Steven asks…
How do I chop food fast and fine?
How do I chop stuff really fast and very fine (like they do on Food Network). My main problems are in very small things like garlic or even onion (not small but I can’t chop onions fast o_O). I also have trouble with sloppy things like tomatoes. But overall I just want to cut all food fast and fine.
So if anyone knows any tips or anything that could help me please post it. Thanks.
Michelle answers:
For garlic use a small cheese grader.
For an onion take a big sharp knife cut into strips and take the knife over it in a rocking motion and keep doing it.
As for a tomato take a seraded blade like a steak knife and cut it don’t just push down on the knife use a sawing motion.
Ruth asks…
What happens with the money earned each week on Great Food Truck Race?
The trucks take in thousands of dollars each week, per truck. Do the trucks get to keep the money they earned each week? If not, it seems to me that Food Network is getting the trucks themselves to earn most of the prize money during the course of the competition.
Michelle answers:
Michael asks…
Any ideas how to get tickets to see Emeril Live?
I’ve been to the Food Network Channel website & the only thing I can ever find are contests to win tickets-and of course I never win! My 8 year old son loves his show & really wants to go!
Michelle answers:
I think the only was is to win them, but you could probably buy some on like ebay, or craig’s list. I’d e-mail the food network and see if they ever announce a time to purchase tickets versus just winning. I know sometimes they have shows where he cooks for kids as well, so maybe mention it is your young son who is interested in going, and they’ll give you some info.
Lisa asks…
When I watch the food channel I smell the food cooking?
Sometimes when I watch tv like the food network and they’re cooking sometimes I get a whiff of the food. Once I was watching Rachel ray’s show and she was cooking something and said “I wish there was smell-o-vision” and I suddenly got a whiff of the food she was cooking. Why does this happen to me? Also if I think about about something I smell it like it’s there with me. Why does this happen?
Michelle answers:
It is NOT your imagination because as far as your brain is concerned (not your nose) you are smelling what you see. The sense of smell is strong. In some people it is amazingly strong. In the brain, your smell memories are hard wired to the memories of what you saw when you experienced that smell. Any guy can tell you that whenever he smells a certain perfume, he can clearly visualize the girl that used that perfume. It also works in reverse. Your visual memories of those foods are hard wired to the related smells. So your brain ‘”smells” the food you are looking at. If you concentrate a little bit, you can also remember where that was, when and who was with you.
And why is this true? Well the professionals will give you a windbag explanation. All that explanation amounts to is (1) we are just like animals, (2) sight and smell are hardwired together so we find food and (3) we eat and survive.
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