoganda and the use of sex appeal, is working.

Michelle answers:

Because the sheep that watch it don’t realize that it’s not news, just entertainment. And people like to be entertained. Not all of Fox News appreciates the way the network is run. Shepherd Smith is a very good news man. It’s a shame he’s on that network.

Joseph asks…

Who else was appalled at Fox News for making a tradegy political yesterday evening?

There was a bus crash that killed 4 students in MN yesterday. The Governor of MN was on Fox News to talk about the tragedy, and the news anchor trying to put in a plug for John McCain, and asked Pawlenty about being his running mate. Pawlenty was appalled, and quite forcefully pointed out this was not the time or the place to make a political plug. Who else was appalled at this shameless plug at the expense of dead children? I know i am, and i am voting for Mccain.

Michelle answers:

This was a disgusting act by a lowlife journalist. I don’t think the affiliate should be held accountable about the words that came out of one reporter’s mouth though.

This stuff happens all the time. Remember the Democratic presidential candidates jumping all over the bridge collapse as a political issue while the search & rescue teams were still in the water?

Kill_yr_television. Apparently you didn’t see the link on CNN to “See the bloody covered bodies” of the recent school shooting at NIU. They had to take this off the website because of complaints.

News in general is all about how bad things are. While I agree that this reporter is a heartless idiot, holding Fox News accountable is like holding the NFL responsible for Michael Vick.

Chris asks…

Why does FOX news say we should be careful not to criticize BP , yet criticize Obama every night?

I watched FOX news after the oil spill and I kept hearing people say we need to be careful not to criticize BP . Yet Obamas only been president for 2+ years and he’s dogged every night on FOX, Is this not a man were supposed to respect and support . I can’t understand how right wing loons can get away with bashing the commander in chief (every night) and yet BP should be exonerated . I think it has something to do with stocks ? What say you ?

Michelle answers:

Mike, you are a moron.
When republicans were in office, left wing media attacked them constantly. When democrats are in office, the right wing media will attack them constantly. That’s just the way the world operates.
The political right is known for a big supporter of business. They will therefore not be so rough on big companies like BP. It’s not like they completely relieved bp of all blame, they are just not as harsh as other news stations.
Consider all the left wing news sources, and how they attacked george w bush relentlessly. Since you yanks hold your constitution so near and dear, the news stations can “get away with” almost anything they want.
Although i do not agree with everything the “right wing loons” say, your hippie goggles have made you blind to how whacked out the left really is.

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